Chapter 227 Thanks
Ning Xinyao was excited and looked at Mu Wan, "Your Majesty, when will grandfather and the others arrive in the capital..."


Mu Wan was a little hesitant. I'm afraid this matter is a bit troublesome and needs to be discussed in the long run. I won't be able to answer her for a while.

Chu Bei's eyes flickered and he stepped forward, "Your Majesty, Imperial Physician Fu is here."

Mu Wan paused, looked at Ning Xinyao and said with a smile, "Don't worry about this, sit down and let Fu Si take a look at your body."

When Ning Xinyao saw Fu Si coming over, her tear-filled face froze. She was not feeling well. If she was found to be pretending to be sick, would she anger the emperor and implicate the Yao family and grandfather?

Thinking of what her uncle said to her before entering the palace, she twisted her handkerchief a little apprehensively, afraid, and nervous.

Mu Wan patted the back of her hand and said softly, "Don't be afraid, it's fine, I know it all."

Ning Xinyao's eyes were moist, looking at her gentle smile, she slowly relaxed.

After Fu Si checked his pulse, he generally said that there was no major problem, and his body was a little weak and needed to be replenished.

Mu Wan smiled and said, "Then pass the meal on."

After eating, Ning Xinyao arranged to live in the side hall of Xuanwu Hall.

Let Su Ran come forward to communicate with them about the model.

A few girls get together to chat.

Mu Wan didn't put on the airs of the emperor, she was approachable, the big guys relaxed and chatted, and the girls talked about the popular jewelry, clothes, rouge and gouache in the capital, and the goddess of flowers, and the hot pot restaurant.

Unexpectedly, these girls usually have a gentle and dignified image as a lady, and they speak without any scruples in private.

Originally, they wanted to keep them in the palace to eat hot pot, but Princess Chu wanted to return home, so she gave up.


When Mu Wan arrived at the Imperial Study Room, she planned to write down the plan. She planned to let Chu Xin wear the clothes she designed to promote more in the circle of ladies.

At this moment, Chu Bei and Xiao Ci came suddenly with Xiao Xuan'er.

"Your majesty, the empress and the concubine are out to see you." Xiao An Zitong preached.

"Well, let them in."

Mu Wan put down her pen and looked at the promotion plan she had written and nodded in satisfaction.

She didn't pay attention when people came in, but when she raised her eyes, she realized that Xiao Xuan'er was following her.

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Xuan'er probably came here to express her gratitude.

She stepped forward to bless her, and said, "Xuan'er has met the emperor, and Xuan'er is here to thank the emperor for saving his life last time."

As she spoke, she presented a pair of screen pictures embroidered by her herself as a thank you gift.

Xiao Lizi and Xiao Anzi opened it for her to show.

It is a map of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

Can make a big screen.

The patterns are beautiful, the colors are harmonious, the lines are bright and lifelike, the embroidery is fine, and it is a rare double-sided embroidery.

Mu Wan's eyes lit up, and she liked it when she saw it. She looked at Xiao Xuan'er's eyes full of admiration, "It's so beautiful, you embroidered it by yourself? It took a lot of time."

Xiao Xuan'er lowered her head slightly, and said softly, "Going back to the emperor, it was embroidered by my daughter alone, and it took more than half a month."

It took only half a month for such a large piece of embroidery, and I am afraid that it could be completed day and night.

"Girls, don't stay up all night, I saved you, it's just a small effort, don't worry about it." Mu Wan narrowed her eyes and looked at her carefully.

The eyebrows are similar to Xiao Cichang's. He is wearing an emerald green and blue smoked sweater. He has a pair of sharp eyebrows, long eyebrows and nose, and pear dimples on his cheeks. Although his face is beautiful, it can't hide the childishness in his face , with fair complexion, soft and beautiful like jade, bright eyes and white teeth, and Li Yan who smiles peachy, although she is young, she looks like a dew and lotus, which is very lovable.

She has a gentle and quiet personality and doesn't like to talk, but Mu Wan feels that she seems to be afraid of herself.

Since he came in, he has lowered his head, not daring to look directly at her.

Holding the embroidered handkerchief, I don't feel it is tight, it should be nervous.

Mu Wan frowned slightly, and looked at Xiao Ci coldly with reproach in her eyes. She suspected that Xiao Ci had frightened the little girl by talking too much in front of his sister.

Xiao Ci: "...."

Xiao Ci looked down at his younger sister, Xuan'er was not like this before, she used to be lively and cheerful, but since last spring... she has changed.

Last spring began to be the day when the first emperor bestowed marriage.

During that time, she seemed to have fallen into an abyss...

(End of this chapter)

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