The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 379 The emperor is actually more cunning than the king

Chapter 379 The emperor is actually more cunning than the king
After he changed his clothes, Mu Wan turned around, walked to the dragon bed and sat down, "Why don't you sleep on the floor tonight?"

Chu Bei raised his eyebrows, and simply occupied the bed first, "Your Majesty, didn't you ask me to warm your bed? Why did you go back on your word?"


Mu Wan stared at him, and said in a stern tone, "Don't be a rascal, I want to sleep alone today."

It's a big deal to cover one more quilt, and always have a time bomb lying next to him.

"What is the emperor afraid of?"


She was afraid that she would fall into his trap if she was not careful.

He was so cunning, she admitted that she couldn't resist his beauty trap.

Mu Wan lowered her head and bit her lips in silence, a sly flash of cunning flashed in her eyes, and then she showed a delicate and pitiful look, looking at him with aggrieved little eyes...

The two stalemate for a while, a certain fox took a deep breath, and couldn't bear to compromise first, he pursed his lips, stood up and gritted his teeth in a low voice, "The emperor is actually more cunning than this king!!"

Mu Wan blinked her eyes, seeing his deflated appearance, her heart was filled with joy, "Queen, let's go back to the Suzaku Hall. I'll go to your place on time on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, how about it?"

"This king has no other requirements. Except for the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year, the emperor has to stay in the Vermilion Bird Palace."

With a flash in Mu Wan's eyes, she slipped into bed and said evasively, "Well... I'm sleepy, so we can discuss this in detail another day."

It was clearly just perfunctory him.

Chu Bei was so angry that he was half dead, but it was indeed too late now, so if he continued to make trouble, he was afraid that she would not sleep well, so he left Xuanwu Hall and returned to Zhuque Hall in resentment.


After two days, the weather turned fine.

Fu Si rushed back to the capital from Niujia Village, and the plague was completely resolved.

He traveled day and night, braved the rain to rush back, and went straight to the imperial study to report the situation of Niujia Village.

"Master Fu has worked hard, please sit down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Fu Si sat down and said everything, and then said, "The plague has been brought under control, but the person behind the poisoning has not been found. According to the clues provided by someone, and the analysis of the poison that poisoned the poultry, it is very likely that I heard that the owner of Yulou, Mingxue, planned it behind the scenes."

Mu Wan glanced at Chu Bei, "This man fled the capital, so he hid in Niujia Village?"

Chu Beidao, "He is not the real behind-the-scenes of Tingyulou. He was able to escape the capital smoothly because someone secretly helped him. This is the real master of Tingyulou."

Mu Wan's eyes showed surprise, "The master behind Tingyu Tower is not Mingxue, who is that?"

"I don't know yet, I'm investigating."

"This person must be found."

"Well, the king will send someone to deal with this matter."

Mu Wan's face was a little ugly, she nodded and looked at Fu Si, "Go back and rest first."

Fu Si's eyes flickered slightly, he got up and bowed to leave, and left the imperial study, he did not return to the mansion immediately.

Instead, I went to the pharmacy first.

What about people? !
There was only the little drug boy in the pharmacy, and Ning Xinyao was nowhere to be seen.

The little drug boy who was processing the herbal medicine turned around and saw the person, and suddenly showed a surprised smile, "Master, you are back!"

Fu Si nodded slightly indifferently, and looked into the pharmacy, "Well, where is Yao'er."

The little drug boy's smiling face gradually collapsed, and he said anxiously, "Master, you are back, you don't know that Chu Liu ignored your rules every day, ran to our pharmacy, and pestered Miss Ning all day long..."

When he came to Douzi, Fu Siting frowned, his eyes flashed a faint cold light, he pursed his lips and said, "Where's Yao'er?"

He had expected these things long ago, and there was nothing surprising about them. Chu Liu and Chu Bei had the same virtues, so he would definitely pester Yao'er while he was away.

Right now, he wants to know where Ning Xinyao is most. Chu Liu didn't come to the palace as an errand today... just afraid that when he is not around, the two will walk together.

