Chapter 258
Mu Wanwan greeted the Empress Dowager, "I have seen the emperor's grandmother, the empress."

"The emperor and the queen are here, please sit down."

The empress dowager sits on the first seat, followed by the empress dowager, then the emperor, and the others sit at will.

It was said that it was a palace banquet but the food was not served for a long time. Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and looked at Chu Bei. They are all taking care of the harem, so they won't start troubles from this aspect!

Chu Bei looked at the Empress Dowager calmly, and hinted to her, don't worry about it.

The old lady wanted to show them off today and beat the empress, just wait and see!

Several teenagers sat down gracefully with their backs straight, their eyebrows slightly lowered, calm and relaxed.

They are not afraid of the two old women in the palace.

Mu Wan looked at them, nodded secretly, and then sat upright to remain silent.

"Cough cough..."

After a while, the Queen Mother really couldn't bear it anymore.

She covered her mouth with an embroidered handkerchief, coughing badly.

Immediately, the Empress Dowager was concerned, "What's the matter? You've been sick for a few months?"

The empress dowager's eyes were red after coughing, and she hurriedly said, "Thank you mother for your concern, my daughter-in-law just has a little cold, it's fine."

The Empress Dowager looked at her and frowned slightly, and said in a rather stern tone, "How do the servants of Yong'an Palace serve the master."

All the mothers of Yong'an Palace knelt down and begged for mercy, "The empress dowager calm down."

Nanny Li knelt down and kowtowed, and said, "The Empress Dowager appeases her anger. It's because the slaves didn't serve the master well. The imperial doctor said that the Empress Dowager is suffering from a heart attack. The Empress Dowager is only worried about the Eldest's why she got sick."

At this point, everyone discovered that the eldest princess was not here.

The Empress Dowager asked, "Where is the eldest princess?"

It is said that it is a palace banquet, even if you are sick, you have to enter the palace.

But the eldest princess didn't enter the palace, could it be more serious than illness?
"Grandmother, please calm down. It's not that the imperial sister will not come to pay your respects to the old man. It's just that she was injured a few days ago, coupled with lovesickness, and has been bedridden so far. That's why she can't enter the palace." At this time, Prince Qi got up. I explained it lightly.

"It's really presumptuous, who dares to hurt the eldest princess?" The Empress Dowager suddenly said angrily.

King Ling got up and said, "Grandmother Hui, she is the young cousin of the Su family. The cause of the quarrel was because of a hot pot restaurant. The queen was also there at the time. Maybe it was because the eldest princess spoke rudely and started a quarrel..."

He deliberately looked at Chu Bei hesitantly, and he didn't finish his sentence. Everyone can guess the rest. It must be that the queen let others bully the eldest princess in order to protect the young master of the Su family.

Mu Wan frowned slightly, she had been honest for so many days, she was waiting for them.

The empress dowager pays the most attention to the rules and the face of the royal family. No matter who is right or who is wrong, in short, hurting the eldest princess in public is slapping the face of the entire royal family.

After King Ling finished speaking, he sat down and looked at the empress dowager's uneasy face, a sneer flashed in her gloomy eyes, and looked at Chu Bei with a proud expression of waiting to see his bad luck.

"Queen, you are guilty!" The Empress Dowager immediately reprimanded Chu Bei harshly.

The empress dowager wanted to support the eldest princess, the empress dowager and the others felt as if they were beating chicken blood, and their eyes became excited. They had never asked him for a favor in the past few months, and now they are waiting to see what the empress dowager has. What methods can be used to suppress this powerful and rebellious male queen.

Chu Bei glanced at those people with cold eyes, then stood up and bowed his hands slightly, and said calmly, "The Empress Dowager attaches great importance to the face of the royal family, and this king understands, but the eldest princess not only spoke rudely at the hot pot restaurant that day, but also brought people to hit me. This shop is really out of the style of a princess. Considering the face of the royal family, it is not easy for the king to reprimand in public. Later, the young master of the Su family had a quarrel with the eldest princess, so he took the initiative to teach a little lesson, but it just knocked the princess unconscious, and there was nothing wrong with it. Seriously, it will be clear to the imperial physician.”

The Empress Dowager looked at the Empress Dowager with a dark complexion and sharp eyes, feeling displeased in her heart. She didn't say anything about it. She valued the face of the royal family, but she couldn't be arrogant and unreasonable, right and wrong!

The queen mother's complexion changed slightly, her eyes were gloomy, and she argued angrily, "No matter what, he shouldn't hurt people."

Chu Bei glanced coldly, and said bluntly, "Master Su's cousin didn't know the eldest princess when he first arrived in the capital. Can't even catch one foot? Being the eldest princess is really embarrassing for the royal family, it's useless."

(End of this chapter)

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