Chapter 288 Is This a Reward?
Chu Bei: "...."

He was a bit stuck, and there were indeed many factors that caused him to be unwilling to enter the palace, but he didn't like her...but it wasn't like that, he just never discovered his true heart...

He remembered that after she woke up, she wore the dress he designed for the first time and smiled brightly in front of him. At that time, he suddenly thought of her when she was a child, as if she had returned to the year when she sneaked out of the palace together, laughed together, and laughed together. Playing, practicing martial arts together...all kinds of happy and happy memories, it was also from that time that he discovered his heart.

But to ask him to admit to his face that he has long been in love with her... It's a bit embarrassing, after all, when he was a child, he had a vicious tongue and a black belly, and he often said something wrong about her.

Seeing his embarrassed face, he didn't speak.

Mu Wan curled her lips slightly, "Did you follow the late emperor's will?"


Chu Bei nodded his head with a slightly stiff face, she can do whatever she says, as long as she doesn't mention the past.

Mu Wan took a deep look at him with eyes that she knew, then pursed her lips, her eyes flickered slightly, her cheeks suddenly turned red, and she said, "This time the Queen did really well... I am very pleased, Come here for a while."

Chu Bei approached for some unknown reason, Mo Mou looked at her for a moment, "Mmm..."

She thought she was in a bad mood and wanted to beat him up to vent her anger.

But then, Mu Wan secretly gritted her teeth, and quickly kissed his cheek with red lips.

Chu Bei was a little confused for a moment. He never thought that she would not take the initiative to kiss him. Is this a reward?
"The emperor's reward doesn't seem to be enough."


Mu Wan's face was full of clouds, and she seemed really embarrassed to do this kind of thing. She had kissed several times, but it was just a light kiss on the cheek, but it made her very nervous, her heart beat so fast that she almost burst Feel.

Forgive her that the person who was running to the third in her previous life had never been in love, and had never experienced what it means to be heartbroken...

Boom, my heart beat faster.

The man in front of her looked twice, she couldn't stand it, but he still smiled at her like that... It was a serious foul! !
No, she has to leave this space first, away from him...

"Queen, go back first, I want to be alone." Mu Wan lowered her eyes and licked her red lips.

As she spoke, she walked away from the Imperial Study Room on her own.

Standing behind him, Chu Bei touched his cheeks, his slender eyebrows looked at the departing figure, shining like black gemstones, full of tenderness, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he was in a good mood.


When we arrived at the Xuanwu Hall, the mess on the ground was cleaned up in a blink of an eye. Those placed objects, vases, and screens were all replaced. They were no longer fakes, they were all extremely valuable things.

Mu Wan smiled, didn't think much, and then walked to the side hall.

At this time, Ning Xinyao was still in a coma, and Chu Xin didn't return home, saying that she would not be able to go home with peace of mind until she woke up.

If they hadn't dragged her to the imperial garden this time, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.

The four girls blamed themselves very much.

Situ Mo, Xiao Ci, and Xia Houjin didn't leave, they wanted to comfort their sister.

Situ Fangfang looked at Situ Mo and said, "Brother, I don't want to marry Lu Xiaoqi, you can tell my parents to divorce me, okay?"

Speaking of this, Chu Xin also hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, I take brother Xiao as my own brother, and I also want to retire."

Xiao Ci's eyes flickered slightly, he looked at Chu Xin, and raised his lips slightly, "If you don't marry my brother, who do you want to marry? Or do you have someone in mind?"

Chu Xin looked at him with big watery eyes, subconsciously nervous, twisted the embroidered handkerchief, her cheeks flushed slightly, "I... I don't know, I just can't marry Brother Xiao, I don't dislike him... It's just that I hate him He is just a brother and sister, and he doesn't want to delay Brother Xiao."

Xiao Ci looked at her, his eyes softened, "This is just a stopgap measure, if you bear with will not be wronged when the time comes."

Chu Xin: "...."

What expedient?
The two families have exchanged engagement tokens. It's a firm matter. She will marry Xiao Heng next year.

How can he say that...

Chu Xin twisted the embroidered handkerchief, her heart was in a mess, and for some reason she felt a little uncomfortable.

Situ Mo looked at his cousin and said, "You really don't want to marry Lu Xiaoqi?"

Situ Fangfang twisted her handkerchief, her eyes dodged, she blushed and whispered, "He was the one who disliked me first..."

(End of this chapter)

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