Chapter 373
The old lady nodded slightly. She had a pretty good impression of this boy, and then asked, "Have you got married yet?"

The three teenagers are very smart, and the tenth princess and the third princess are here, and the old lady asked this question, so she knew that she was planning to choose a son-in-law for the two princesses.

Lou Yu and Situ Lan are already engaged, so there is no need to answer this question.

Luo Zichen subconsciously narrowed his eyes, and glanced lightly at the two women in front of the hall, "Back to the Empress Dowager, I got married last month." After saying that, everyone was surprised.

Even Mu Wan and Chu Bei looked at him in surprise.

Could it be that he deliberately fabricated it to deceive the old lady?

Mu Wan looked at Chu Bei, and he shook his head to express that he had never heard of the news that he was married.

He did know that he had a marriage contract with Miss Ning Wu and Ning Zitong.

But back then when the Ning family was hunted down, fearing that they would hurt the Luo Zichen brothers, they withdrew their marriage.

Even if the marriage contract is still counted, it is impossible for the Ning family to agree to marry their daughter to him so quickly.

Chu Bei thought that he must have said that on purpose to reject the Empress Dowager.


The ten princesses and the third princess couldn't help but look disappointed.

Mu Wan squinted her eyes at the young man, secretly admiring him, he was really smart, and he blocked the old lady with one sentence.

People say that they are married, so there is no need to ask the next question.

The old lady was in no mood at all, she sent someone to inquire before, and she didn't know the origin of the young man, he was so mysterious, it could be seen that his background was unknown, she thought that Luo Zichen came from a poor family, so she gave up after thinking about it, and wanted to send him away after a few words .

But the tenth princess was very upset. The man she fell in love with finally got married besides Chu Bei. She was not reconciled, so she said proudly, "I don't know which daughter Luo is married to?"

Luo Zichen lowered his head slightly, "Back to the princess, the minister's wife is just an ordinary person, not worthy of the princess's concern."

The tenth princess was angry, thinking that he did it on purpose, and wanted to speak, but was stopped by a stern look from the old lady.

Even if you are a married man, you shouldn't think about it.

The eldest princess' fate is in front of her eyes, do you want to follow in her footsteps?
Princess Ten's complexion changed slightly, knowing the old lady's temper, although she usually dotes on her, she is not slack at all when she is strict, so she was most afraid of the old lady's anger, so she had to shut up in the end.

The old lady glanced at Luo Zichen, and in vain became a little bit more displeased, thinking that like Chu Bei, anyone who looks good is a disaster, and she doesn't like any of the concubines of the empress, right now, "Aijia It's over, you guys back off."

The three teenagers hurriedly bowed and left.

Sitting next to the emperor, the empress planned to eat melons and watch a play, but the work was over after a while, and she suddenly felt bored and planned to leave.

Before they could speak, the old lady said, "Emperor, next month is your birthday, and there is only one day between you and the tenth princess. Let's organize the birthday banquet together, so as to save a lot of money."

Mu Wan frowned slightly, "Do it together?"

She is the emperor, and if you work with her, don't you enjoy the same treatment as the emperor?

There are also ministers giving gifts, so it is not easy to give too much difference.

I want to be cheap.

At this time, the queen mother sneered, "Didn't the emperor say that the national treasury was empty? Holding a birthday banquet together can just save money. The empress dowager is also doing it for your own good. Why, you don't want to agree?"

Mu Wanleng glanced at the Queen Mother and immediately felt disgusted. This old witch has her everywhere, she talks with a gun and a stick, loves to tell stories, and has a face full of resentment all day long, as if she owed her 100 million, and she compares her mind to Mammy It's also vicious, it's simply extremely hateful.

Then the tenth princess looked at her, and said in a white lotus tone, "Sister Huang, don't you want to celebrate your birthday with me? I know it's wrong for me to make you angry. But every birthday we celebrate together."

Mu Wan sipped the teacup, lowered her eyes and said, "I don't plan to celebrate my birthday this year..."

The tenth princess was surprised, "It's not the birthday, so how can I do it?"

The queen mother mocked, "I'm afraid your sister doesn't want to celebrate your birthday with you."

Mu Wan's eyes were slightly cold, "I..."

"This king intends to organize a birthday banquet for the emperor alone. It is not money from the palace. This king pays for it himself."

At this time, Chu Bei's clear and cold voice sounded.

Hearing this, everyone looked at him in shock, and the old lady frowned slightly, "The queen pays for it herself?"

Chu Bei looked indifferent, "That's right, this king only spends money for the emperor, in order to avoid suspicion, please ask the tenth princess to be a little self-aware."

The tenth princess's face turned blue and red, and secretly tore the embroidered handkerchief, maddened with jealousy, smiled and said: "I'm afraid this is not very good, let people know, it is the face of the imperial sister, the majestic king, what is it?" Is there anyone who asked the queen to organize a birthday banquet out of her own pocket? In the past, the queen lost all the treasury, the harem expenses, and most of the court salary was supplemented by the queen's dowry. , Trash, unworthy to be an emperor... I am afraid that if the empress continues to do this now, she will only make her embarrassing in front of everyone and lose her dignity as an emperor."

As she spoke, she glanced at the Empress Dowager and said, "And no matter how poor the court is, there is no reason for a concubine to subsidize the country's expenses with a dowry. The envoys of all countries are still there. I am afraid that it will not only be the emperor who will be lost." face..."

The Empress Dowager immediately made up her sword, looked at the Empress with a cold look and said with a smile, "It's still the tenth princess who thinks clearly. The Emperor's surname is Jun, not Chu."

The emperor's surname is Jun, not Chu.

A few words hit the point, and the old lady's face immediately became gloomy, and she said in a sharp tone, "The tenth princess understands this truth when she is young, but the emperor doesn't?"

Mu Wan: "..."

Chu Bei's eyes darkened, how could he let others bully his wife, she immediately counterattacked impolitely, "The emperor's loss of the national treasury is half due to the bewitching of the villain, and half of the king is also responsible, so the king did this One thing is for the court, and the other is to make up for the mistakes. Could it be that this king is only thinking of the court and the emperor, and in the eyes of the ten princesses and the queen mother, is he deliberately embarrassing the emperor? It is wrong for the king to share the worries of the emperor because of the reward of the emperor and the matter of loyalty to the emperor?"

Ten princesses and the queen mother: "..."

Chu Bei glanced coldly at the three women again, and sneered, "Your Majesty is dedicated to the country, and he has worked hard, knowing that he has done something wrong, so he works hard to improve and make up for his mistakes. The expenses were saved, and the money saved was used frugally to organize the birthday banquet for the Empress Dowager, and to buy betrothal gifts for the princes, hmph, but ended up feeding a group of white-eyed wolves, this king feels worthless for the emperor."

He was very rude.

The empress dowager and the others all changed their faces, and they were angry. Before they had time to organize their words to refute, they heard him sneer again and said, "This king loves the emperor, and I organize a birthday banquet for her. That's my love for the emperor. Could it be Are you jealous that this king treats the emperor well?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

The faces of the old lady and the queen mother were blue and red, as if they had been stabbed in their minds, they were ashamed and angry, they were elders after all, how could he talk to them like that?
But a certain person didn't care about this, and snorted coldly, "This king was entrusted by the late emperor to support and take care of the emperor. This king only has the emperor in his eyes. If someone says that the emperor said no, I will pull out her tongue and chop it up. Dingo!"

(End of this chapter)

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