The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 326 The Difference Between Cloud and Mud

Chapter 326 The Difference Between Cloud and Mud
Jiang Jingrui was dressed in a green shirt, his hair was slightly disheveled, and he didn't look like he used to. He looked a little embarrassed, but he still looked proud and cold. He covered his face, his eyes filled with anger and disappointment, and said with a sneer, "I don't I like the empress, but I don't want to enter the palace, you forced me to enter the palace, if it wasn't for you..."

"shut up."

Mr. Jiang's eyes flashed fiercely, and he immediately slapped him again.

Seeing his son lying on the ground with blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth, he couldn't bear it.

Back then, his son's entry into the palace was indeed arranged by him alone. The purpose of letting him enter the palace was to win the favor of the Empress, to become the favorite concubine of the harem, and to work for King Li.

But what about him, what did he do, having a private meeting with the eldest princess, and being bumped into by the empress herself... After being cast into the cold palace, he still didn't know how to repent, and actually had a private meeting with the eldest princess in the cold palace, fornicating in the harem, secretly conceiving a baby, all these early That's enough for him to die a hundred times.

The empress didn't kill him at the beginning, it was already kind, and she was extra merciful.

But he didn't know how to repent, he made mistakes again and again, and finally embarked on a road of no return.

Mr. Jiang was angry and distressed, but after all he was his own son. After reprimanding him, he went to help him up, and said helplessly, "Rui'er, don't blame father for being cruel. Although father forced you into the palace, it was for your own good." , It’s because you are not up-to-date enough, you chose the wrong person.”

A woman like the eldest princess is not even worthy to carry the shoes of the empress.

How can she be compared to the Empress?
One is the Empress of the Kingdom of the Kingdom, the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, there is no more noble woman than her in the world.

An eldest princess who was just cast aside by everyone, and now even the honor of the eldest princess is gone.

It's like a sky and a ground, the difference between clouds and mud.

But he chose to follow the eldest princess, and he was unwilling to sleep with her.

At the beginning, all the empresses and concubines were upset and couldn't accept the status of empress and concubine, and they refused to go to bed.

If at that time he was willing to listen to his own words, seize the opportunity, take the initiative to serve the empress to please the empress, and get the empress' favor, why would he end up in such a situation now?
Jiang Jingrui lowered his eyes, he didn't understand these things, he suddenly figured it out after being thrown into the cold palace, but after being thrown into the cold palace, the Empress never stepped into the harem again, so it's impossible to come to the cold palace, let alone think of him when.

After recovering from a serious illness, her whole person changed. She was indifferent to everyone, and she was no longer an ignorant and ignorant girl. She became cruel, deep-minded, and elusive.

Today's empress can only be frightening, just like a real emperor, unapproachable and unattainable.

When he arrived in the cold palace, he fell out of favor completely, and there was no chance for him to stand up again.

"Father, do you understand what it's like to be alone in the cold palace?"

He looked up at his father.

Lord Jiang was speechless.

How could he know if he hadn't been there before?
Even in this flowery harem, it is impossible for him to understand what it feels like to live in it in this lifetime.

"You are not me, how can you understand the loneliness in this palace wall?"

The empress became cruel, she was really cruel, only he was left alone in Nuoda's cold palace, he was not allowed to go out, and no one was allowed to talk to him, every day he was alone facing an empty space that echoed even when he breathed. Silent palace.

That kind of loneliness, that kind of despair, he couldn't bear.

He felt deeply afraid every night, and only the eldest princess would think of him at this time, and would visit him secretly.

Hush and ask for warmth, meticulous.

Will cry for him and laugh for her.

He was trampled in the dust by the empress, but the eldest princess held him in the palm of her hand.

The corners of Jiang Jingrui's lips were smiling, and his slender eyes flashed with pain, "If it were you, who would you choose?"

