The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 206 I have money now, no shortage of 0 money

Chapter 206 I have money now, no shortage of pocket money

Mu Wan looked at the bank note and didn't refute it. The Su family is as rich as an enemy country. In the 21st century, it can be said to be a commercial empire with this scale, and it can dominate a city. Coupled with Su Ran's character and appearance, it is the overlord in modern times.

After all, her brother-in-law is amazing, this thigh is worth hugging.

However, in terms of marketing methods, Su Ran is definitely not as good as her.

After all, she is also from modern times, and has read many business novels, so I believe she will not lose to him.

Chu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, seeing her happy, the corners of his lips curled up involuntarily.

At this time, Mu Wan pushed the box back to him, and said, "I'll pay the interest owed to you first."

She has no shortage of pocket money now, and when the hot pot restaurant opens in a few days, she will have more money, and then she can slowly pay off the debt.

In this way, she doesn't owe him anything, and as for saving her, she will pay him back this debt of favor slowly.


After changing hands, the box returned to him.

Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't understand, didn't she like bank notes the most?
He gave it to her, why did he return it! ?
"Don't worry, I won't deny the money I owe you." Mu Wan chuckled while holding a teacup.

"My king said that your interest is not counted. If the emperor is short of money, you can spend it first." Chu Bei's smile dissipated, and he felt a little uncomfortable. She paid back the money because she wanted to draw a line with him and didn't want to owe him favors. Now he said I don't need to pay back the money, is there any help? !
I saw Mu Wan's eyes were firm, and Chu Bei's eyes dimmed a little, I'm afraid it won't work...

"I have money now, and I don't lack pocket money. I'm also afraid that if I have money in my pocket, I won't be able to refrain from squandering it. It's not good to develop such a bad habit. Queen, please put it away."

Mu Wan closed her eyes and tried her best not to look at the bills delivered to her hand, she was afraid that she would regret it.

People are poor and have endless aspirations.

Don't let him look down on him anymore.


"In that case, I will keep it for you, and tell me when you need it."


Put the lid on the box.

Mu Wan: "...."

At this time, the carriage stopped and had reached the entrance of the street.

The whole street is very congested, because it is the annual Lantern Festival, there are many people.

There are vendors setting up stalls everywhere in this meeting, and lantern vendors also come out early to occupy the busiest positions.

Soldiers patrolling the city were ordering the streets and prohibiting large carriages from entering or leaving the streets.

Anyone who wants to enter the middle of the street, no matter who they are, must walk, and carriages and horses are all prohibited.

Mu Wan looked at the grey-armored soldiers and asked, "Who is in charge of the capital's soldiers and horses? They've done a good job."

This person should remember that if he has money later, he should reward him well.

To put it bluntly, Bingmasi is urban management, responsible for supervising streets, managing markets, security, sanitation and other work.

Some street riots and fights are also under their control.

"It's my third brother-in-law."

Lu Fei and the others came from behind.

"Who is your third brother-in-law?"

Mu Wan didn't know about this person. Lu Guogong had six daughters, which meant that he had six brothers-in-law and a proper brother-in-law.

"My third brother-in-law doesn't know each other anymore, so why don't you say you don't know me anymore?" Lu Fei immediately looked at "Su Ran" and said with disgust.

He probably didn't know that "Su Ran" was disguised by Mu Wan.

This guy only recognizes the face but not the person?
Mu Wan's eyebrows twitched fiercely, "I don't know your third brother-in-law anymore, why?"

Lu Fei frowned.

The sound is somewhat familiar.

But this face...

Gu Qingze patted him on the head with his forehead, "He is Bai Shier."

It is not convenient to call the emperor outside, nor can you call "boss".

Everyone in the capital knows that the eldest of them is the current empress.

So I can only call "Xiaobai".

Lu Fei's eyes lit up for a moment, then he paused for a while, "Xiaobai..."

"What Xiaobai, I am now the eldest son of the Su family."

"Brother Su..."

Mu Wan's complexion was not good, and she stared at the four of them with a trace of anger in her eyes.

They promised to be loyal brothers, but they helped Chu Bei hide it, and they didn't tell her the truth. Seeing a few people, Mu Wan thought of something stupid again, and was really annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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