The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 189 Su Ran Enters the Palace

Chapter 189 Su Ran Enters the Palace
Speaking of this, the Queen Mother also had a headache. She looked at Prince Qi, "Speaking of which, none of you have married a concubine yet. Who are you looking for now? The Ai family also wants to drink daughter-in-law tea."

"The queen mother is in charge."

"No news from Nanliang?"

Prince Qi's eyes flickered slightly, and he had secretly contacted the Nanliang Regent before, intending to marry the Ninth Princess of Nanliang, thus gaining Nanliang's powerful help.

Unfortunately, it was blocked by Chu Beizhong.

The same is true of King Ling's marriage. It was well planned, but it was messed up. Thinking about how hateful those people in Chubei are, even if they were hacked into pieces, it would not be enough to eliminate the hatred in their hearts.

Concubine Xu looked at them and said with a smile, "I heard that the Ninth Princess of Nanliang and the Eldest Princess were injured, should the prince pay his respects to the Ninth Princess of Nanliang?"

After she said why, the Empress Dowager and the others brightened their eyes, and said with a quick smile, "It's still the concubine who is thoughtful."

After visiting the eldest princess, Prince Qi left the harem in a hurry. When he went back, he prepared a generous gift and went to the palace to greet the ninth princess of Nanliang.


Concubine Xu stayed in the Yonghe Palace and had a conversation with the Queen Mother, talking about the eldest princess choosing a son-in-law and the princes marrying the princess.

At this time, the palace servants came in and reported, "Queen Mother, the young master of the Su family in Suzhou has entered the palace."

"The eldest son of the Su family, the elder brother of Concubine Su Gui?"

Hearing this, Concubine Xu asked more.

The maid nodded, "Exactly, the eldest son of the Su family."

Concubine Xu and the Empress Dowager looked at each other, and the light flashed quickly, "Where has he gone now?"

"Back to the Empress Dowager, he has already arrived at the Suzaku Hall."

The Su family in Suzhou is the number one royal merchant in the kingdom, with business all over the country, and even the other three major countries have business contacts.

It can be described as rich as an enemy.

"Empress Dowager, Mr. Su is a talented person, personable, extraordinary bearing... It seems that he is quite suitable for the eldest princess." Concubine Xu looked at the queen mother with a gleam in her eyes and said with a smile.

The queen mother nodded slightly, "I will bring you to the Ai family later."


At this time, Su Ran was heading to the Suzaku Palace in the harem. For some reason, he suddenly felt a chilly wind behind him, which made people shiver and feel very uncomfortable.

The servant who followed saw it, and asked worriedly, "Young master, do you feel cold?"

It had just rained heavily and the weather was much cooler.

Su Ran was wearing a thin Molan gown, which was still made of ice silk. It was cool and cool to wear, and the servant was afraid that he would catch a cold.

"No... let's go." Su Ran held the Xuanyu fan in her hand, her long eyebrows were slightly frowned, the feeling was indescribable, in short, it was disturbing, and there were many things that could not be said casually here in the imperial palace.

The servant glanced at the little eunuch leading the way in front of him, and nodded, "I understand."

The palace seems to be prosperous, noble and elegant, but it is also a place that cannibalize people without spit out their bones. Be careful, it is always right to be cautious.

When they arrived at Zhuque Palace, Su Ran was relieved when he saw Chu Bei and the others, "Caomin has seen the prince, the son, the county prince, the eldest son..."

"You are enough, you are a grassroots. We have known each other for so long, but you have never seen you know the rules so well. Why do you ask us for something?" Xia Houjin stepped forward and hooked his shoulders, and pulled him into the hall. There was no need between them Follow these rules.

Su Ran glanced at the little eunuch leading the way, there are outsiders here, can he not be cautious?
"My own person, leave him alone." Xiao Ci waved his hand to let the little eunuch back down.

Su Ran looked at the Suzaku Palace, and was really blinded. His family was so rich that he had never seen such a luxurious house. He used to frequent the Chu Palace. The courtyard and study in Chubei are monotonous and simple. , Simple, how can there be such golden things?
Could it be that they changed their hobbies after entering the palace?

Seeing his stunned gaze, Situ Mo hurriedly smiled and said, "We didn't make it, it was the emperor...he insisted on decorating it like this."

What did you say to give Chu Bei the best things in the world and let him live in the most luxurious palace.

They can't stop it.

In the end, let her torment.

For this reason, they ran back home and lived for a while, and it became like this when they came back. The sleeping halls of the few of them are so luxurious and luxurious. It took the entire treasury to build this thing. It would be a pity if it was demolished. Just stay here.

Not to mention, it's quite comfortable to live in, especially the luxurious bath hall bath, which is very good.

(End of this chapter)

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