The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 298 Xia Houjin Take Care of Your Dog! !

Chapter 298 Xia Houjin Take Care of Your Dog! !
"So Master Chen is our master?"

"He is the teacher of the first emperor, we should all call him teacher."

Mu Wan nodded, "I must visit Master some other day."

"He traveled all over the world a year ago. I don't know when he will be able to return to Beijing. If I return to Beijing, I will accompany you to visit his old man at Xiangguo Temple." Chu Bei laughed.

"it is good."


After shooting arrows, Chu Bei began to practice boxing and kicking kung fu with her.

After a few rounds, Mu Wan was so tired that she was sweating profusely. It's a pity that she doesn't know anything about Taekwondo, Tai Chi, Wing Chun, etc. Otherwise, she would definitely win by surprise and beat him to the ground.

"Let's stop here today, it's time to eat." Chu Bei's breath was steady, his face was neither red nor out of breath, as if he was just warming up, compared to her, his physical strength was really good.

Mu Wan muttered to herself, then stretched out her hand to grab his hand and stood up with force, "I want to take a bath first."

"The king has ordered everyone to get ready."


Mu Wan rubbed her wrists, didn't pay much attention, and walked directly towards Xuanwu Hall.

At this moment, Chu Bei suddenly grabbed her, hugged her horizontally, narrowed his slender and charming phoenix eyes slightly, and said with a smile, "Where is the emperor going? What this king said is that the soup pool is ready in the Vermilion Bird Hall."

The unexpected hug from the princess made Mu Wan's face suddenly hot, "What are you going to do, I didn't say that I would go to the Suzaku Palace to take a bath."

"My lord asked someone to divide the bath in half, with a screen in the middle, so that each person can wash at the same time. This saves time and trouble, and saves water, isn't it good?"

"Of course it's impossible, let me down, I want to go back to Xuanwu Hall."

Mu Wan was angry, her face turned red and black, her cheeks were flushed with anger, and she stretched out her hand to pinch his waist.

Ah, my God, he also knows to save time and trouble, and save water?It can only be said that this man is shameless enough.

"Your Majesty, be gentle, you want to murder your own husband!" Chu Bei gasped, his brows tightened in pain, this woman's attack was so heavy.

"you shut up…"

Mu Wan's ears were burning hot, and she bounced vigorously in his arms, but it didn't work at all. The man's arms hugged her tightly, motionless.

The maids and eunuchs following behind covered their mouths and sniggered one by one.

From the training ground to the Suzaku Palace, the palace people who came and went watched with wide eyes.

Mu Wan blushed like a boiled shrimp, wishing she could cover her face and pretend to be dead.

At this time, I also met a few concubines who had just returned from the Imperial Garden for a walk with their pets.

Xia Houjin was still holding his pet dog by the hand.

Seeing the big black dog, its jet-black eyes staring at her, Mu Wan's face turned pale instantly, and she screamed "Ahhhhh!" Fighting angrily, "Xia Houjin take care of your dog!!"

Chu Bei raised his eyebrows slightly, hugged her to comfort her gently, and smiled slightly, "Don't be afraid, Your Majesty, with this king here, he doesn't dare to come forward."

After Xia Houjin received an appreciative look, she immediately asked someone to take the dog down and tie it up, so as not to let it run around, so as not to frighten the empress, but he couldn't keep it.

"I have seen the emperor, empress empress."

Several teenagers hurried forward to salute.

"Don't be afraid, Your Majesty, Habao has already left." Xia Houjin couldn't help laughing.

He couldn't help grinning every time he saw her reaction.

Her expression is so funny.

Hearing that, Mu Wan hugged Chu Bei's neck in shock, still raised her eyes in fear, peeked at it secretly, and was completely relieved when she was sure that the dog was gone.

She was chased by wild dogs when she was a child, which caused a great shadow in her young heart. Since then, she has been afraid of dogs, especially the big ones.

