Chapter 331 Joining forces
Mu Wan slightly raised her lips and said with a sneer, "My concubines are all beautiful and unparalleled, and it is inevitable that someone will covet them. In order to prevent the incident of adultery in the harem from happening again, all wives are not allowed to step into the harem. I have already ordered that Prince Li and the Taihuang Since the Empress Dowager intends to belong to Miss Zhou, then I will give you a marriage, and I will leave the palace today to wait for the marriage, so as not to disturb the rules of the harem."

Zhou Ruolan turned pale, and hurriedly knelt down and said, "Please calm down, the courtiers won't live in Yiyue Hall to break the emperor's rules, but even if you marry the courtiers and His Highness Li Wang, you still have to go through the draft rules. It is also a rule left over from the past dynasties.”

A smile curled up on the corner of Mu Wan's lips. Since she likes living in the palace, let her stay for two days. No matter how hard she tries, she won't be able to make any waves by measuring her under her nose.

"Well, it's good that Miss Zhou understands, there are many rules in the palace, everyone abides by the rules, so naturally nothing will happen."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't stay any longer, flung his dragon robe and left Chuxiu Palace.

After the empress' beating and warning, a group of beautiful girls put away those thoughts they shouldn't have in time. Thinking of the fate of the eldest princess and concubine Jiang, they felt panic in their hearts, their eyes dimmed and lost their original spirit. The place.

But seeing Zhou Ruolan's face, several beautiful girls regained their lost balance in a blink of an eye.

What a sight it was when entering the palace.

Even with the backing of the Empress Dowager and King Li, so what, in front of the Empress, she has to obediently be submissive, and dare not give a fart?
Seeing that the empress didn't like her, the other beautiful girls avoided like snakes and scorpions, for fear that they would be implicated if they got close to her.

But seeing Prince Li approaching, a group of beautiful girls hurriedly retreated.

Zhou Ruolan's face was livid, she clenched her fists, tried her best to hold back, and smiled at Prince Li.

"Lan Er, you have been wronged."

Prince Li's complexion was also not good. The empress gave Zhou Ruolan a blow, and she was obviously beating him, and she didn't take the Empress Dowager seriously.

Zhou Ruolan forced a smile, shook her head and said with a wry smile, "The emperor has always disliked me because I had an engagement with the King of Chu, but I don't understand why she still hates me so much since we divorced a long time ago... Will His Highness Li Wang be suspicious because of this, and hate Ruolan?"

"This king won't. This king knows that the emperor is jealous of you, and she loves the king of Chu very much. It's just a pain for you. Don't worry, Lan Er, this king will never let you suffer any more in the future." Li The prince looked at the beauty's pitiful appearance, and his heart was suddenly tickled. If it wasn't for the inconvenience in public, he would have had the urge to hold her in his arms to comfort her.

"Thank you, my lord, for your trust."

Zhou Ruolan's face softened a little, and she breathed a sigh of relief, because she was afraid that because of this, Prince Li would have suspicions about her.

No matter what, since she wants to marry into Prince Li's residence, she must be favored by this man, otherwise she might not have a foothold in Prince Li's residence.

And the Empress Dowager...

She couldn't help but her heart tightened, she raised her eyes to look at him again, and said, "I wonder if the prince explained this to the empress dowager?"

Prince Li narrowed his pretty peach eyes, and said with a smile, "The imperial grandmother is very satisfied with Lan'er, she won't listen to those rumors, besides, there is still the king, Lan'er can rest assured."

He naturally noticed the woman's small thoughts and worries, which already made him very satisfied. He was still a little worried when he heard that Miss Zhou was very arrogant and strong.

Now it seems completely unnecessary, after all, no matter how powerful she is, she is just a woman, no matter how strong she is, she has to rely on her husband to live a decent life.

Facing the man's scorching gaze, Zhou Ruolan couldn't help but blushed slightly, feeling a strange feeling in her heart.

