Chapter 334 Believe
Zheng Yan's eyes flickered darkly, and she immediately cheered up.

Chu Bei frowned slightly: "..."

Asking this question made everyone tense up, sweating coldly for the Queen and Miss Zhou.

You must know that if this matter is not done well, it will be a crime of adultery in the harem.

If the empress doesn't trust the empress enough and is suspicious by nature, she will also have doubts about the empress because of this sentence. Once the seeds of suspicion are planted, the empress will lose heart from now on.

I don't know who is secretly fueling the flames, the methods can be described as deep and vicious.

For a while, the air became low and heavy, and there seemed to be a lingering haze in the sky, and no one dared to speak.


And at this moment, Old Prince Chu and others hurried over after hearing the news.

"Your Majesty has clearly observed that since the Empress entered the palace, she has kept herself safe and kept her duty. She never dared to do anything to betray her. Your Majesty should not listen to slander." Old Prince Chu glanced sharply at Miss Zheng, and stepped forward to face Empress slightly. bowed.

Miss Zheng's face turned pale, and she felt a chill down her spine, she didn't dare to meet the sharp and cold eyes of Old Prince Chu.

These words were taught to her.

She herself doesn't have the guts to provoke the empress.

But since she said it, she can only kill Zhou Ruolan.

She straightened her back and lowered her head slightly, waiting to answer the empress.

Mu Wan looked at the old prince of Chu and the others, and said with a smile, "I know if it's a slander, and the old prince doesn't have to worry. I believe the queen is not that kind of person."

Then he glanced at Miss Zheng, curled her lips and said coldly, "Miss Zheng slapped the queen ten times as a punishment."


Zheng Yan's body softened, her face was ashen, and she tried to defend herself.

But when the empress looked over with cold eyes, she shrunk her neck in fright, and then obediently slapped her mouth.

Old Prince Chu and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Bei pulled his lips slightly, watching Mu Wanfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, with a smile shining in his eyes.

"You guys didn't stay in Chuxiu Palace well, who made you wander around?" Mu Wan looked at the dying and weak little fat pig, the corners of her lips twitched slightly, and she said in a rather stern tone.

"Back to the emperor, the ministers and others were summoned by the empress dowager to go to Shoukang Palace to pay their respects. On the way back to Chuxiu Palace, they met Yuzhuzhu in the Royal Garden. Seeing its cuteness, they couldn't help hugging it. ...Your servant is carrying a silver needle with you, and she may have touched it by accident when she was holding it, Ruolan definitely did not intend to murder Yuzhuzhu, please ask the emperor to find out." Zhou Ruolan defended in an orderly manner.

Mu Wan touched the mask on her face, it was almost ready to be washed, and she didn't want to waste time here, so she said, "The empress can figure it out herself."

What's right and what's wrong is clear at a glance.

This matter can't be slapped, Zheng Yan and Zhou Ruolan are the same people, they are not the same, if they want to fight, she is happy to see the result, so she doesn't bother to care about it.

Then she turned around and left, she was still waiting to wash off the mask.

No time for this crap.

"Penalty [-] boards, ground for two days."

Chu Bei dropped a word coldly, and threw Yuzhuzhu to Situ Mo and the others, and hurriedly chased after the Empress.

Old Prince Chu still wanted to keep him, so he reprimanded him a few times, and when he saw someone running to cling to the Empress, he said nothing more, as long as he knew he was enlightened.


After going back, Mu Wan and Ning Xin cleaned their faces together, and found that the skin was instantly like a freshly peeled egg, tender and slippery, and watery, as if water could be squeezed out.

Ning Xinyao and the girl were not overjoyed, they praised the mask as a good thing, it was amazing like magic.

Mu Wan turned back and smiled at Fu Si, "These masks, whitening and rejuvenating cream, hand cream, soap, and toothpaste can all be mass-produced. I will leave this matter to you to be in charge of supervision. After a month, I plan to open Convenience store."

Fu Si frowned, obviously unwilling, but it's not appropriate to entrust this matter to anyone other than him.

