Chapter 202 Deceit, Chilling

The last thing Mu Wan saw was Chu Bei's sly smiling eyes. Her complexion changed in vain. Facing Qingxue, she grasped the quilt tightly with her hands and said coldly, "Who was serving in the palace last night... my clothes who replaced it."

Qingxue lowered her eyes and said respectfully, "'Back to the emperor, the empress has been taking care of the emperor in the palace last night. Your clothes were changed by the empress instructing Bi Yue and Nanny Tan this morning."

Mu Wan breathed a sigh of relief, but then a gloomy look appeared on her face, "Morning? The queen stayed at Xuanwu Hall last night, and didn't leave until this morning?"

"Back to the emperor, yes..."

Qingxue and Qingge looked at each other, they didn't think there was anything wrong with this, the empress is a husband and wife relationship, the emperor is not feeling well, so why is it wrong for the master to stay in the Xuanwu Palace to serve the sick?

Although they were all shocked, they had no right to interfere with what the master was going to do.

What's more, they felt that it was only natural for the master to sleep with the emperor.

Isn't this what the emperor has been looking forward to?
Why don't you see any joy in the emperor?
The two maids were puzzled, they could only say that the empress was not an ordinary woman...

Mu Wan was not only not happy at all, but was furious.

She looked at the two of them with a cold voice, "Go out, I don't need you to serve me in the future."

Hearing that Qingxue and Qingge's faces froze, they knelt down, "Your Majesty, calm down."

The emperor not only drove them away, but also didn't let Nanny Tan and the others come in, it was terrible.

What was annoyed in Mu Wan's heart was that she thought she was very kind to this Xuanwu Palace, treated each other with sincerity, did not treat them as slaves, and really wanted to be friends and family members.

Even for Chuhuhu's people, she intended to win them over, but never treated them harshly.

But they do.

One by one, they colluded with others to deceive her.

Knowing the true identity of "Chu Yan", he didn't tell her, leaving her in the dark and being played and applauded by Chu Bei.

Forget about Qing Ge, Qing Xue, Xiao An Zi, Momo Hui and others, after all, they knew who they were loyal to from the very beginning.

Xiao Lizi, Nanny Tan, Bi Yue, and even Fei Lian, she always thought that they were loyal to her and were truly her own.

Unexpectedly, they were also people who betrayed the Lord.

Mu Wan was not only angry, but also very sad, her eyes were red, and she didn't want to see anyone.

Even Nanny Tan and Fei Lian lied to her, asking who else in this world could she trust?

And Lu Xiaoqi, did they already know about it? !

Qingge and the two looked at the Empress with pale faces, and then quietly withdrew.

Outside the hall, Madam Tan and the others knelt in front of the main hall. Since kneeling last night until now, they haven't slept all night, and haven't had a drop of water in them.

Seeing that the two were kicked out at this meeting, and Mu Wan didn't tell them to go in, Nanny Tan's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and it was hard to accept that the master might drive her out of the palace again.

Qingxue and Qingge also knelt silently.

This matter is indeed that they have gone too far, and they should not have helped the king of Chu to deceive the emperor.

Little Anzi and the others had red eyes and were flustered. Ever since they came to the Xuanwu Palace to spend time with the empress, they were happy every day, without the tension, oppression, and fear of serving other young masters in the past.

Unknowingly, they also liked the empress more.

Now that the identity of "Chu Yan" is exposed, the emperor will definitely drive them away after knowing everything.

Nanny Tan shed tears silently, feeling very regretful, uncomfortable, and guilty. She made her master sad, and now she would have no face to face Concubine Ning even if she died.

A group of people felt uncomfortable, but they didn't dare to cry out, let alone beg for mercy.

Mu Wan didn't know about this in the palace, she just hid under the blanket and didn't want to see anyone, letting herself heal slowly.

She remembered a saying that people are often the most irrational when they are angry.

She was afraid that if she couldn't control herself for a while, she would say "drag it out and chop it up".

A word of anger is worth dozens of lives. Although their actions are hateful, they are not guilty of death. They are also forced...involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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