Xia Houjin's dog is really scary. If the little milk dog is better, he has a big wolf dog.

Mu Wan stared at him unkindly, "Concubine Xian, you are so courageous. Dogs are not allowed in the palace, so I will send them away tomorrow. Do you hear me?"

Xia Houjin's smile froze, she was about to cry, she begged a little, "Your Majesty... Habao is very good, he won't bite people randomly, I tied him up, there is a dog in the palace, it can also guard the gate, emperor…"

"There are imperial guards guarding the door. I don't allow dogs to look at any doors. From now on, dogs are not allowed in the harem!!" Mu Wan had made up her mind and wanted to deal with him a long time ago. Today, she seized this opportunity and Should not be missed.

And she is really afraid of dogs, she can keep anything else, but dogs are absolutely impossible.

"Big brother..."

Xia Houjin's face changed slightly, and she turned her head to look at Chu Bei with tears in her eyes.

Habo was his baby.

After sending him off, who will play with him in the future?

He hoped that Chu Bei could keep Ha Bao for the sake of watching Ha Bao help him with an assist just now.

Chu Bei: "...."

"Your Majesty, Habao is tied up, he won't run around, look..."

Ha Baogang's strength skill, when it is still needed in the future, naturally it cannot be sent out of the palace.

Mu Wan suddenly snorted dissatisfied, "Let me down!"

Chu Bei: "...."

Silently put the person down.

"Your Majesty, Habao is quite well-behaved. We will let people watch it and prevent it from appearing in front of you again." At this moment, Situ Mo came to help with a little fragrant pig in his arms to intercede.

Mu Wan still didn't want to, she suddenly saw the little fragrant pig in his arms, her eyes lit up instantly, "Hehe, this is the squeamish royal pig raised by the queen!"

The little fat pig whimpered and flicked its tail, as arrogant as its owner.

Situ Mo and the others: "...."

Chu Bei coughed, "Your Majesty, the Royal Pig is raised by this king. It's a bit delicate, but it doesn't know how to bite."

Yuzhuzhu is so cute and cute, he should be able to please the empress.

Chu Xin and the others really like Little Fragrant Pig.

It is said that it is cute, smart and lovable.

But looking at Mu Wan's expression, Chu Bei and the others felt a little uneasy.

After all, Yuzhuzhu once had a feud with the Empress, and the Empress had the worst days before, and Yuzhuzhu didn't eat well.

This account, the Empress has always been thinking about it.

What's more, Yuzhuzhu gave the empress a bad face just now, it is not happy, because its handsome brother didn't hug it, but hugged that woman, woooooo...

Looking at the little fat pig, Mu Wan clearly felt its hostility, the little thing is really spiritual.

"Little fat pig, you are so cute!"

Mu Wan smiled and stretched out her hand to stroke the little fat pig's head, thinking about what to teach it a lesson.

Even a pig dares to flirt with it, you can do it, little fat pig! !

Little... little fat pig!

God, this damn woman actually said it was fat.

Yu Zhuzhu groaned loudly for a moment, and became unhappy, and wriggled vigorously in Situ Mo's arms, touching the woman's paw.

If it was a cat, it would definitely scratch her with sharp claws.

Seeing Yuzhuzhu's resistance and wailing, several teenagers had black lines all over their heads.

It seemed impossible for it to live in peace with the Empress.

"Don't yell, yell again, I'll cut you off for three days." Mu Wan frowned, grinning brightly.

Yu Zhuzhu's tail stood up, and immediately shrank into Si's arms, a little sad, this woman is too bad.

Don't say three days, just break it three times, it will kill it.

Then Chu Bei glanced over with cold eyes, and the little fat pig's ears twitched instantly, obediently resigned to his fate and sent his little head to the woman's hand...

Mu Wan was surprised, "Your pig is really intelligent, can it understand human language?"

Chu Bei smiled, "Well, it's smart, it's my savior."


Not really.

(End of this chapter)

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