The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 292 Sent by the Regent of Nanliang

Chapter 292 Sent by the Regent of Nanliang
The old lady's face was long, but she didn't scream like the queen mother, crying and making noise. She only knew how to complain and fan the flames. Seeing the queen mother's gaffe, she didn't look like a queen mother. A flash of disgust flashed in the old lady's eyes, and then Looking at the two princes, he said in a deep voice, "Since the emperor won't come to see Ai's family, I'll bring this matter up to you tomorrow morning and let the officials comment."

The old lady mentioned the point in one sentence, this is the real old goblin.

She knew that the emperor would not come over, and she also knew that the emperor was not an ordinary little girl. She was the king of a country after all, and she would not be manipulated by others.

But Jiang is still old and hot, and she always has a way to teach her a lesson.

Hearing this, the eyes of the two princes brightened, and they hurriedly said with a smile, "Grandson understands."

In order to fight against the emperor together, the two can advance and retreat together this time.

Prince Li and Prince Qi left Shoukang Palace in a good mood.


Mu Wan came to the imperial study with some irritability, and looked at Chu Beidao, "The old lady will not let it go, the morning court tomorrow will definitely be full of smoke, is there any way to prevent the princes from going to the morning court for a few days?"

Out of sight, out of mind, should we just send someone to beat them up with their heads covered, and tell them to lie down for a few months?
Chu Bei paused, raised his eyes and smiled, "Yes, tomorrow I promise not to let them come here to dirty your eyes."

Mu Wan blinked, "What method do you use?"

She couldn't think of a better way, so she asked him for help.

"A mad dog who sprays everywhere, give it some pain and be honest." Chu Bei's deep and deep eyes flashed a sneer. There are many guards in person, and they have high martial arts skills.

"Then leave it to the queen, eh?!" Mu Wan blinked and smiled knowingly.

Tricking people is what they should be best at, so Mu Wan has nothing to worry about.

Chu Bei nodded and put down his pen, his eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at her, "The emperor will go to bed in the Suzaku Hall today."


"Didn't you ask someone to clean up the Xuanwu Hall? Why did I go to the Suzaku Hall to sleep?" Mu Wan narrowed her eyes slightly, smelling a hint of the fox's cunning and malicious intentions.


Chu Bei was a little confused, he didn't let him clean it up, who ran to clean up the Xuanwu Hall?
"Chuan Dexi came to see this king!"

The man said angrily.

A self-assertive slave who spoils his good deeds, damn it! !

Mu Wan: "...."

Didn't he ask someone to clean it up?Where did those things come from? !

Mu Wan also found it strange, so she didn't say a word, she sat down and waited to see what Dexi had to say.

Soon Dexi ran in, and when he heard that the prince was furious on the way, he was terrified.

When he came to the imperial study room, he knelt down profusely with sweat, "I have seen the emperor and the empress."

"Where did you move those things from Xuanwu Hall, and who told you to clean them up?" Chu Bei said coldly.

Dexi was sweating profusely, and didn't dare to raise his hand to wipe the flow into his eyes. He was terrified, and kowtowed, "Go back to your mother, it is... the regent of Nanliang said to give it to the emperor, or the concubine Sheng's." The bodyguard personally brought someone over to put it in, and you and the emperor were not there at the time."

They were all in the Imperial Garden at the time.

Chu Bei and Mu Wan: "...."

Zhao Shisan What does this mean? !

"Why did the Prince Regent of Nanliang send these things to me?" Mu Wan was slightly surprised.

"I don't know." Dexi said anxiously.

If I knew it earlier, I would have been stopped or carried in.

But at that time, he saw that the Xuanwu Hall was in a mess. Those things were all tributes from the Nanliang Palace, and they were extremely valuable. Presumably the emperor would like them, so he didn't let them stop.

God knows, it will ruin King Chu's good deeds and make him dissatisfied! !
"Okay, since it's a wish from the Regent of Nanliang, I can't refuse it. What about the queen?" Mu Wan didn't have anything to do. She felt that those valuable things were all antiques, and they were worth 10,000 at least. + two gold.

"There is nothing to be courteous to. It's either rape or stealing. Why did he give you things in such a good manner? Haven't you ever thought about why?" Chu Bei's eyes were sharp, and he was a little more vigilant.

"Well, of course he wants to bribe me, he wants to save people." Mu Wan said disapprovingly.

(End of this chapter)

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