Chapter 154
Prince Qi and the others were secretly angry, knowing that Chu Bei would not be able to go to court today, they could take this opportunity to put pressure on the empress, and even the public opinion outside had gained momentum.

But now, Chu Bei quietly appeared in the Golden Luan Hall, and no one could figure out what he wanted to do. The only thing that could be understood was that he was on the side of the empress.

Now that things are up to now, the lines that have been said in secret, now I dare not skip a single line.

He was suffocating in his stomach.

The atmosphere in the hall was a bit weird, low pressure, sultry temperature, but the ministers only felt a chill down their backs.


After listening to the report from the Ministry of Industry, and seeing that the Empress was still frowning but not showing signs of displeasure, Mr. Qin was beating his heart out. The Emperor's thoughts were a little hard to fathom!
The ice on the main hall melted so fast that it was difficult to resist the heat.

Mu Wan glanced at the melting ice in the ice furnace, her heart was heavy, if it was like this inside the hall, it must be hotter outside, and the weather in the past two days has been particularly hot.

She glanced at the minister below, took out a hundred bone fan, fanned herself up, and said, "It's so hot, don't you think?"

"Qin Tianjian, what's the temperature these days? Is there any sign of rain?"

Lord Qin Tianjian was a little confused by the question, but he still stepped forward to reply, "Returning to the emperor, the temperature has indeed been a little high recently, but how much... I... I am incompetent, I really can't measure it."

Mu Wan wiped off her sweat, looked up and looked out, the sun was scorching in the sky this morning, the water droplets on the ground evaporated in the blink of an eye, and the temperature was more than [-] degrees at least.

"Come here, prepare hot water, decoction, and cooling ice at the gate of the city, and send the imperial physician to sit here."

Qingli's dignified voice resounded in the hall.

Upon hearing this, someone immediately followed the instructions to do things.

Then Mu Wan returned to the dragon chair.

"Reporting to the emperor, there is no way to relieve the heat and cool down. The key is the rain from the Heavenly Palace." A minister said.

Mu Wan sat down and fanned her fan, and glanced at the minister, "Isn't this nonsense, if it doesn't rain in the Heavenly Palace, how can people control it? I'm not the Dragon Lord either! Ai Qing just speak up if you have something to say, don't talk about those who have No nonsense."

The minister changed his face and shrank back.

Then an elderly minister who claimed to be the minister of the humerus of the imperial court stepped forward, speaking old-fashioned, with a loud voice, "The emperor is the son of heaven, and he should serve the people of the world to make uniforms and share worries. As ministers, ministers should solve problems for the emperor... "

"Okay, okay, Uncle Lin'an, I understand the reasoning. Isn't it just offering sacrifices to the heavens and praying for rain? Tomorrow, I will let the Ministry of Rites make arrangements. I will go up to the stage to pray for rain." The Laozi of the basket has a lot of truth.

If it can solve the problem, it doesn't matter to listen to him, the key is that it can't solve Mao's problem.

After talking so much, she was asked to step up to the high platform, bow three times and kowtow nine times, kneel down to heaven and earth, offer sacrifices to heaven and pray for rain, a bunch of nonsense, she didn't even bother to listen.


But at this moment, an oppressive cold voice suddenly resounded through the hall.

Everyone was silent, looking at the man standing in the first row.

The eyes of those old foxes who had been silent all this time could not help but fall on Chu Bei.

Mu Wan looked at him, her eyes were slightly cold, and she asked, "King Chu, what advice do you have?"

He really didn't feel at ease...

But what happened next surprised Mu Wan.

"I would like to report to the emperor that the sacrifice ceremony is too heavy. The temperature outside is hot and the sun is scorching. After the emperor's serious illness, his body is weak and he may not be able to bear it. Therefore, I think the emperor thinks twice about offering sacrifices to the heavens and praying for rain, and delay it for a few days before doing it." It's not too late." Chu Bei said in a clear and cold voice with a tall and straight figure.

Mu Wan paused, thinking that she was still on her menstrual period, it was indeed inconvenient, and she might not be able to bear it just by walking up to the high platform.

 Ask for collection, ask for Doudou, ask for recommendation...


(End of this chapter)

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