Chapter 376 Yi Rong Dan

Luo Zichen thought for a while and said, "Master, he wants to listen to the emperor's arrangement. When the opportunity arises, the emperor can go to Qinglong Mountain, and then bring Seventh Girl back to Qinglong Village together."

"Well, since my grandfather said so, let me take Yao'er to Qinglong Mountain when I have a chance."

"But at present, you cannot have any contact with Qinglongzhai."

"I understand...but Tongtong brought a few brothers down the mountain, and I arranged for him to be in the Zhuangyuan Mansion."

This matter still needs to be reported to the Empress, in case something happens and no one will protect them.

"Well, it's not a big problem. Let's just say that your wife and relatives came to you from the countryside."

Luo Zichen's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Mu Wan smiled and said, "I didn't prepare a gift when you got married, so just tell me what Tongtong likes later."

Luo Zichen hurriedly bowed and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, the things that His Majesty sent to Qinglongzhai not long ago are already great gifts, and Tongtong likes them very much."

On the day they got married, they encountered a dark guard who brought them a reward.

As soon as the head of Ning's family was happy, they gave Ning Zitong all the good things bestowed by the emperor as dowry.

Now that they have all moved to the capital, they are placed in the Zhuangyuan Mansion.

He was also worried that this would be too ostentatious and would arouse suspicion from others.

After the chat was almost over, Luo Zichen planned to leave.

At this moment, Xiao Anzi came in and brought Ning Xinyao's words with him.

Mu Wan looked at him, "Let Yaoer and the others meet some other day."

Luo Zichen nodded to indicate that he would make arrangements, and then left the imperial study.


In the palace, it rained all day and all night, and the envoys from various countries were detained in the palace and could not leave.

They had to cooperate if they wanted to stay, so they all obediently stayed in their rooms and did not go out.

The eldest prince Beiming was dressed in black clothes, and he was lazily leaning on the imperial concubine's couch, with a ball of fluffy things nestled beside him, showing pointed ears. While following the little guy's soft and shiny hair, he lowered his eyes No emotion could be seen, and the voice was low and cool, "So it's a failure? Since the mission failed, why do you still have the face to come back to me?"

The black-clothed man kneeling on the ground tightened his body, kowtowed profusely, and said, "This time, it's because the medicine king Gu Fusi intervened. The timing was right, but he was discovered before the plague broke out. It has been cured, so... I implore Your Highness to give Mingxue another chance."

The narrow and long eyes of the man on the imperial concubine's bed narrowed, and the bottom of his eyes was sullen and sullen, "I don't listen to any useless excuses. Now people in Chu Palace are all over the street arresting you. I have already given you a chance. In the end, you ruined my good affairs, and my Tingyu Building was also destroyed in your hands. I don’t support idlers, so what’s the use of keeping you?”

The little thing under his palm sensitively sensed that his master was unhappy, and was so frightened that he remained motionless, even trembling slightly.

"The subordinate deserves to die, but the subordinate will not rest in peace."

He single-handedly founded the Tingyu Tower in the Jun Kingdom for the great prince of Beiming. His beloved died tragically, and all the brothers and subordinates he cultivated all died for him. If he did not avenge this revenge, he would have no face to face them.

The First Prince Beiming gave him a cold look, his eyes flickered darkly, he threw a jade bottle to him, and said with a smile, "This is Yi Rongdan, if you can reborn and start a new life, I will give you another chance. "

Mingxue looked at the jade bottle rolling over, his pupils trembled violently, he picked it up and poured out a white pill, he had been in the Jianghu for many years, he knew the magic of Yi Rongdan, this medicine came from the Valley of Medicine Kings, a pill worth Thousands of gold, and only ten pieces are sold a year, so it is extremely difficult to get.

Although Yi Rong Dan is very miraculous, it can regenerate people and change people's appearance, even skin and bones, but after taking this pill, there is a risk, that is, they need to endure inhuman pain, and those who can't bear it will explode and die.

To put it bluntly, it is to go through the gate of hell.

But he has no choice, this is the last chance given by the First Prince Beiming.

If you don't choose to gamble, you will never have the chance to kill your enemies with your own hands.

He gritted his teeth and was about to take it, but was stopped by the First Prince Beiming, "Wait a minute, you need to take the medicine, please find a cave where no one is there, so as not to die here in this palace and cause trouble for this palace."

The tone was cold, without a trace of emotion.

"Your Highness..."

"See what I'm doing?"

The eldest prince Beiming stood up holding the little fox with his eyebrows slightly squinted, "Mingxue, I have taken a great risk by hiding you in the palace. Knight, it is impossible to save you from them."

After taking Yi Rong Dan, there will definitely be some movement. He has seen that miserable cry before, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is like falling into Shura hell.

At this time, he still wanted to stay in the Kingdom of Jun, and he didn't want to offend the Empress of the Kingdom of Jun.

and so…

The corners of the man's thin lips were slightly raised, and he looked at him lightly.

"Subordinates retire."

Mingxue lowered his eyes, said nothing, and quietly left the palace with the jade bottle.

After the person left, the first prince Beiming hugged the little fox and gave him a cold look, then said with a smile, "If this little thing is given to Xiao Jiu'er as a birthday present, do you think she will like it?"

The dark guard at the side lowered his eyes and nodded respectfully, "The little fox is clever and well-behaved, and he is still a rare snow fox. The Empress will be happy."

This little fox was specially hunted by him from Beiming Snow Mountain. It is said that it is a once-in-a-hundred-year snow fox, and it is very spiritual.

The man narrowed his narrow eyebrows slightly, stroked the little fox, and said in a warm and lazy voice, " did a good job this time, if Xiao Jiu'er is happy, I will reward you very much."

Conversely, if the empress is unhappy, it will be a heavy punishment.

The back of the dark guard felt chills, he knew his master's temper, so he didn't dare to be happy too early.

"Your Highness, do you still need your subordinates to visit the Niujia Village?"

Even if the plague didn't break out this time, at least the meddling Fu Si had to be killed to vent his master's anger.

The prince of Beiming curled his lips slightly and said, "No need, Xiao Jiu'er is so smart that she will definitely send someone to investigate. We can't let her know that this matter is related to this palace. Let Fu Si's head be recorded for now."

"And after Xiao Jiu'er's birthday is over, let those ministers go back. I will stay in the Kingdom alone to participate in the autumn hunting competition before returning to Beiming."

The dark guard nodded and stepped back.


At this time, Prince Xiqi was drinking in his room bored in every possible way.

It has been raining outside and the weather is getting cooler.

After Prince Xiqi drank Chu's Daughter Red, drinking other wine now feels like drinking plain water, which is tasteless.

He immediately dropped his wine glass and said, "Come here, I want to see the King of Chu."

The dark guard was a little embarrassed, and said, "Master, it's raining heavily outside, and the king of Chu has ordered us not to go out of the palace."

"I asked him to buy wine and drink. These days are too boring."

There are no beauties to accompany, and no wine to drink.

Also got banned.

It was hell for him.

"Master, please stop the meeting. This subordinate has sent someone to the King of Chu to buy wine. I believe someone will bring it to you in a while." I couldn't bear it anymore, my hands were itchy and I wanted to be beautiful again.

The more he couldn't bear it, the more he wanted to see King Chu.

Who told him that he was the person he had been thinking about for many years?

"When will it wait?"

The crown prince walked back and forth in the flower hall with an irritable expression on his face. This day is so boring that it is not human life. He wants to go back to Xiqi and miss those little fairies in the prince's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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