Chapter 204

"The hot pot restaurant is opening today, the emperor will make some preparations first, and he will leave the palace later."

Mu Wan raised the corners of her eyes and looked at him with a flattering smile.

To be honest, she suddenly felt very good at this meeting.

After careful calculation, after this incident, these concubines can be regarded as having a handle in her hands.

Liang and the others would not dare to unite to bully her again.

It's still a good deal.

If he wants to prove it, then she will have a lot of opportunities to fix him in the future.

Mu Wan's face softened, and her tone became much more normal, "Are you all leaving the palace?"

We are talking about Situ Mo and the others here. They all have a share in the rectification and cannot escape.

"If the emperor likes it, let them be your guards, servants, grooms, no problem."

Mu Wan was stunned, so immoral?

Chu Bei's expression changed slightly, and he said, "That's right, I hope the emperor will calm down, so don't tell father and the others about this."

It turned out that he was afraid that she would sue.

Feelings are still afraid of my father.

"Okay, I can be merciful and help you out, but tonight I will be my servant to accompany me out of the palace, who will cover in the palace?" Mu Wan laughed.

"This matter has already been arranged by the king, the emperor does not need to worry about it."

"The queen is doing business, I don't worry, in that case, I will read the memorial first."

"It's good for the king to read the memorial, and the emperor will eat first."

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows, her smile became brighter, "The queen is still thoughtful."

He still didn't forget to intercede for others, after all, he was implicated, "Then Nanny Tan and the others..."

Mu Wan twitched her lips, "Punish the salary for three months."

Now that she is in a better mood, she will naturally not be angry with Nanny Tan and the others again, after all, they are also implicated.

After hearing this outside, the group of people breathed a sigh of relief.


In the harem, Situ Mo and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that it was only a salary penalty.

The dark guard also sent several sets of servant uniforms.

Knowing that the empress was angry, half of it was because Chu Bei agreed to let them be servants, bodyguards, and even grooms for the empress.

Several people were all angry.

But they seem to have no room to refuse, this is the worst punishment.

When Mu Wan got up, washed and dressed, Chu Bei also explained that the arrangements were completed.

Then Situ Mo and the others changed their clothes and waited at the gate of the palace.

What Mu Wan didn't expect was that Chu Bei would take her out of the palace in a horse-drawn carriage.

It's too free. In all dynasties, there has never been a concubine as happy as them.

You can leave the palace at any time, with absolute freedom and power.

Think about her, as an empress, she has to climb over the wall to get out.

Sitting in the carriage, Mu Wan changed her appearance into Su Ran's appearance. When she looked outside, they were all dressed as servants, but they all changed their appearance.

Probably out of fear of losing face.

Seeing Xia Houjin's aggrieved expressions made Mu Wan feel happy.

"Speaking of Fuyu, what did you do to him?"

Only then did she remember that Fuyu was still in prison.

"Why, you still want to plead for him?" Chu Bei's eyes were dark, he didn't want to spoil the beautiful atmosphere because of a male favorite, but he just couldn't help his black face and displeasure.

"I just think he's innocent and there's someone else behind it."

Fuyu just wanted to compete for favor.

Prescribing drugs to her, he didn't have such a big burden, either someone instigated or someone plotted against her, Fuyu was just a pawn at the mercy of others.

"He was sent into the palace by the eldest princess. Behind the eldest princess is the Qiwang Mansion and Yong'an Palace. The people they sent into the palace are just pawns and do not deserve sympathy."

Chu Bei raised his brows slightly. He naturally knew that Fuyu was innocent. With him as a petite boy, his status in the harem was like walking on thin ice. No matter what troubles could arise, he could only rely on others to fight for favor.

It's just an ambitious, daring, stupid pawn being used by others.

When he thought that Mu Wan almost fell in love with that male favorite, he panicked.

I wanted to keep the snake out of the hole, but now I just want to kill him immediately.

"That's what I said, it's a pity for such a beautiful man as Fuyu, alas, I can't bear it."

Holding her chin, Mu Wan thought of the group of handsome young men she met in the Royal Garden that day. If they were all killed, who would she find for entertainment?
(End of this chapter)

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