"Thank you, my lord, then Ruolan will take my leave first." Shi Shiran said shyly and saluted, and then followed the maid to the arranged room to rest.

Prince Li watched her leave, and when she was no longer in sight, he turned around and went to Shoukang Palace.

After the people left, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind the rockery and went straight out of the palace.

Ling Wang Mansion.

After listening to the report from the dark guard, King Ling lowered his eyes sullenly, and a venomous flash flashed in his eyes, "Stand back, let people keep an eye on you."

The secret guard stood still, hesitated and said, "My lord, almost all the eyeliners in the palace have been sent out of the palace. Now we are in the palace, especially in the harem, and there is no one available at all. The secret guards of Chu Palace are watching closely. Subordinates can’t get in…”

Speaking of this matter, King Ling's face was extremely ugly. He did not expect that the emperor and Chu Bei would join hands and pull out all their eyeliner. It must have been discovered early in the morning, because there was no chance. It was only after the incident was exposed that they seized this golden opportunity.

The harem is promiscuous, the royal face is disgraced, the situation is serious, the harem must be rectified, the ministers of the court, the empress dowager dare not have any criticisms.

It is the people of Yong'an Palace, after this rectification, their actions are greatly restricted, and I am afraid that they cannot be too obvious in a short time.

Otherwise, if they notice it, they will definitely get rid of it.

In the harem, the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager could not suppress the powerful alliance of the Empress and Empress.

In the beginning, the emperor and empress were at odds, and they still had a lot of opportunities and loopholes to take advantage of. It would not be very difficult to just stuff a few people into the palace.

But since Jun Muwan woke up after recovering from a serious illness, everything has changed.

The concubines that the late emperor chose for her were all good people, with outstanding abilities, methods, and strategies. Even if a few more princes jumped out to block the empress, they would not be able to match her group of concubines.

Ling Wang leaned on the wheelchair with one hand and felt a headache. He had to plan carefully what to do next. His eyes flickered faintly. This time, he could only succeed and not fail.


Although the Chuxiu Palace is large, the rooms are limited, and only two people can share a room.

Unfortunately, Zhou Ruolan and Miss Zheng shared a room.

Miss Zheng, Zheng Yan is the daughter of Zheng Guogong and the grand-niece of the Empress Dowager. The former Emperor Zheng Guifei is her aunt. She and Prince Li are cousins. Zheng Yan has liked her cousin since she was a child.

Zhou Ruolan is the default concubine Li.

No wonder the relationship between the two is good.

Zheng Yan is deeply loved by the Empress Dowager, and she is already the appointed side concubine of Prince Li.

If it wasn't for Zhou Ruolan's Cheng Yaojin who ran away halfway, she would be the proper Princess Li.

When Miss Zheng saw that her nose was not her nose, her eyes were not her eyes, the hatred in her heart was not concealed at all.

Of course Miss Zhou is not something to provoke, if these two meet, Prince Li's Mansion will definitely be very lively in the future.


On the other side, after the Empress left Chuxiu Palace, the Empress Dowager sent someone to invite her.

Mu Wan was annoyed by the old lady, so she naturally wouldn't go to Shoukang Palace, so she made excuses to send her away.

The old lady knew that Zhou Ruolan's thoughts were not right and her purpose was not pure, and she deliberately arranged for her to live in the Palace of Yiyue. The Palace of Yiyue is the closest to the Palace of Suzaku, so why should the old lady be at ease? Don't think she doesn't know that she wants to use Zhou Ruolan to cause the empress to promiscuously in the harem She took the opportunity to get rid of Chu Bei, but her wishful thinking was cracking, she was scheming and scheming.

However, she would never succeed.

Mu Wan's eyes flashed coldly.

Several concubines followed her and accompanied her to the imperial garden.

Chu Bei walked side by side with her, sensed her anger, and said, "The emperor is still angry?"


At this time, she didn't want to mention these horrible things, and wanted to change her mood, so she said, "How is that workshop doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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