Chapter 347

Then he dribbled the ball again, quickly dodged the obstruction of several teenagers, and passed the ball to a teenager with one kick.

Nan Sheng shot quickly after receiving the ball.

The action is handsome and gorgeous.

Very eye-catching.

This is divided into two groups, one group of Empresses and one group of Queens.

It's all decided by lottery.

Mu Wan came over, gave Nan Sheng a thumbs up, and said, "Aifei is doing beautifully."

Nan Sheng smiled happily, "Your Majesty's current match is two to two, and we are tied with the Queen."

Mu Wan was sweating profusely from running.

Fuyu on the side took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped her sweat, "It's all thanks to the emperor."

The two were very happy, they were so lucky to have the opportunity to get close to the Empress so soon, God helped me.

Seeing that the two of them gathered in front of the empress to show their courtesy, they gained a good impression.

Situ Mo and Xiao Ci immediately ran over to squeeze them away.

He hurriedly motioned for someone to bring a handkerchief and water to serve him.

The two of them are also from the Empress's team, and it's not convenient for Chu Bei to come here, so the two of them have to pinch the peach blossoms around the Empress for him.

The faces of Fuyu and Nansheng who were pushed away suddenly darkened, very unhappy.

But in terms of status, one of them is Concubine Shu, the other is Concubine De, they are ranked among the fourth concubines, and they are all first-rank concubines.

After the queen is them.

But Fuyu and Nansheng are only second-rank concubines.

In terms of rank, you can't wantonly contradict them.

With them in front of the empress, all the flowers and plants in the palace had to stand back.

Just happy that the queen is not with the empress, but in the end concubine De and Concubine Shu came to spoil their good deeds.

The two of them could only dare to be angry and dare not speak.

Seeing the four teenagers staring at each other coldly, Mu Wan couldn't help covering her face, and glanced at Chu Huhu opposite, feeling a sudden headache.

When I turned around, I had to coax him.

Suddenly, she felt that as an empress, there were Sangongs and Six Courtyards, if they all ran out to fight for the wind, jealous, secret rivalry, Gongdou or something, she might go crazy.

Just coaxing a Chu fox would give her a headache. That guy is vinegar essence, and she couldn't resist eating vinegar.

Mu Wan wiped off her sweat, looked up at the blue sky and white clouds, and then she didn't want to play anymore.

Give up the position to those concubines who want to play.

She left, and Chu Bei naturally followed to the resting place.

After all, with the emperor and queen around, those concubines would be nervous and couldn't let go to play.

"The emperor please drink this chrysanthemum and wolfberry tea."

As soon as Mu Wan took the teacup to drink, someone snatched it away.

"I just finished exercising and need to drink more water. I just want to drink plain water." Mu Wan grabbed the can and took a sip.

Chu Bei frowned slightly, a little unhappy, but he didn't say anything, if she didn't want to drink, he could drink it by himself.

At this moment, Mu Wan was drinking water with her head up slightly, she couldn't help but raise a corner of her eyes and squinted at him secretly, seeing that he wasn't unhappy, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But she knows.

Chu Bei was controlling the unhappiness in his heart, and he never revealed his emotions casually.

He will explode when there are only two people in private.

With his personality, if he becomes the emperor and she is the concubine, he will definitely be bullied miserably.

Mu Wan wiped her sweat silently, suddenly she was a little glad that she was the emperor.

But a tiger is a tiger, and it is definitely not a sick cat when it starts its prestige.

Thinking of Chu Hu's broken temper, she panicked a little.

Thinking about it in a blink of an eye, I felt that something was wrong. Why did I suffer from "strict wife control"?
Mu Wan frowned, extremely depressed.

The two sat there quietly watching the Cuju match.

Chu Bei didn't say a word, and smiled at her from time to time, which was ridiculous.

It makes people feel chilly all the time.

After watching a cuju game.

It's almost time, she should go back to take a bath, and then review the papers.

"Where are you going, Your Majesty?"

Mu Wan got up and hurried away.

Unexpectedly, before he left, he was caught by a smiling black-bellied fox, and he was directly taken back to the Suzaku Hall.

At night, I heard that the empress was staying with the empress.

Neither Fuyu nor Nansheng could do this kind of operation.

The queen is just too domineering.

In other words, they would not dare to take the person directly back to the bedroom.

What is this called?
Tough sleeping? !
People with little ability dare not, they can't compare with Chu Bei, after all, he holds the military power, has a high position and authority, and has a strong family background like the Chu Palace.

What's more important is that the Empress likes to pamper him, no matter what Chu Bei did, she will not blame him.

Their way of getting along is not like other emperors and empresses, one is high above the others, and the other is humble and vigilant, worried about offending Longyan and losing his status, there may not be much sincerity between the two.

But they are different, like an ordinary loving couple, which is enviable.


In Yufu Palace, several male favorites who had shared hardships in the past came to congratulate.

The seven or eight teenagers could be said to be friends in need who entered the Misty Rain Building together with him, then entered the Eldest Princess' Mansion together, and finally entered the Queen's Harem together.

Among them, Changfeng and Fuyu are the best friends, and they are the only ones who know his true identity.

Changfeng is a gentle and jade-like young man, dressed in a crescent-white brocade suit, which sets off his appearance in a graceful manner, with red lips and white teeth, his beauty is delicious.

Seeing that Fuyu was in a bad mood, he comforted her, "Don't be like this, after all, he is a queen, and he grew up with the Empress since he was a child, and he has a deep and deep relationship. Where is the love, he is naturally better than others."

Since ancient times, emperors belonged to the harem, and it was impossible for him to belong to the harem alone. Only by keeping calm can it last for a long time.

Fuyu looked at him, his face softened, and he nodded, "That's right, Nan Sheng and I alone may not be enough to compete with the queen. Now that I have regained my identity, they will have scruples if they want to deal with me. We should work harder to win the favor of the Empress, and help us to be promoted as soon as possible."

The most common method used in the harem is to find someone to be a firm favorite. Like those backyard women, in order to consolidate their status and compete for favor with a group of aunts, they will often send the most trusted girls around to their husbands' pillows.

They all thought it was normal before, but now it's their turn, and they feel sad, uncomfortable, and even angry.

But there is no way, if they don't do this, they will have no chance to be favored by the Empress.

Changfeng's eyes flickered slightly, and he lowered his eyes, "I'll listen to you..." As long as he is happy.

Fuyu nodded slightly, "Well, let's sit down and eat."

Today is to celebrate his release from prison, and even more to celebrate his promotion to Concubine Yu.

With the position of concubine, she will be the master of Zheng'er Bajing from now on, and will also be the support of several of their concubines.

Several teenagers nodded respectfully and sat down.


After the meal, the teenagers planned to leave and return to Qingyou Pavilion.

Changfeng looked at Fuyu and said, "My lord, can Changfeng live in Yufu Palace tonight?"

Fuyu saw that he was indeed drunk, so she nodded, "Tomorrow, I will go to the emperor and ask you to move here to live in Yufu Palace."

The palace is so big, he is a bit lonely by himself.

Changfeng has been by his side for many years, he has accompanied him in life and death several times, and he has saved him several times.

He will never forget this kindness.

Changfeng's face suddenly showed ecstasy, and he said happily, "Thank you, young master."

The eyes of the other teenagers were full of envy. Living in Yufu Palace would give them more opportunities to approach the Empress. Although they were envious, they did not dare to show their dissatisfaction. After all, Changfeng and Fuyu had the deepest friendship, and it was right to support him first. of.

(End of this chapter)

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