Chapter 167

Xiao Lizi nodded and backed out to find someone to customize the box, while Mu Wan sat at the desk and flipped through the obscure, stinky and long brochures depressedly.

After reading a few impeachment memorials presented by the censor, his eyes flashed, and he circled symbols on them, waiting for the next day to go to court and question them one by one. The end of the month is approaching, and it’s time to pay the court salaries. It’s time to punish some ministers Salary, lighten the burden on the treasury.

She raised her red lips slightly, carefully memorizing the names of those ministers, how much their salaries were, and how many years they should be fined... Calculated, the treasury can save a lot of expenses, um, um... not bad.

At this moment, Xiao Anzi came in, "Report to the Emperor."

Mu Wan leaned on the chair, with her head slightly drooping, holding a howling pen in her hand, quietly and elegantly, drawing circles on a notebook, and said lazily, "Say it!"

"Your Majesty, the eldest princess and Princess Nanliang have entered the palace, and they said they are going to visit the empress in the harem." Xiao Anzi said a little nervously.

Mu Wan paused her hands, raised her long eyelashes, and said, "Did the eldest princess and the ninth princess of Nanliang go to the Suzaku Palace?"

Xiao Anzi nodded, not understanding what the emperor's excited gaze was about, shouldn't it be anger?
The ninth princess of Nanliang has always coveted the queen, but the eldest princess brought her into the palace and went straight to the Suzaku Palace in the harem, obviously out of uneasiness and good intentions.

With the emperor's temperament, he should rush into the harem to fight with those two women, right?

But with Mu Wan's sharp eyes and an expression of waiting to see the big show, she really couldn't see any displeasure.

Xiao Anzi was worried at first, but now it doesn't seem necessary, maybe the emperor really doesn't care about the empress as much as before!

He planned to withdraw and not disturb her reviewing the memorial.

But at this moment, Mu Wan called him back, "Prepare the dragon for me to drive to the Suzaku Palace."

"Your Majesty, are you going to the harem?" Xiao Anzi's eyes widened because he was too shocked. You know, since the Empress woke up from a serious illness, she has only been to the harem once. After quite a shock, he never stepped into the harem.

Now she says, "Show the Suzaku Palace".

Looking at the excited eyes, Xiao Anzi couldn't help thinking, the emperor must be watching the excitement! !

"What are you waiting for, hurry up!" Mu Wan urged.

If she hadn't hurt her leg, she would have run out long ago.

"I'll do it now, slave." Xiao Anzi hurriedly came back to his senses and ran out of the imperial study room.

But when she was about to reach the gate of the harem when she was on top of the dragon, she suddenly yelled to stop, asked someone to carry the dragon back, and ordered a guard with good lightness skills to take her to the century-old tree in front of the harem. superior.

Standing on the top of the tree, you can see the Suzaku Palace at a glance, and you can see it very clearly.

At this time, it was the scene of two women being beaten out.

The two women were dressed in luxurious dresses, and they were extremely beautiful today, but they were thrown out of the Suzaku Palace, with their feet in the air, and the image of the noble princess collapsed in an instant.

Mu Wan supported the big tree, almost bursting into laughter. If she had a camera, she would definitely record this classic scene. When she was in a bad mood, she could take it out and show it in the sun.

The guards stood beside him, watching carefully, for fear that the Empress might miss something.

After a while, another guard leaped up, holding a plate of freshly baked roast duck in his hand.

"Your Majesty, the roast duck is here."

The guard stood in front of the treetop, tried it with a silver needle before handing it to her.

"Hmm... well done, come back and get the reward!"

Mu Wan tore off the duck's wings casually, with a smile on her face, watching the excitement while eating.

Guard: "...."

 Five shifts for several days in a row, and the saved manuscripts are gone.

  Start saving again.

  thanks for your support!
  I hope I can collect it, vote for a recommendation, and anyone who has red beans votes for "Zhen"! -()

(End of this chapter)

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