The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 321 The woman in the princess mansion is so terrifying

Chapter 321 The woman in the princess mansion is so terrifying


This time I won.

The sons of the aristocratic families immediately cheered, this time not only won back their capital, but also made a fortune.

"Young master, you are still smart, thank you for reminding me, otherwise I will definitely be beaten to death by my father when I go back."

The eyes of those aristocratic sons were so excited, they almost all lost [-] to [-] in the first round.

Although the family background is good and the family has money, it is not impossible to take out the money, but losing so much money all at once, anyone would feel flustered and frightened.

"Clean your eyes next time." Lu Fei slightly curled his lips, if the boss hadn't asked him to remind him, he wouldn't have cared about these idiots.

To actually believe in a woman like Zhou Ruolan who has charts.

Let them lose everything and lose their property.

They should all have a long memory, otherwise they will never learn the lesson.

Lu Fei and the others looked at the betting field, squinted their eyes slightly, and felt that a lot of money was coming in, which was really unexpected. They thought it was just for entertainment, but unexpectedly they could make money.

So that's what the boss meant by opening a racecourse.

This horse race is just the beginning of the racecourse in the future.


"That's right, we were the ones who were blind in the past and were covered by eye feces. We must keep our eyes open next time." A group of nobles from aristocratic families nodded sharply, looking at Lu Fei and the others as if they had seen a savior wearing a halo, but they didn't care about Miss Zhou anymore. The same enthusiasm as before.

Think about it, no matter how beautiful a woman is, it's not your own, and it's meaningless to hold it with all your heart, and it's not your own. If you turn around and make a wedding dress for someone else, the more you think about it, the worse it will be.

Those sons of aristocratic families seem to have grown up in an instant, and they no longer blindly admire beautiful women.

No matter how much you like, no matter how much you give, some people are destined not to be yours, and she can't be her own woman.

A man has no money or power, and a woman will not follow you.

It's a reason why men don't take a second look at women who are not pretty, old and fading.

I used to say it often, but I didn't really understand it. Only when I experienced it will I understand this truth.

Then, instead of betting blindly, they start analyzing and betting with those who have insight.

Slowly the atmosphere changed from intense, fearful, and panicky to becoming more and more interesting.

Although there are wins and losses, but like that sentence, it's just a game, and the most important thing is to participate.

It feels good just to watch the fierce competition.

The people in the outside audience watched with gusto, tasting delicious pastries, milk tea, juice, and fine wine. They would applaud when they saw exciting places, and even players who thought they were good would place a few bets to play.

It is natural to be happy when you win, but it is entertainment when you lose.

Anyway, a bet would cost only a few taels of silver.

Everyone is very happy.

Only Miss Zhou's face was gloomy, and she glanced at the empress in the attic of the high platform, with resentment in her eyes.


Mu Wan sat on the grand master's chair, took a sip of green plum wine with a jasper wine glass, and squinted her eyes to watch the successive matches on the field. After secretly operating, the fierce betting over there had reached a fever pitch.

Generally speaking, the horse race this time was very smooth, and it was liked by many people, and everyone gradually understood and accepted the rules of the game.

All of this is going on as she expected.


At this time, in front of the racecourse.

A gorgeous carriage was parked at the door, but the guards stopped him from entering.

"Presumptuous, didn't you see that this is the carriage of the tenth princess and the eldest princess, you dog slaves, why don't you let it go quickly?" A palace maid yelled at the guard guarding the gate angrily.

The expressions of the two guards changed slightly, they looked at the palace lady coldly, and said in a bad tone, "Your Majesty has ordered that no one without an admission ticket be allowed to enter, please show the two princesses the admission ticket, and your subordinates will let you go immediately."

"Hmph, this princess came to look for the emperor at the behest of the Empress Dowager, why don't you hurry up and get out of the way." There was a soft and sharp angry reprimand in the carriage.

The guards looked at each other and said, "Then please show the princess the emperor's order."

"There is no edict, it's an oral order."

They left the palace without telling the empress dowager and the empress dowager.

All edicts and edicts are false.

The eldest princess and the tenth princess heard the exciting news about the racecourse from time to time in the palace, and they really wanted to come out to see it, but the queen mother and the others meant that they should not provoke the empress right now, and hide as long as they can.

Although the two promised not to go to the Royal Racecourse, they sneaked out of the palace in a blink of an eye.

Now that they have reached the gate of the racecourse but they can't go in, the two feel a little annoyed, they didn't expect the emperor to be so ruthless and really not let them in.

"I'm sorry, the two princesses, there is no decree, just a verbal order, so you can't let it go casually, otherwise, your majesty will blame you, and the subordinates and others will not be able to bear it." The guard said without changing his face.

The maid snorted dissatisfiedly, "The empress dowager's blame, can you bear it?"

The guard frowned slightly, "Since that's the case, let's wait for the subordinates to report to His Majesty before making a decision."

Watching a guard turn and go in.

The maid's complexion changed slightly, and she became anxious immediately, "Come back."

The guard looked back at the two maids jumping off the shaft, walked towards them with a bright smile, and shouted in a delicate voice, "Brother are all accommodating."

As he spoke, he stuffed them with purses.

There is a lot of weight in two pads.

"Brother Guard~"


The two women approached, their bodies still clinging to each other.

Zhuiying and Zhuiyun suddenly got goosebumps all over their bodies, hurriedly moved away, and threw the purse back, looking at the woman who fell on the ground with disgust, wishing to be thrown out, so as not to be disgusting.

The master asked them to act as guards to guard the gate, it seems that he had foresighted a long time ago.

What is this called?
What kind of master there is, there is what kind of servant, the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam is crooked.

The women in the princess mansion are really terrifying.

Such an open and aboveboard seduce man, and quite attractive, how can ordinary men bear it?
They are dark guards, they have good concentration, and they also know what the eldest princess is, and they hate this kind of woman extremely.

"Ouch~" the two women fell to the ground and yelled, deliberately exposing a piece of skin, and raised their eyes to give them a sneaky look.


Seeing this kind of shameless woman, Zhui Ying and the others felt completely disgusted in their hearts, hurriedly jumped back, drew out their long swords in an instant, and pointed at the two wanton women.

"One more step forward, die."

"Ah... help, I'm going to kill someone."

The palace lady's face suddenly changed, she was so frightened that her face turned pale, she hurriedly got up and ran away, and ran back to the carriage to stare at the two guards, secretly gritted her teeth, "Looking more handsome than the average guards, I didn't expect it to be incomprehensible." The stinky man, you deserve to be single for the rest of your life, hum!!"

Zhui Ying and Zhui Yun's faces were livid, murderous aura leaked out from their bodies, and they wished they could kill two desperate women with one sword.

They are not ordinary guards. They hold swords all year round, have been on the battlefield, and killed countless people. If they get angry, they will be full of evil spirits.

This time, not only the maids and eunuchs turned pale from fright, but the horse was also frightened, and immediately went berserk and ran forward.

(End of this chapter)

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