The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 344 This Man Is Too Shameless

Chapter 344 This Man Is Too Shameless
Mu Wan thought about it for a while and thought it made sense. Before she got rid of the Queen Mother and others to avenge the death of the Ning family, she seemed ashamed to face her grandfather and the others.

"Then what is Fu Si's attitude towards Yao'er? Did you ask him in private?"

Thinking that they had a good relationship, he asked him to find out.

Chu Bei helped her to sit down, and said truthfully, "Fu Si thinks that the master-student relationship is enough. He understands what the emperor means, and he also expressed that Yaowanggu is willing to cooperate with the emperor. As for the marriage, let's forget it."

Fu Si has no intentions towards Ning Xinyao.


Mu Wan pulled her lips slightly, expressing that she expected it.

"Then after this autumn, I plan to find a good husband for Yao'er. If there is a suitable queen, I will also help to look at it. Other things are secondary. The character must be good, and it is best not to take concubines."

Chu Bei: "..."

"The only families that are not allowed to take concubines are the four major families in the capital."

Mu Wan's eyes showed surprise, "Is the rule of your four major families not allowed to take concubines?"

Chu Bei nodded, "In the beginning, it was only our Chu family's rules that no descendants of future generations should take concubines, and then the other three families followed suit."

Mu Wan nodded in satisfaction, "That's very good, just choose from your four major families."

"Chu Lan, who is the youngest now, is about the same age as Ning Xinyao. How about letting them get to know each other first?"

Mu Wan nodded, saying yes, so she couldn't help but ask the secret guard to pass the message to the pharmacy.


Knowing that she couldn't go to Qinglong Mountain to see her father for the time being, Ning Xinyao felt a little disappointed.

But the secret guard said again, "The emperor means to let the girl choose a husband first, and then go to Qinglong Mountain to meet Lord Ning together."

Ning Xinyao's ears were burning hot, she was only 13 years old, and she usually started talking about marriage after the marriage ceremony, isn't it a bit early now? !

Hearing this, the little drug boy and Fu Si looked over in surprise.

The secret guard said again, "Your Majesty thinks that the Sixth Prince of the Chu Palace is good. The Palace has a rule not to accept concubines. The Sixth Prince is both civil and military, with a cheerful and gentle disposition. I hope Miss Ning will think about it first. This is the portrait of our young master."

The dark guard happened to be the personal guard next to Chu Liu.

Chu Bei asked him to send the portrait into the palace, and then asked him to pass the message along the way.

And Chu Liu met Ning Xinyao at the Lantern Festival last time. She stood out among hundreds of ladies from all over the world, and finally won the first place and defeated Miss Zhou, so she became famous. In addition, she was the emperor's relative. Cousin, with this kind of relationship, even if the Ning family is in decline, there are still many noble ladies who want to propose marriage, and when they go to the Yao family, the Yao family is very happy to agree, but Ning Xinyao's marriage has to be decided by the empress. That's the only thing that counts, those noble ladies have to wait first, because Ning Xinyao is still young, so she is not in a hurry to say goodbye.

But they don't know that the empress' concept of kissing doesn't mean the same thing to them.

Mu Wan hopes that Ning Xinyao can choose a good husband, who loves her, likes each other, and has a relationship with affection.

You can find someone first and get married first, but you will definitely not force her to marry early.

The Sixth Madam Chu also took a fancy to Ning Xinyao. Knowing that her son liked other girls, she had intended to propose marriage to her son for a long time. Although she was still young, she could make an appointment first. There were hundreds of women in the family asking for it, so she couldn't let others get ahead of her.

But she didn't dare to go to the palace to look for the Empress, but she mentioned this matter to Chu Bei, but she didn't expect that Chu Bei would get news so soon.

When the dark guard returned to the palace to deliver the message, the Sixth Madam Chu happened to be there, and she was so happy to hear that, she was so excited that she almost went to the palace to propose a marriage, but was fortunately stopped by the sixth son.

So this time, Qing Feng treated Ning Xinyao very well, respectfully and completely treated her like a mistress.

Respectfully offer the portrait with both hands.

Ning Xinyao blushed like a cloud, she didn't know what to do, she didn't plan to marry yet.

She should not be worthy of the family status of the Chu family.

So she did not accept the portrait for a long time.

In the end, the little drug boy took over for her.

After delivering the portrait, the dark guard rushed back to Chu Palace to reply.

Ning Xinyao turned around and glanced at Fu Si, her cheeks were hot immediately, as if cooked fried, she hid in the pharmacy in embarrassment.

The little drug boy held the portrait, looked at his master, and whispered, "Master, Miss Ning is going to marry someone else." Are you not in a hurry?

Fu Si pursed his lips, glanced at the portrait coldly, and said displeasedly, "What does this have to do with this genius doctor?"

He felt angry in vain.

Dissatisfied with the Queen's approach.

Previously, he wanted to betroth Ning Xinyao to him, but he didn't agree, so he turned around and wanted to marry her into the Chu family?


That woman is really cunning.

Do you think he will give in if you use the aggressive method?
The corners of Fu Si's lips were slightly raised, and his red lips evoked a charming smile. His eyes were gloomy and mockingly glanced at the pharmacy. At this time, Ning Xinyao was carefully arranging the dried herbs.

He pursed his lips, not feeling like he walked over with the portrait.


Ning Xinyao turned her head and saw someone, and hurriedly shouted.

His eyes fell on the portrait in his hand, and his face showed a hint of embarrassment.

"The portrait is for you."

Fu Si coldly handed her the portrait.

Ning Xinyao tensed up all over, feeling that the master seemed very unhappy, so she said cautiously, "Thank you, master."

Fu Si frowned slightly, and said lazily and coldly, "Do you want to marry Chu Liu?"

"I... I haven't thought about it." Ning Xinyao was slightly embarrassed.

The corners of Fu Si's lips twitched slightly, "There is a rule in the Valley of the Medicine Kings. I want to tell you that you are not allowed to go out of the Valley of the Medicine Kings within five years after entering the Valley. , and you must follow me for five years, if you can’t do it, the relationship between you and me as a master and apprentice will be over from today, so you can do it yourself.”

After finishing speaking, he turned indifferently and said no more.

Ning Xinyao immediately said in a hurry, "Master...Master, wait a minute, I never thought of marrying the sixth son of Chu, that's what my cousin meant, and I will tell her later, I don't want to marry, I will study medicine with you. Don't drive me out of the division."

It took so much effort to become a teacher, and in less than two days, she was expelled from the school for this disagreement. How could it be possible? She didn't learn anything.

Definitely can't be kicked out by him.

Ning Xinyao chased after him, and seeing him standing still, she boldly pulled his robe and begged pitifully.

She still learned this trick from Mu Wan.

Several times, she had seen Mu Wan pulling King Chu's robe like this... As long as she showed pitiful eyes, King Chu would be fine.

My cousin said that men can't stand this.

The master is also a man.

Why don't she follow her cousin's example and squeeze two tears? !
Fu Si's head was full of black lines, and he pulled back the corner of his clothes without a trace. He really couldn't stand it, but he still said coldly, "Well, you just need to understand the rules of Yaowang Valley. Since you don't want to, then return the portrait." Bar."

Ning Xinyao nodded her head, and immediately took the portrait and ran back to Xuanwu Hall to find Mu Wan.

The little drug boy stood aside, his eyebrows twitching, and he despised him extremely.

This man is so shameless.

When did Yaowang Valley have an unwritten rule?
You can't go out of the valley for five years, he added it himself
(End of this chapter)

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