Chapter 191

Fei Lian lowered his eyes slightly, "Going back to the emperor, it was at night, and my subordinate was seriously injured, so I didn't know it well, when I woke up, I only saw Zhui Ying, who he only said was the third son Chu's secret guard. "

"That means you haven't seen Chu Yan yet?" Mu Wan nodded slightly, resting his hand on the county's chin thoughtfully, and it was impossible for the hidden guard Fei Lian beside the queen to know all of them.


Fei Lian had never met Chu Yan, so he didn't know whether Chu Yan was actually Chu Bei in disguise.

Why don't you just go to Chu Palace and ask for a picture?

But portraits can also be faked, which is not advisable.

Fei Lian looked at her, his heart beating violently, he was not good at lying, but he didn't want to owe the queen any favors, he hoped the master could figure it out by himself.

"You go down first, let me think about it."


A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and one night, Mu Wan took action.

After dismissing Nanny Tan and the others, she changed into a night traveler, and quietly called Fei Lian, "I want to visit the Suzaku Palace at night, check it out, and you go with me."

"Your Majesty, the Suzaku Palace is heavily guarded. There are guards in the open and in the dark. I'm afraid we will be caught before we reach the gate." Fei Lian's head was full of black lines.

It's not impossible to visit the Suzaku Palace at night, but she has just recovered her martial arts, even if she can sneak into the Suzaku Palace to peek at the real face of the queen, she can't beat the queen at all, can she retreat unscathed?
Fei Lian was very worried about this and was in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do. Mu Wan wouldn't listen to what she said, she said she was determined.

"Don't worry, I have already prepared a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and I will guarantee that no one will stop us. Oh, by the way, did that chasing shadow tie him up?" Mu Wan covered her face with a black cloth, rather Said with confidence.

She pondered for several days before coming up with a solution. With all the preparations, plus the Blood Shadow Guard and Flying Scythe, there was no reason why she couldn't catch the fox's tail this time.

Fei Lian nodded, "Caught it."

He knocked Zhuiying unconscious and locked him in the firewood room.

It seems that he can only repay the empress's life-saving grace here. I hope that the emperor will not order the blood shadow to wash the Suzaku hall with blood.


Mu Wan nodded, picked up a bag, and quickly leaped onto the beam, followed by Fei Lian. She was a little curious about what was in the bag, but he was not allowed to touch it? !
In the dark, there were several black shadows flashing swiftly in front of them to the Suzaku Palace.

Fei Lian followed Mu Wan, secretly surprised, the emperor's lightness kung fu was really good, and after recovering, he didn't even lose to him.

Recently, she has been practicing martial arts day and night, leaving half of the affairs of the state, isn't it just for this day? !
Flying sickle: "...."

Mu Wan didn't know what he was thinking, she only wanted to catch Chu Huhu as soon as possible, gritted her teeth, and looked at the night sky sharply. If her previous guess was true, she would never let him go lightly.

Her lightness kungfu is really good, she stepped on the rubble like a dragonfly on the water, light as water, and flew all the way to the harem, hiding on the big tree in front of the Suzaku hall to observe the surrounding situation, at this moment the blood shadow guards have already taken all the hidden guards Attracted away.

The blood shadow guard cleverly exposed his identity, and then went straight to the Xuanwu Hall. The dark guards were worried that the emperor would be assassinated, so they didn't dare to delay, and rushed out without saying a word.

All the hidden guards of the important guards of Suzaku Palace were gone, only a few ordinary guards were left patrolling and inspecting.

Mu Wan and Fei Lian sneaked into the Suzaku Palace easily.

There was no one in the main hall, suddenly a young eunuch passed by, and the two hurriedly jumped onto the beam to hide.

Two little eunuchs are carrying buckets of water. Could it be that the Chu fox is taking a bath?
Mu Wan's eyes flashed, and she signaled Fei Lian to knock the little eunuch unconscious and take him in.

The two quickly changed into eunuch uniforms, and as soon as they walked outside, Dexi ran over, "You two are dawdling, why don't you hurry up and send the water!!"

They quickly lowered their heads, and hurriedly followed to the bathing hall with two buckets of hot water.

When we got to the gate, Dexi didn't go in. The hidden guards didn't know where they went today, so they had to let two young eunuchs send them in.

(End of this chapter)

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