Chapter 264 Ask the Queen to Stay

But looking at it now, whether it is the eldest princess or the tenth princess, these princesses are not as beautiful and noble as one tenth of her.

"Brother Bei..."

Being dropped like this, the tenth princess was completely heartbroken.

She got up and sat on the ground, her eyes were red and swollen, she looked at Chu Bei, crying really sadly.

Mu Wan glanced at the tenth princess, and then at Chu Bei, and it was immediately clear that this woman was trying to hook up with her queen.

Heh, it turns out that Jun Murong also likes Chu Fox!

No wonder... just now in Shoukang Palace, I always felt that someone was secretly watching me with gloomy and resentful eyes.

It was not her illusion.

Mu Wan poked Chu Huhu's cold eyes abruptly, the corners of her lips curled up and said mockingly, "Queen, the ten emperors are calling you."

The name is so kind, maybe the two of them have an affair secretly, hum...

Chu Bei's expression changed slightly, and he glanced coldly at the two maids.

The maid immediately went over to arrest the man and drag him away.

The tenth princess was still crying.

Mu Wan raised her foot and left, while Chu Bei hurriedly ran after her.

"Your Majesty, didn't you say that you are going to rest in the Suzaku Palace?"

Mu Wan glanced at him coldly, and led the people away with big strides, "I'm not going, the queen and all the concubines should go back, there's no need to wait on you, I still have things to do."

As soon as she left, two guards behind her stopped the man who was about to follow.

"The queen please stay."

Chu Bei looked at the two guards with unfamiliar faces, Mo Mei frowned slightly, and secretly pressured and said angrily, "Get out." He dared to block his way, he was tired of work, right?

The guard still didn't move, his face didn't change, "Queen, calm down, Your Majesty doesn't want to see you, please go back."

Situ Mo walked over, glanced at the guards, and realized that something was wrong. These two people had never met before, and they were not the people they arranged in Xuanwu Hall.

It is the emperor's own people.

Is it the hidden guard left by the late emperor? !

When Mu Wan left the harem, he glanced at the situation behind him from the corner of his eye, and the corners of his lips twitched involuntarily. The Blood Shadow Guards would only obey the emperor's orders and were not afraid of power. Even Chu Bei couldn't make them back down.

Well, yes, she needs such a person.

It's time to frustrate Chu Fox's spirit.

The opportunity is just right.

The figure of the empress gradually disappeared into the night.


Chu Bei's eyes flashed gloomy, his face was not very good, he did not expect that she would slowly clean up his people in secret.

what is this…

Still don't trust him?
Thinking of this, Chu Bei panicked, his eyes drooped gloomy, a little annoyed, he turned around and went back to his palace.

Seeing this, Situ Mo hurriedly followed.

The expressions of the two guards remained unchanged, and they quickly returned to the empress to protect them after the task was over.

At this time, Shoukang Palace.

The tenth princess went out happily, but was escorted back crying.

The incident in the imperial garden has already spread throughout the palace.

The empress dowager was furious.

But because of the night, and the emperor did nothing wrong.

She reprimanded the imperial sister for not understanding the rules. It was Qiu Mama, a slavish slave who dared to be disrespectful to the emperor just because she was an old man next to the empress dowager.

"Old ancestor, calm down, calm down, you have to take care of your phoenix body, don't hurt your body because of such slavishness, that kind of stupid thing makes her die, she is dead." She was busy persuading.

The empress dowager's eyes were cold, her expression worried, "How could the Ai family care about a stupid slave? The Ai family is the emperor of anger, hum..."

No matter how you say it, Mother Qiu is still an old man in her palace, and if she made a mistake, she just sent it to Shoukang Palace for her to punish.

But the emperor didn't do this, but let someone directly kill her on the spot, that is, slapping her in the face in public.

The more the old lady thought about it, the more angry she became, and she became more and more dissatisfied with Mu Wan in her heart. She never expected that she would dare to challenge her so quickly, and if she was ignored so much, how much respect could the emperor expect from her in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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