Chapter 240 I must beat you up
The Ning family was demoted by the first emperor. Before the Ning family was redressed, it was not so easy for the emperor to persuade all the officials to agree to let the Ning family return to Beijing.

Even if she was lucky enough to succeed, before that, he would not let any of the Ning family return to Beijing alive.

King Ling's eyes flashed darkly, he smiled and didn't say anything, he just said, "This king has received the news that King Li is rushing back to the capital day and night. If there is no accident, he will arrive tomorrow."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they all smiled instantly.

When King Li comes back, the Empress Dowager will also come back, and there will be one more person suppressing the little emperor, which is good news.

Prince Qi sneered, "He is willing to come back."

Ling Wang continued with cold eyes, "Also, the emperor was not sick last night, but was drugged because he favored Jade Beauty... almost lost control."

"And this..."

Several staff members looked at each other in blank dismay, with surprise in their eyes, such secret news in the palace can only be found by King Ling.

After all, King Ling controls the spies placed by all parties.

The prince cannot be without Ling Wang as his right-hand man. He is really lucky to be able to pull himself together.

"Did the fourth brother let Fuyu act?" Ling Wang asked slightly surprised.


"Then how did he happen to meet the emperor in the imperial garden last night, and dare to drug her?"

Who gave him that medicine?

Without their help, Fuyu can also get the chance to be favored by the Empress. Could it be that he has other people to help him secretly?
King Ling and Prince Qi were puzzled by all kinds of doubts, and they were afraid that Fuyu was a double-faced spy.

King Ling shook his head, "I don't know about this either. I need to investigate. Now Fuyu is locked in a dungeon, under strict guard, so I can't get close at all."

This matter was ordered by the emperor, and Chu Bei and the others were fully responsible. It was almost impossible to get close to the water prison.

"Don't worry about anything else, I'm afraid that he will confess to the palace." Several staff members said worriedly.


Mu Wan turned around, there was another person beside her, and he was a dangerous man, she really couldn't sleep peacefully.

"The emperor can't sleep, do you want me to tell you a story?" Chu Bei raised his long eyelashes, and stared at her instantly.

Mu Wan's eyes were a little black, and she said with a gloomy expression, "Then you should tell me the story."

"Once upon a time..."


He can really tell a story.

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and carefully looked at the man's delicate eyebrows and eyes. The corners of her lips were slightly raised. This voice is really nice... deep, deep and magnetic.

The way he speaks is smiling, beautiful, like bright starlight, his voice is magnetic and gentle, like the attraction of a magnetic field, making people lustful and wanting to get closer, giving people a sense of security and solidity.

Listening, listening, the whole person relaxed their vigilance, and unconsciously, Wen Nuan slowly surrounded him from behind, and his voice came from his ears, a little hoarse, but with an indescribable charm, every word came from behind. He spat out from his thin lips and landed in his ears, as if he was sitting by the window and listening to Xueluo, sipping a cup of steaming fragrant tea, the wafting fragrance permeated the air, making him feel warm and relaxed...


There was a sound of even breathing.

Chu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, threw the quilt back for her, and chuckled, "I fell asleep so quickly, the story hasn't been finished yet."


The next day, five watch.

When he opened his eyes, there was a handsome face close at hand.

"Chu fox, get up for me—!"

"Does the emperor want to learn martial arts with this king early in the morning?"

Mu Wan's raised fist was held by a big hand.

Chu Bei's incomparably handsome smiling face dangled in front of his eyes.

Mu Wan gritted her teeth, "Stop talking nonsense and watch the punches!"

"Your Majesty, don't get excited, speak up if you have something to say, don't touch your hands!"

"Hmph, are you itchy? Last night you sneaked into my bed while I was asleep and told you not to cross the line. Today I will beat you up!"

"See clearly this is my king's bed!!"

Chu Bei endured being punched several times, and couldn't take it any longer, so he grabbed her two waving fists. Everyone said that hitting people doesn't hit people in the face, but she punched him in the face, which made him very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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