The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 169 The queen wants to invite me into the harem?

Chapter 169 The queen wants to invite me into the harem?
"Don't move, believe it or not, this king threw you here alone overnight?!" Chu Bei said with dark eyes.

Mu Wan's distressed eyes followed the duck.

She just struggled emotionally, and was warned viciously by the man.

Then he was so frightened that he shut up immediately, and held onto his robe tightly for a moment without moving.

He was not worried about being thrown on a tree overnight, but he was afraid that he would throw her down in a moment of anger.

Suddenly becoming so cute and quiet... I'm really afraid of death!
Chu Bei: "...."

"I know I'm wrong, please send me down, Queen."

When she's safe, it's easy to talk about anything.


Chu Bei was so angry that he didn't want to talk, he just hugged the person two or three times before falling to the ground.

With her feet on the ground, Mu Wan put her heart back into her stomach.

If you are so afraid of death, why do you have to climb so high?

Chu Bei pressed his twitching veins, and was so angry that he wanted to turn around and leave.

But the one who wanted to leave immediately was Mu Wan.

She asked someone to pick up the roast duck, and then she tiptoed and prepared to leave.

Seeing her limping, Chu Bei couldn't bear to look directly at her, and said coldly, "Stop!"

"You don't need to say more, the queen, I'm going back to review the memorial now." Mu Wan froze, holding the hem of her skirt in her hand, without turning her head, with a tone of introspection.

"Since the emperor is here, don't you want to sit in the harem?" The cold voice of the man behind him sounded faintly.

As soon as these words came out, Mu Wan raised her eyebrows, looked back at the man, and said with a funny smile, "The empress wants to invite me into the harem?"

"The gate of the harem is open at any time, when was the emperor forbidden to enter?" Chu Bei laughed.

Holding her skirt, Mu Wan was helped back, looked at the man, stroked her chin and said, "What does the empress mean, that I can enter the harem at any time, and spend the night in the bedroom of my favorite concubine?"

There is no mention of a flop here, and if possible, she would like to invent this one.

Chu Bei's eyes sank, he looked at her, and a smile curled up on his lips, "Whose palace does the emperor want to sleep in?"

Mu Wan approached, looked left, right, up and down, and seeing that he was not angry, she said, "I want to ask, which palace does Yumei live in? Are you still in Qingyou Pavilion? I want to go to Qingyou Pavilion to visit Yumei right now. How does the queen feel?"

"Do you want to stay in Qingyou Pavilion?" Chu Bei's face was instantly gloomy.

Suddenly feeling a hint of murderous intent, Mu Wan backed away in fright, narrowing her sharp eyes slightly, with a frightened look on her face, "I know that the queen and other concubines don't like me, and they don't want to serve me, I don't want to sleep with you." It's difficult for a strong man, Yumei, she seems to like me very much. Last time I left Yuhuayuan, I haven't seen him for a long time. I heard that Yumei can talk, sing and dance, is proficient in rhythm, and can play chess. Such a beauty, I I like it very much, I wonder if the Queen can be more accommodating..."

Speaking of looking at the displeased man, Mu Wan smiled secretly and coughed lightly, "Of course, if the queen is unhappy, then forget it, and I won't enter the harem."

Mu Wan stepped back, looked regretfully at the harem, and turned to leave. It's a pity that so many beautiful men can't enjoy it.

"Since the emperor likes it, let the jade beauty go to the Vermilion Bird Hall to play the piano and sing for the emperor." Chu Bei suddenly smiled, and then put on a gesture of invitation, "Please, the emperor."

Mu Wan: "...."

"Is the queen not angry?"

She was deliberately embarrassing him.

Who is going to his fox den?

Even if you want to listen to the beauty playing the piano and singing, you should go to her Xuanwu Hall to be safe.

Chu Bei looked at him with a smile, and he couldn't see his anger at all, "Why is this king angry? The people in the harem are supposed to serve the emperor."

Speaking of which, the little eunuch immediately went to Qingyou Pavilion to spread the word.

After a while, Yu Meiren was waiting at the Suzaku Palace.

This time, Mu Wan couldn't get off the tiger, and had no choice but to step into the vicious fox's den.

Standing at the gate of the Vermilion Bird Palace, Yumei's eyes lit up when she saw the Empress, "I have seen the Emperor."

Mu Wan looked at him, it was still the same peach-colored brocade dress she wore when they met in the Imperial Garden last time, the peach blossoms on the sleeves were bright and beautiful, just like his bright smile.

(End of this chapter)

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