Chapter 371 Palace Exam
The last time he heard her play "House of Flying Daggers" in West Lake, he kept it silently in his heart and wanted to find the best guqin in the world for her.

The Guqin of the aristocratic family is only lonely.

It took him a long time to find it.

Mu Wan stared at Xiao Lizi secretly, this time you are finished, I can't even save you! !
Xiao Lizi's legs were already trembling with fright.

Chu Bei noticed the strange expressions of the two of them with cold eyes, then looked at Xiao Lizi's expression, and suddenly remembered that there was a batch of tributes sent to the palace today, and Duyouqin was sent to Xuanwu Hall with him. Has her stuff been given to others? ? ?


Xiao Lizi knelt down in fear.

Mu Wan pinched the center of her brows with a headache, "It was I who rewarded Concubine Sheng." After all the rewards have been given away, you can't get them back. How embarrassing it would be.

But Chu Bei's face was ugly, obviously very unhappy, and he said coldly, "This king specially found it for you."

I wanted to give it to her as a birthday present.

It was the dark guard who took too much effort to find it and sent it directly to Xuanwu Hall.

This is all right, and she will give it to someone else in a blink of an eye.

The more Chu Bei thought about it, the more unhappy he became.

Seeing that his handsome face was darkened, Mu Wan stretched out her hand to tug on his sleeve to flatter him, "I didn't know at first, otherwise I would never have rewarded others."

Chu Bei glanced at the slender white hand, and Bu Yu's face gradually eased. If he didn't know that she didn't do it on purpose, he would definitely not have spared her like this. He raised his long arm and pulled her into his arms. Gritting his teeth beside his ears, he said, "Don't think that's all."

Mu Wan: ...


The next day, the palace test.

The top ten students in the test came to the Golden Luan Hall together.

At this time, many ministers are paying attention to this year's Yuanhui. If there is no accident, this young man is likely to be this year's Jinke champion.

Surprisingly, this Mr. Luo is only this year. He is handsome and personable, comparable to Situ Mo, the last Jinke champion.

Being able to win the Yuanhui in one fell swoop shows that he is very talented.

The eighteenth champion, the future is limitless.

It is said that he is still a child of a poor family, with a simple background, and many ministers have already thought about it and want to recruit a husband as their son-in-law.


At this time in Shoukang Palace, the tenth princess and the third princess entered the palace early to pay their respects.

When the rankings were released yesterday, all the talented scholars and beauties were at the top, and they all inquired about them clearly.

The two princesses were very interested in Luo Zichen.

Because he is very mysterious, there are many legends about him.

Some people say that he is a 60-year-old man, some people say that he is ugly and shameless, and some people say that he is more handsome than Pan An, handsome and talented... a rare genius boy in a century.

Apart from Chubei and Situ Mo, this was the first time I heard the words "genius boy" so highly evaluated.

They believe in the latter more, and the champions every year are very good.

I believe this time is no exception.

"Grandmother, we want to take a sneak peek at the Golden Luan Hall, is that okay?" The tenth princess said coquettishly to the old lady.

The old lady shook her head and said rather sternly, "No."

The Golden Temple is not a place where everyone can come and go, especially women, and the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics.

Mu Wan and Chu Bei are the exceptions, they have violated the taboo of the royal family.

If she hadn't been fooled out of Beijing by the first emperor, there would be no female emperor or male queen today.

The old lady is still a traditional woman in her bones, so she is absolutely not allowed to do anything that touches the taboo of the royal family.

The tenth princess's face was tense, and she hurriedly said, "I know I was wrong, the emperor's grandmother calm down."

The old lady looked at her, "Ai's family has asked people to wait in the Jinluan Palace. When the results come out, they will let the champion, second place, and Tanhua all come to Shoukang Palace."


In the Golden Luan Hall, Mu Wan glanced at this year's students, they were all of good aptitude, they were all relatively young, the oldest was only 25 years old, the top three were all 14 or [-] year olds, Luo Zichen was [-] years old, Lou Yu was [-] years old , Situ Lan has just passed her [-]th birthday, and they are all handsome young men with a handsome appearance.

Looking at them one by one, there seemed to be a very familiar one. I remembered that it was the scholar who won the special prize in the hot pot restaurant. Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and glanced at the list. It was called Zhong Chu, and it must be him.

He is 25 years old, has won a lottery, and was shortlisted for No.5 in one fell swoop. It seems that he is really lucky.

After the ten students saluted, the Empress praised her a lot, and then began to ask some students to answer the questions in the hall.

Answer with pen and ink first, and then explain your point of view orally.

The entire hall was very quiet, waiting for a few students to answer.

After half a stick of incense, someone handed in the paper.

Luo Zichen, Lou Yu, and Situ Lan wrote almost at the same time.

The paper was handed over to the Empress, and she picked one up and glanced at it, then glanced at Lou Yu, her eyes lit up, and said with a smile, "Not bad..."

Lou Yu's talent and knowledge are the best among Lu Fei and the others. This time Lu Fei, Shen Qing and Gu Qingze all took part in the exam. Although their rankings were a little lower, at least they won Jinshi and were on the list.

What surprised her the most was Lu Fei. He is the little overlord of the capital. He usually plays around, eats, drinks, and has fun. He doesn't like to study. He rarely goes to colleges. How could he be on the list this time?
What is this called?
Got shit luck?
Mu Wan read and thought, looked at Lou Yu's test paper, and felt that it should be boiled down to the bottom line. Lu Fei and the aristocrats from aristocratic families have a solid foundation, and they are with Lou Yu every day. They love to study, which is typical A good student, the kind of top student who won't go out to play until he finishes his homework.

A dude like Lu Fei is a buddy with Lou Yu.

It's been a little tricky.

After reading Lou Yu's paper, and then Situ Lan's, it's not bad, they are all top students, and their answers are not bad.

In the end it was Luo Zichen's.

Well, it is indeed eye-catching. After all, it is a child who lives at the bottom and has a better understanding of the life of farmers. However, in Mu Wan's eyes, it is only a standard answer, not the answer she wants most.

Seeing that the Empress' expressions were similar, Luo Zichen couldn't help but frowned slightly. He was always very confident, and this time the Empress's post was about the life of grassroots farmers, crop cultivation and other related topics, which were his forte, and shouldn't be It's just a feeling that feels good, right? !
Shouldn't it be a surprise, and then shout "Okay..." like picking up a treasure? !

Those masters are all like this, he is used to being looked at like gold. .

But I didn't expect that when it came to the empress, it seemed a little out of control.

The empress is not satisfied with his answer?


Everyone else handed in their papers, and the Empress patiently read them all.

After reading it, she said with a smile, "Everyone, please take a look."

The paper was passed down for all officials to read.

The ten students in the hall began to feel unavoidably nervous.

Those like the prime minister who saw the papers answered by their sons and compared them with other papers would show relief and joy, and asked their sons to make persistent efforts, not to be proud and complacent.

After reading it, everyone thought that Luo Zichen's answer was the best.

After that, the remaining three were chosen, Situ Lan, Lou Yu, and Zhou Yunting.

(End of this chapter)

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