Chapter 183 Long Live the Empress
"Then you want Zhen to stay in the Suzaku Palace to show the Queen Mother and the others?"


"The Empress Dowager and the others have always wanted to make peace between you and me, so they made trouble and provoked it. If the Empress Dowager has a harmonious relationship, the situation in the court can also be reversed..."


Mu Wan's neck was red from embarrassment, and her oolong got worse. It turned out that her good feelings for herself were all illusions and misunderstandings.

Also, think about how a man like Chu Bei could fall in love with her, and he is not the original hero and heroine in the novel.

Mu Wan felt ashamed and covered her face, and wanted to get into the hole immediately...

It was not until nightfall that he returned to the palace.

The heavy rain has not stopped, but the cheers of the people on the streets of the capital.

Seeing the Empress' carriage entering the city, common people stood on both sides of the street. They knelt down and kowtowed to the Empress, thanking the Empress for the blessings she had brought to the people all over the world.

The scene of the golden dragon phantom flying down on the empress was seen by many common people who went to watch.

Once passed on to ten, ten to a hundred, the entire capital knew that the female emperor was the true son of heaven, the lucky star of the kingdom.

From then on, he completely changed his view of the empress, no longer called her a foolish emperor, and everyone praised her as a blessed emperor.

"Long live the empress, long live, long live!"

Shouted all the way from the gate of the city to the gate of the imperial city.

When Mu Wan heard the voice, she looked outside for a moment, and put those embarrassing things behind her for the time being. She was in an unprecedentedly good mood, and now she began to enjoy the admiration of thousands of people.

This feeling is quite refreshing, no wonder those emperors in ancient times liked to be praised by others.

"Come on, pass on the order to let the people go home and rest. I know what the people want. Let everyone take care of themselves and don't catch a cold." Mu Wan said with a smile.

One more thing, love the people like a child, who will dare to say that she is a tyrant in the future.

She didn't even think that such a routine would go so smoothly. She could only say that she was really lucky.

Someone spread the word, and the common people dispersed, went home to have a good rest and prepared to work in the fields tomorrow. This drought was finally over.

When Mu Wan returned to Xuanwu Hall, Nanny Tan and the others prepared hot water and ginger tea, and asked her to drink ginger tea before changing clothes and taking a bath.

After taking off the dragon robe and soaking in the bathtub, it didn't take long for someone to spoil the fun.

"Your Majesty, Prince Qi knelt outside the Xuanwu Hall and refused to leave."

Mu Wan's eyes darkened slightly, who is he showing this to!
"Didn't Fu Si go to Lingwang's mansion already? Why is he kneeling in the Xuanwu Hall?"

The little maid said, "Go back to the emperor. I heard that Miracle Doctor Fu went to King Ling's mansion and came back shortly after. Miracle Doctor Fu said that he couldn't make King Ling grow another leg, so King Ling lost his temper and insulted Fu. A genius doctor, say he is a quack doctor..."

With Fu Si's temper, he definitely couldn't stand this kind of birdishness, and it was reasonable for him to be pissed off.

"Then please ask Prince Qi to enter the palace and wait." Mu Wan said with cold eyes, holding a delicate flower in her hand and plucking the petals one by one with her slender fingers.

The little palace maid hesitated for a while, and then said, "Back to the emperor, Madam Tan has already invited Prince Qi into the palace, but he refused to get up, saying that he would not be able to kneel until he sees the emperor."


"I just took a bath, is he annoying!" Mu Wan frowned, eyes full of displeasure.

The little maid hurriedly knelt down, "The emperor calms down."

"This has nothing to do with you, get up and change my clothes."


Outside the Xuanwu Hall, Prince Qi was kneeling in the heavy rain, with a straight body, a stern face, his lips were a little white, and his body was covered in rain. He didn't feel embarrassed, but instead made people feel like a handsome man in the rain.

Dark rainy night, lonely and terrible.

His gloomy and cold eyes blended into the rainy night and could not be annihilated.

The icy rain slapped his whole body, chilling to the bone.

"My lord, the emperor invites you into the palace."


Mu Wan put on her clothes, walked around the screen, walked to the front of Luo Hantao and sat down.

Looking up at Prince Qi, he was dressed in black clothes, drenched all over, staring at Mu Wan with scarlet eyes, angry, unwilling, and murderous aura surged out in an instant, but he had to hold back, clenched his fists, and knelt down, "Mr. Kowtow to the emperor!"

"Brother Wang, please get up, drink a cup of hot tea to warm up your body first. I am also very heartbroken about the matter of Brother Four Wang. Fu Si has also been to King Ling. You should go to King Ling's mansion to persuade him and accept the reality. It's okay to come here and kneel down." Mu Wan looked at him and said.

Prince Qi knelt and did not move, "I know that King Ling was in a low mood and couldn't accept the reality of a broken leg, so he insulted Master Fu. Now that he has left Prince Ling's mansion, Master Fu is arrogant and can't bear insults, and I can't keep him." That's why he came here to ask the emperor to order Miss Zhou to treat King Ling's wounds."

(End of this chapter)

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