Chapter 350 Birthday Banquet 3
Master Shen received the reward, bowed and said excitedly, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward."

It is really rare for the emperor to care about his subjects so sincerely, and it is his honor.

"Well, I'll leave it to you to be responsible for this matter. Take your time and don't rush. Wait until everything is safe before implementing it. It should be more comprehensive and rigorous." Mu Wan smiled and gave a little support.

"The minister will not disgrace the mission."

After receiving the empress' draft, Mr. Shen thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, the construction of the Shanshan Hall by the imperial court is currently under construction, but the money donated before seems a bit insufficient."

Mu Wan knew that the money would be expensive. The shantang she wanted to build was bigger than ordinary academies. She planned to build a civil and military school. Not only did she build it, but she also had to buy furniture, books, invite a teacher, etc. 10,000+ taels might not be enough. "In two days, I will allocate funds to you."

She has read the account books of the hot pot restaurant and private orders, and the money will be sent to the palace at the end of the month.

It's time to fill the treasury first.

Mr. Shen nodded slightly and stepped aside.

Then the old prince Chu mentioned about the military salary.

The prime minister mentioned that a large number of chickens, ducks and poultry died suddenly in a small village near the capital. It was not serious at first, but it has become more and more serious recently. This happened in several villages. He said seriously, "Your Majesty , I am afraid that this matter needs to be investigated by Master Fu, because I am afraid that there will be a plague at that time."


Just after the drought, if the plague breaks out again, it will be troublesome.

In ancient times, medical conditions were underdeveloped. If there was a plague, many people would definitely die.

Mu Wan frowned, and hurriedly said, "Well, deal with it immediately, draw up an order, let Fu Si lead a team to the origin point to investigate the matter, and the prime minister will be responsible for supervising and report immediately if there is any situation."

The prime minister hurriedly bowed and nodded to accept the order.

Mu Wan breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at Chu Bei. The things they discussed were similar, and they also planned to leave.

But at this moment, a little eunuch hurriedly came to report, and Xiao Lizi walked in with a bad face after going out, "I want to report to the emperor...Master Mingshu suddenly fell into the lotus pond."

Mu Wan frowned slightly, and for a moment couldn't remember who the county master Mingshu was.

Chu Bei coughed lightly, "It's the eldest princess who was deposed not long ago."

Because she was too lazy to think about it, she asked someone to write a title casually.

Mu Wan: "..."

Everyone looked at each other, their faces a little ugly.

Looking at the empress, her face was already gloomy, and she said coldly, "Why did you fall into the water?"

Xiao Lizi glanced at the prime minister and said, "Go back to the emperor, I heard that he was thrown down by Concubine Shu."

The prime minister's face changed, "How could it be... How could Concubine Shu throw away County Princess Mingshu when she is so good?"

"I don't know, so please the emperor and all the lords go and have a look. Concubine Shu is now being escorted into Shoukang Palace." The little eunuch who came by Xiao Lizi's side said anxiously.

As soon as the county lord fell into the water, the empress dowager and the empress dowager were alarmed, and then King Qi and others were about to take concubine Shu away.

In the imperial garden, several concubines and princes almost got into a fight.

In the end Concubine Shu was taken into the Shoukang Palace, and Concubine De and the other concubines followed.

Mu Wan's face was livid, and she hurriedly got up and said angrily, "Show the Shoukang Palace."

This Jun Muxue is simply a disaster, if something happens to Situ Mo, she will definitely kill her today.

Chu Bei, the old prince of Chu, the prime minister... naturally they also went together.


At this time, in the rockery near the remote Lenggong in the Imperial Garden.

A man and a woman are secretly meeting each other.

Wearing a veil, Zhou Ruolan looked at the man in the wheelchair with displeased eyes, and said impatiently, "How could the matter be exposed? Didn't you say that the sachet was destroyed by you?"

"When the king arrived, the sachet was no longer on the emperor's body, and he sent someone down to look for it, but he couldn't find it. I think someone took it away in advance." Ling Wang raised his lips slightly.

"Who would that be?"

"If it wasn't for the person serving the empress, then there was only one person who had the best chance of taking the sachet."

Zhou Ruolan frowned, her eyes flickered, she thought for a while, and suddenly a person jumped out, "You senior brother."

Her face changed slightly, and her voice trembled unconsciously.

If senior brother found out, would he tell Chu Bei?
Suddenly realizing this problem, Zhou Ruolan's face was indescribably ugly, and she was still a little scared.

King Ling pulled his lips slightly, "Don't be afraid, even if they know, I'm afraid there is no evidence. Your senior brother may have destroyed that sachet. Think about it, if you let the empress know, you will definitely implicate Yaowanggu. Your senior brother cares most about it." It’s Yaowanggu, so I’m sure I won’t tell Chu Bei about it.”

Hearing his analysis, Zhou Ruolan nodded hurriedly, thinking it made sense, "Brother really cares about Yaowanggu the most."

Thinking of this, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked at King Ling, and asked with a twinkle in her eyes, "Are you really going to help me?"

"Well, this king will not break his promise if he promised you."

"Why, don't you always... have unreasonable thoughts about me?"

She knew what this man thought about her, and she suddenly agreed to help her get another man. She didn't believe that he would really help.

King Ling narrowed his beautiful peach eyes, and said with a smile, "I know I'm not good enough for you with my current appearance, but I can't forget you, and I just want to help the woman I love fulfill her wish."

Zhou Ruolan's downcast eyes flickered slightly, she didn't know what she was thinking, when she raised her eyes to look at him again, she couldn't help but feel a little more complicated in her eyes, "Thank you..."

At this time, the dark guard suddenly appeared and whispered a few words in King Ling's ear.

Then King Ling said, "The eldest princess has an accident, we all have to go back, the plan will not change, and you will play by ear."

Zhou Ruolan nodded, and after leaving the rockery, the two separated and went to Shoukang Palace to watch the excitement.


In Shoukang Palace, Situ Mo stood in the main hall, cold and proud, and the Empress Dowager's eyes were as sharp as a knife, wishing to tear him apart in minutes.

"Bold, Concubine Shu, don't kneel down yet!"

The queen mother sternly scolded.

"What did Concubine Shu do to kneel down?"

At this time, the empress and a group of ministers rushed to Shoukang Palace suddenly.

The empress' domineering and formidable voice came in, shocking everyone, and everyone hurriedly knelt down.

The eldest princess saw the empress hiding aside in fear.

She was really scared.

I didn't understand it before, but now I deeply understand that the emperor is the emperor, and no one in the world can disobey her.

The queen mother sneered, "Does the emperor want to favor concubine Shu? He threw the eldest princess into the lotus pond under the watchful eyes of everyone. His heart can be punished."

"Who is the eldest princess? Is there still an eldest princess?" Mu Wan tossed her dragon robe and sat down, glanced coldly at the queen mother and daughter, and smiled mockingly.

The queen mother's face turned purple, her lips trembled, her eyes fixed on Mu Wan, and she gritted her teeth, "The Ai family is talking about the county lord Mingshu, even if the county lord is now of royal blood, he knows that the county lord is weak and cannot touch him." In the water, Concubine Shu pushed the county master into the water in full view, but the emperor wanted to take sides, so could it be that the emperor gave orders to kill his own imperial sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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