"She is the empress, no matter how she treats you, she can't be the reason for you to secretly meet the eldest princess and promiscuously in the harem." Mr. Jiang closed his eyes and didn't want to say any more. He felt that his son seemed stupid, and the eldest princess couldn't wait for that woman If you want to compete in martial arts to recruit relatives and choose a son-in-law, if you see one and love the other, there are a lot of men in the backyard who dote on him. To him, it is just greedy for his body. It seems useless to talk to him about it, so let's not mention it at all.

"Father is here to give you a ride..."

As he spoke, he picked up the jade bottle, poured out a poison and handed it to him.

Jiang Jingrui glanced at the pill, his eyes flickered slightly, "Father..."

"Take it."

Lord Jiang secretly clenched his fists and said.

The pill was given by King Li, who said it could save Rui'er's life, so he could only choose to believe him.

Jiang Jingrui lowered his eyes and hesitated for a while, then he didn't struggle anymore, and resignedly picked up the pill and swallowed it.

In less than a while, he died of poison.

Then someone came in to check and was carried back to Jiang's house, where he was buried hastily three days later.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man, Mr. Jiang's hair became gray overnight, and his whole body was full of sadness.


There was a big change in the palace overnight, and most of the palace people were sent home.

It is surprising that the empress did so.

However, it is also understandable, after all, when the concubine and the eldest princess were fornicating in the harem, the empress' face was dull, and I don't know how many people laughed at it.

To be honest, Jiang Jingrui died in the end, the eldest princess was kicked out of the capital by her title, and the palace servants sent her home. This was already very unexpected, and it was enough to show that the empress was not a bloodthirsty and cruel emperor.


After discussing the matter in Zhuque Hall, Mu Wan came to Xingman Hall to visit Concubine Sheng.

In order to please the Empress, Concubine Sheng spent a lot of effort.

I made a table of meals and pastries, and they looked delicious.

"Your Majesty, please try it. These are all made by myself." Nan Sheng boy brought a piece of delicate and beautiful peach blossom cake to her mouth and said with a smile.

Mu Wan's cheeks were slightly red, and he handed it to her mouth, which made it difficult for her to refuse, so she opened her mouth and took a bite.

There is a peach blossom on the pastry, which is very beautiful, but it is not a real peach blossom, but made of flour, which melts in the mouth, crispy and soft.

"Is it tasty."

When he smiled, his eyes curved into sweet ones, like two black crescent moons shining with excitement and anticipation.

The pure joy of the young man's smile, the instant youth, made people unable to move their eyes away. Mu Wan looked at him, a little surprised, pursed her lips and said, "It's delicious, my concubine can also cook and make cakes?"

A gentleman stays away from the kitchen.

In ancient times, men rarely entered the kitchen, especially the sons of noble families.

But he can actually cook, and it tastes good. If he really cooks it himself, it's really surprising.

"I didn't know it before, I only learned it in the last few days..."

Mu Wan's eyes fell on his hastily hidden hands, she narrowed her eyes, and said, "Look, why are you so disobedient when you are told to recuperate well?"

The young man didn't dare to be disobedient, so he quickly stretched out his hand and lowered his eyes, "I'm really bored in the palace. I don't know anything except playing the piano and composing music, so I want to find something else to do."

Mu Wan looked at his injured finger and frowned slightly, "How can you play the piano like this? If you hurt your hand, you will never be able to play the piano for the rest of your life. Don't do this in the future. Take good care of your hand, it is only suitable for playing the piano. "

A pair of green and jade-like slender and beautiful hands are now wounded and wrapped in some gauze, and it looks like it will take several days to heal.

Nan Sheng's face changed slightly, "No, I will be careful, I just want to do something for the emperor."

If he really hurt his hand and couldn't play the piano for the rest of his life, it would be the cruelest punishment for him.

He is unwilling.


Otherwise, how can I get her attention?
His time is running out, he can be urged to enter, he has been in the palace for some time, he has never served in bed, and he can't find out where Fuyu is being imprisoned, whether he is alive or dead.

(End of this chapter)

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