The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 251 Return of the Empress Dowager

Chapter 251 Return of the Empress Dowager
Chu Bei glanced at Zhao Shisan, sneered at the corners of his lips, and snorted, "I hate him when I see him."


So heavy murderous.

Fortunately, it wasn't what she thought, she didn't want to be targeted by Zhao Shisan.

Mu Wan looked at Chu Bei, and then at Zhao Shisan. Don't worry about it, they both hate each other, they are the old enemies of fate.

Thinking that the two countries had been hostile for many years, and Zhao Shisan cast fierce eyes on him, Mu Wan didn't think much about it, and continued to eat and drink, and occasionally put on a show with Chu Bei, and sprinkled dog food to stimulate those who harbored ill intentions towards the Queen of the Kingdom. Seeing how they dared not speak out, I felt refreshed.

Even if it's a man she doesn't like, as long as it's her queen or concubine, she won't allow others to covet her.

After drinking for three rounds, singing and dancing began.

Seeing that it was about the same time, Mu Wan and Chu Bei met their eyes and planned to leave the banquet and send someone on their way.

But at this moment, the most worrying thing happened.

The Empress Dowager and King Li returned to the palace.

When the news came, everyone was shocked instantly.

The group of people went straight to Ziyang Palace without going back to the palace by themselves, and they probably changed their clothes halfway.

Being so anxious can be called Sima Zhao's heart, which is well known by passers-by.

The Empress Dowager, King Li, are more difficult opponents than the Empress Dowager and Prince Qi.

At this moment, the Empress Dowager returned domineeringly supported by King Li and Princess Ten.

A group of people broke into Ziyang Palace suddenly, and the guards did not dare to stop them.

That's right, she is the empress dowager, but she is not the empress dowager. With the empress dowager under her control, what is the empress dowager? !

The birth mother of the first emperor, as a granddaughter, the empress would dare to disrespect her in any way. There will be many envoys, civil and military officials here. If she shows any disrespect to the empress dowager, she will definitely be charged with disrespect.

These days, being unfilial is a heinous crime, no matter what emperor you are, the Ninety-Five Supremes will treat you right.

Unless she wants to be an unkind and unfilial emperor.

How can a reputation that has been so hard to restore be destroyed in one fell swoop.

And she can't give King Li any chance to suppress herself.

Seeing a group of people entering the palace, Mu Wan immediately stood up to greet her, "Grandson greets the emperor's grandmother."

The Empress Dowager is dressed in a purple phoenix robe, extremely dignified, a 60-year-old lady, her hair is as white as frost, but she is full of energy, her eyes are sharp and bright, as sharp as a knife, and she has accumulated majesty for a long time. It is full of anger and prestige, so that people dare not look directly at it.

This is enough to know that she is an old lady who is not easy to mess with. Compared with the queen mother, ten queen mothers are probably not as good as one empress dowager.

Mu Wan secretly wiped off her cold sweat, the old lady obviously didn't like her.

But she said with a kind smile on her face, "Emperor, you have a heart."

Then King Li and Princess Ten stepped forward to salute her, "I have seen the emperor."

Mu Wan nodded slightly with a smile on her face, and said in a gentle voice, "Brother Seventh King, Younger Sister Tenth, you are all back. The road is full of dust and dust, and you must be exhausted after traveling day and night. Why don't you go back to the palace to rest? Tomorrow, I will catch up with you. Wash the dust."

The Empress Dowager was accompanied by a young man.

Prince Li, Jun Mubai, ranked seventh among the former emperor's sons.

Together with Prince Qi, he was named Prince.

He is one year older than Mu Wan and just turned seventeen this year.

He is dressed in a black python robe with dark red edges, and his hair is tied with a golden crown, which gives people a sense of Tsinghua nobility like water and moonlight. Lang.

But Mu Wan knew that such a young man was like a delicate and beautiful poisonous flower. He was deeply convinced at a young age, and those vicious methods were not inferior to Prince Qi at all.

Prince Li frowned, first glanced at the banquet scene, then raised his lips slightly, and said, "Isn't this the banquet that the emperor specially prepared to welcome the emperor's grandmother?"

(End of this chapter)

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