Chapter 275 Love
After going to court, the Empress Dowager sent someone to invite her.

Mu Wan looked at the little eunuch, and really didn't want to go.

The old lady protecting the shortcoming must be for the sake of the ten princesses.

She didn't want to get angry with her very much, after all, she was getting old, and if she got angry for any reason, it would be troublesome.

He looked at Chu Bei, thought for a while and decided to listen to what the old lady had to say.

Escape is not always the answer.


Shoukang Palace.

The Empress Dowager and Concubine Xu also came to pay their respects early.

The tenth princess cried for a long time last night, her eyes were red and swollen, and she looked haggard, as if she had just recovered from a serious illness.

A young girl, just looking at it makes people feel distressed.

The Queen Mother and Concubine Xu comforted her, and the ten princesses forced a smile.

But as soon as the emperor and empress arrived, the light in his eyes dimmed, and he looked up at the young couple walking together.

Their smiles and affectionate looks are so dazzling, making people mad with envy.

The tenth princess had cold eyes, staring at the woman sullenly and resentfully, resisting so much that she didn't rush over and tear off her disgusting smiling face.

"Your Majesty, be careful of the threshold."

After crossing the high threshold, Chu Bei carefully supported her.

Mu Wan Xiaobing secretly poked him with her eyes, and smiled angrily, "You just like to show off."

It's not that I'm old, she can leap over no matter how high the threshold is, and she needs him to be so courteous?

Chu Bei supported her, smiled and said nothing.

Anyway, he just wants to show his affection, to let everyone know that their husband and wife are deeply in love.

In the hall, give the old lady a symbolic greeting.

After the salute to the empress was over, Chu Bei and Mu Wan sat down together.

The two sipped the tea tacitly, and did not ask the old lady what she wanted for her.

The old lady looked at the two of them with displeasure in her eyes, but due to her status, it was difficult for her to have a fit.

She glanced at the Queen Mother and Concubine Xu.

"Your Majesty, do you know why the Empress Dowager came to you?" The Empress Dowager coughed lightly.

Hearing this, Mu Wan raised her eyes and smiled at the Empress Dowager, "Oh, I don't know what the imperial grandmother wants from me?"

Ask knowingly.

The old lady's face was uneasy, if she hadn't belonged to the kind of thousand-year-old demon in the harem and was used to seeing big winds and waves, otherwise she would be so angry that she would be so angry.

"It's not a big deal, but last night I heard that Rong'er offended the emperor. Rong'er is ignorant, and the Ai family asked her to compensate you. Don't worry about it as a family of sisters."

Said that the tenth princess had already stood up and knelt in front of her.

"Sister, I know I was wrong."

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows slightly, "It's good if you know your mistakes and correct them. The emperor's grandmother is right. Naturally, I won't be angry with the emperor's sister for a small matter. Ten emperors, don't blame me for punishing your nanny. "

"Rong'er remembers the teachings of the emperor." The tenth princess knelt there, her eyes were red and she looked like she was about to cry again.

"Then sister, get up." Mu Wan raised her hand to give her a little support.

The tenth princess got up silently and then obediently fell back to her seat, but she didn't give up and looked at Chu Bei directly, gritted her teeth and shed tears, looking extremely aggrieved.

But Chu Bei never looked at her.

At this time, Concubine Xu sighed, "I heard that Mother Qiu was carried back to the palace last night, so it's no wonder the tenth princess is so sad."

"Emperor, although it's wrong to be the tenth princess, but Mother Qiu is her nanny after all, so the Emperor should be accommodating and let people give Mother Qiu a lavish burial."

Generally, palace officials who made mistakes, especially those who were killed by the emperor's order, could not be buried properly after death, and were directly thrown into mass graves to feed crows and wild dogs.

Mu Wan looked at the Empress Dowager and Concubine Xu, and smiled, "It's not a pity to die for a servant who commits mistakes and instigates the master to make mistakes. Since the Tenth Emperor's Sister loves her so much, I'll allow it. Tenth Emperor's Sister can let her be buried generously."

Everyone frowned slightly, but they didn't expect her to agree so easily.

The Empress Dowager and Concubine Xu looked at the Empress Dowager, there was no reason to reprimand the emperor now.

(End of this chapter)

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