The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 262 It's a shame to waste food.

Chapter 262 It's a shame to waste food.

A large table of food didn't move much, and some didn't move their chopsticks at all.

The Empress Dowager left the table after resting her chopsticks, and everyone stood up to send them off respectfully, and then the palace banquet ended hastily at the end.

Mu Wan frowned slightly, looking at these imperial meals, she felt that it was really a waste.

Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, "It's okay."

There are quite a few hidden guards in the palace, each of them is divided into several, which is enough to eliminate them.

It is shameful to waste food.

They marched and fought in the barracks, and they could best appreciate the preciousness of food, so as long as he was there, the harem would never be allowed to trample and waste a grain of food.

These people don't understand, and he doesn't bother to educate, so he has to use roundabout methods to avoid this extravagance.

Before, in the name of empty treasury, he reduced all the expenses of the harem, which made the queen mother and others very dissatisfied.

Now that the Empress Dowager is back, they will definitely make trouble.

Go back and start figuring out how to deal with it.

There was a hint of admiration in Mu Wan's eyes, and she expressed support for his approach. The treasury is empty, and these women cannot increase the burden on the treasury.

The two flirted with each other, looked at each other and smiled, and seemed to have a very good relationship.

No one noticed that when the tenth princess raised her eyes to see this scene, gloomy resentment flashed in her eyes.

At this time, Mu Wan suddenly felt a chill behind her back, but when she looked back, she didn't find anything.

They all left Shoukang Palace one after another.

Mu Wan left with several concubines, and put this moment aside.

When they arrived at the Royal Garden, they all touched their bellies at the same time and looked sad. They didn't eat two bites, and their stomachs started to get hungry!

"Why don't we go out of the palace to eat hot pot!" Xia Houjin suggested with bright eyes.

Mu Wan glanced at him, and said bitterly, "You can leave the palace easily and freely, but I can't."

She wanted to go out of the palace, but when the empress dowager came back, she warned her not to go out of the palace, but to put the country's affairs at the top of her list. As I said just now, now I can't tell how many pairs of eyes are staring at her, just waiting to be caught. She has braids.

"You can also eat hot pot in the palace, if someone brings it to the Vermilion Bird Palace, the emperor can come and eat with us." Situ Mo said with a smile.

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and felt that this was a good idea, and immediately said, "Sure, all the concubines will accompany me, and Concubine Su will also go."

Su Li, who was behind him, was left alone, and walked behind with the palace maid. Hearing this, he felt a little nervous.

But thinking of going to Suzaku Palace, Su Ran was also there, so he managed to maintain his composure and nodded slightly.

Seeing that he didn't refuse, Mu Wan smiled in satisfaction, "Then let's go."

At this time, the tenth princess seemed to be following from Shoukang Palace in a hurry. Seeing a group of people going to Zhuque Palace, she hurried over and said with a sweet smile, "Sister Huang, what did you just say about hot pot? You are going to eat in Zhuque Palace. Hot pot, can I go together, I want to eat too."

Seeing her earnest expression, Mu Wan raised her long eyebrows slightly, "It's too late, it's time for Shi Huangmei to go back to the princess mansion!"

"It's okay, the emperor's grandmother told me to accompany her in the palace, and don't rush back to the princess mansion." The tenth princess stepped forward and shook her dragon robe, and said coquettishly, "Emperor sister, you used to love me the most, Just take me!"

Mu Wan frowned. Listen, she had a good relationship with her before?It must be another white lotus!
Just like the eldest princess, while coaxing her to give her money to spend, she was having an adulterous harem with one of her concubines.

Thinking of meeting the eldest princess and concubine Jiang in the imperial garden that day, Mu Wan's face darkened, and she really couldn't like this cute and cute tenth princess.

Moreover, she is the direct sister of King Li, so how could she really recognize her as the imperial sister?
Mu Wan's expression was a little cold, and she pulled off her dragon robe without a trace. With a cold tone, she held up the emperor's majesty and said, "Nonsense! Ten emperors, don't you know that I am going to sleep in the Suzaku Palace? How can you follow me?" .”

(End of this chapter)

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