Ning Xinyao looked at him, and with a flick of her eyes, she took the emperor's sister's arm and asked Ying, "Cousin, you might as well leave it to me to take care of it. Doctor Fu doesn't have time. I have nothing to do when I enter the palace. I'm bored." Don't worry, I can help when I have time."

"But you don't know the medicinal materials." Mu Wan was a little worried, not because she didn't want her to help, but because she was afraid that Ning Xinyao didn't understand the medicinal materials, so what if something went wrong with the preparation.

But it’s not okay to hand it over to others. After all, these are secret recipes for making money and business opportunities.

Ning Xinyao said with a smile, "I can identify medicinal ingredients with Fu Shenyi, and I can also learn medical skills from him..."

Having said that, she dodged her eyes a little guilty.

Fu Si frowned.

Mu Wan's eyes lit up instantly, "Well, do you want to study medicine?"

There is a shortage of female doctors in the palace.

Last time Ning Xinyao was injured, she felt that it was too inconvenient not to have a female doctor.

It is always inconvenient for girls to see a doctor at home.

In ancient times, there were scruples about the difference between men and women, but women were not encouraged to study medicine. Very few enlightened families would allow girls to study medicine.

In the entire capital, only Miss Zhou has learned medical skills.

Since Ning Xinyao wanted to study medicine, Mu Wan would naturally support her strongly.

With her support, once Jinkou opened, Ning Xinyao could learn medical skills from Fu Si's side, and it would be difficult for Fu Si to refuse.

Recently, he felt too busy, and thought about taking in a few apprentices to share his worries.

But the female disciple never thought about it, let alone Ning Xinyao, who hesitated for a while.

"That's it. Come on, Yao'er hasten to apprentice."

Encouraged by Mu Wan, Ning Xinyao immediately seized the opportunity, knelt down and kowtowed to worship her teacher, and now she didn't even give him a chance to refuse.

Fu Si secretly raised his forehead, what else can he say?
Pursing her lips and saying nothing, she could only obediently accept this female apprentice.

"Well, get up."

"Thank you master."

Ning Xinyao was so happy that she wanted to jump up.

"Then master, shall I learn from you now?"

The little girl came over suddenly, staring at herself with sparkling eyes.

Fu Si felt unwell for a moment, his eyes flickered, and he thought to himself, so she came to deliver the cakes just to learn from a teacher!
he thought...

"You should follow Xiaoyao to learn how to identify medicinal materials first." Fu Si subconsciously avoided his eyes, "Then, let him tell you the rules of Yaowang Valley."

The little Yaotong said happily, "Miss Ning, please come with me."

Xiao Taohong wanted to follow, but was stopped by Fu Si, "From now on, only you are allowed to come here alone." This is his rule.

Ning Xinyao nodded after thinking about it, and said to the girl, "Xiao Tao, you should go back first."

"But girl, if the servant doesn't follow you, where else can the servant go?" Xiao Taohong became anxious immediately.

After she entered the palace, her only job was to serve Ning Xinyao.

The palace is not like in Yao's mansion, they are allowed to do all kinds of work, if they don't serve the girl, she doesn't want to go back to Yao's house.

"Silly girl, your girl doesn't live here, so she has to go back to live in Xuanwu Hall. You can go back and find Biyue and the others, and ask Nanny Tan to arrange something for you to pass the time." Mu Wan couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, this servant understands, thank you, Your Majesty." Xiao Taohong said in embarrassment.

Seeing how anxious she is, the emperor will not drive her out of the palace.

Ning Xinyao followed the little drug boy to learn how to identify herbs.

Mu Wan also planned to go back and apply eye ointment.


At this time, after the princes returned to the mansion, they were summoning a few staff members to discuss matters in the mansion.

Now the empress has personally set about rectifying the harem, and basically all the eyeliners planted in the palace have been cleaned up.

It takes time and money to redevelop eyeliner.

"The top priority is still the lack of money. My lord, the shops opened by Miss Zhou are all doing well, and they have accumulated a lot of money. It is the right choice to choose her as the princess. You must be optimistic about the person, so as to prevent the Palace of Qi from obstructing her. Pry the corner of the wall."

Prince Li pursed his lips and said, "Don't worry, there is the Empress Dowager watching in the palace, nothing will happen."

(End of this chapter)

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