The little Yaotong's blah blah blah blah blah blah stopped abruptly, and then he said carefully, "Miss Ning and Chu Liu went out of the palace together..."

Looking at the face of a certain master, it was completely dark.

The little drug boy took a step back, ready to prepare the horse at any moment, "Master... are you going to chase?"

Fu Si glanced over with cold eyes, and said in a cold tone, "Leave the palace and return home."

The little drug boy immediately shut his mouth and hurriedly packed his things and left the palace.

Outside the palace, the empress ordered the secret guards to prepare a carriage. Considering that he rode back day and night and didn't sleep well for several days and nights in Niujia Village, Mu Wan thoughtfully arranged a luxurious carriage for him to take him back home.

Fu Si glanced at him with a blank expression on his face. After getting into the carriage, he leaned on the soft couch, unable to rest his mind.


The carriage passed through the busy street. It had been raining for several days, and the common people were almost moldy at home. Now that the weather cleared up, the street was immediately full of people.

There are many ladies who want to go out and go shopping.

At this time, Chu Liu's carriage escorting Ning Xinyao happened to pass by, and the road was somewhat congested.

The man in the carriage was dozing off when the carriage shook suddenly.

"Master, I saw Little Taohong from Miss Ning's house!!"

Xiaoyao's voice rang in his ears.

Hearing this, Fu Si raised his hand and opened the curtain of the carriage to take a look, and at a glance he saw Chu Liu riding a horse and following a carriage. At this moment, they were parked in a cloth shop, and Ning Xinyao and the little girl were picking out silk and satin. .

His eyes darkened slightly, and he said coldly, "Hurry up."

"However, there is some traffic ahead. We insist on going over. We are afraid that we will hit someone's carriage. What should we do if we crash into someone's carriage?"

"Crash this magical doctor's compensation."

The little drug boy and the hidden guard: "..."

Just like that, the carriage squeezed past.

After a while, there was a burst of cursing.

"Hey, who's carriage crashed into the carriage, so hurry up and get out of here!"

Chu Liu stepped aside on his horse, seeing the carriage being smashed, he exploded instantly.

That carriage was luxurious and made of gold, so it occupied the middle of the street, and no one would hit it, just hit his carriage, right?

He wanted to see who was trying to make things difficult for him.

Hearing Chu Liu's anger, Ning Xinyao and Xiao Taohong hurried over to pay and hold the silk and satin.

I only heard a cold and indifferent voice from inside the carriage, "I will pay him ten times the compensation."

There was a commotion from the crowd, what a loud tone!

I don't know who Fang Sheng this is, but he is the sixth master of Chu Palace.

Deliberately hitting someone's carriage, and wanting to throw money at Chu Liu's face?
I'm afraid this is the deadly enemy.

Chu Liu's face was livid, he asked himself that he had a good relationship with others, and he never recruited anyone to take the initiative, so today he met someone who kicked the iron plate.

He just wanted to step forward to overturn the carriage and find out the people inside.

There was only a servant in the carriage, he showed his white teeth at Ning Xinyao, waved his hands and smiled, "Miss Ning, Xiao Taohong!"

Seeing the familiar face, Chu Liu's eyes darkened, and he knew who was inside.

Damn, why did he come back so soon? ?

Ning Xinyao and Xiao Taohong ran over and said happily, "Master, you are back."

It turned out to be a misunderstanding. Seeing that they all knew each other, everyone felt that there was nothing interesting to watch, so they dispersed.

Fu Si raised his hand to lift the curtain of the car, and sat there in white clothes with black hair. He looked up and glanced at Chu Liu lightly, and then turned to Ning Xinyao, "Come up, I'll take you back as a teacher."

Ning Xinyao looked back at the wrecked carriage, and apologized to Chu Liu, "Sixth Master Chu, you see the wrecked carriage, the master didn't do it on purpose, I'll ask my cousin to give you a new one later, okay?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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