Chapter 383 Love Flower Poison

Men seem to be strong, but there are times when they are sensitive and vulnerable deep down, such as sickness, such as in front of the person they like...

Thinking that she ignored him for three days and didn't know he was sick, Mu Wan felt very sorry.

Suddenly, I found myself quite reluctant to let him be sad...

I don't even want to see his disappointed expression.

But she still has a lot of things to do.

Mu Wan looked at him, with an unconsciously gentle and pampering tone, and said, "Queen, please pay attention to your body, be good, and I will come to see you tonight, okay?"

Chu Bei expressed reluctance, and said, "Those zhezi will help the emperor deal with it when the king recovers..."

As he was talking, his ears suddenly turned red, and he gritted his teeth secretly, "I haven't seen you for three days, you heartless woman. This king misses you so much... You can rest today."

The young man pinched her wrist, and his slender and cold eyes were beating with starlight, flames, unwillingness, and hidden unease.

Mu Wan was shocked, looking at the young man somehow, he was so miserable, but she felt as if she had drunk honey, and her happiness was bubbling.

But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, I felt something was wrong.

"What lovesickness, you miss me, you can come to Yushufang, Xuanwu Hall to look for me, don't you run very hard every day? And suddenly you fell ill, why didn't you tell me, you are angry with me ah!!"

Even if you are sick and afraid of getting angry with her, at least send someone to tell her.

Chu Bei's eyes darkened, and he felt that this woman was too self-aware, and it was obvious that she was responsible for his illness.

He was so angry that he vomited blood and gritted his teeth, "Don't you know what you have done to this king yourself?"

Mu Wan stroked her chin and carefully searched through her memory, "What did I do to you?" Apart from throwing him down and eating his tofu, she probably didn't do anything to him.

What's more, he was very happy when she kissed him, didn't he enjoy it?
Lie down obediently and let her do what she wants.

Chu Bei's face was sullen, he was really angry, and said coldly, "Hmph, Your Majesty is such a noble man, you forget about it, you said you hated me, did you forget about this?"

Now he is in a hurry to leave again, isn't it because he hates him in his heart?
Perhaps all she did was to use him and consolidate the imperial power.

When he thought of this, he felt inexplicably angry, and his heart began to ache again. These days, he was tortured repeatedly to death, and he really didn't know what was going on.

Looking at her, his eyes turned cold, he grabbed her arms, suddenly broke out, and said angrily, "This king treated you like that before, but in fact you hate me very much in your heart, now it's like taking revenge on me, right?"

Mu Wan was in pain from being caught, and she frowned, "Chu Bei...let go, you're hurting me."

Why did this guy go crazy all of a sudden?
Did she ever say something like that?

But at this moment, his neck tightened, and he saw that Chu Bei's eyes were scarlet, and he seemed to have lost his wits, and even wanted to strangle her to death.


Mu quickly understood that something was wrong with him, but at this time she was powerless to resist.

Fortunately, the Shadow Shadow Guard in the dark broke in in time to stop Chu Bei.

He was kicked down on the chair by the secret guard, and he came to his senses, but he didn't know what he had just done, he shook his head and saw Mu Wan lying on the ground, his heart tightened, "Your Majesty..."

But the blood shadow guard drew his sword and refused to allow him to get close to the empress.

The secret guard of the Chu Palace helped him up and explained, "My lord, you almost strangled the emperor just now."

Chu Bei's eyes darkened, he quickly thought of something, and hurriedly adjusted his internal strength, but found nothing unusual.

It is impossible for the dark guard to talk nonsense.

The Blood Shadow Guards all appeared, so it can be seen that he almost killed the Empress just now.

But why is he like this?
Mu Wan breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Tell Miracle Doctor Fu immediately."

She walked towards Chu Bei, and Chu Bei backed away in fear, "Don't come over, this king may be poisoned..."

He was afraid that he would suddenly go crazy and hurt her again.

Mu Wan's eyes were red, and she couldn't control her fear, not because she was afraid that he would hurt her, but because she was afraid that he would become the same as before... The more she was afraid, the more she wanted to hug him, and she didn't want to see his hideous eyes again. , eyes full of hatred for her.

She threw herself over and hugged him tightly, as if holding him like this could make her feel at ease.

"Don't be afraid, I won't let anything happen to you."

Chu Bei clutched his chest, feeling a dull pain in his heart, he gritted his teeth and endured it.


All news of Suzaku Hall was blocked, and Fu Si entered the palace soon.

After seeing the pulse condition, there was no poisoning.

Mu Wan couldn't believe it, "But he suddenly changed his temperament and wanted to kill me. There must be something wrong. Could it be some colorless and odorless poison?"

Colorless and odorless poison?

Fu Si's eyes flashed, as if he suddenly thought of something, "Listen to the symptoms you mentioned, if I'm wrong, what he's suffering from is a colorless, odorless, non-immediately fatal poison, called love flower poison."

Mu Wan and Chu Bei were slightly taken aback.

Fu Si continued, "This kind of poison is specially aimed at couples. Only two people who are in love will have an effect. At first, the poisoning will not feel anything. Only when there is mutual distrust, suspicion, hatred due to love, and great mood swings. Once it breaks out, the love flower poison in the body can completely lose wits, turn love into hate, until you kill the other party with your own hands."

Mu Wan's eyes were gloomy, she clenched her fists secretly, and said coldly, "Is there a solution to the poison of love flowers?"

Fu Si's eyes flickered darkly, and he shook his head, "There is no solution, every attack of the love flower poison will hurt the heart, and every time it hurts, the life span will be shortened by one year, until the heart fails and dies, if the two love each other enough, trust enough... In that way, this kind of poison will not take place for a lifetime, and it will not have any effect in the body..." It's just that once it takes place, it cannot be undone.

Mu Wan breathed heavily, "It means that I want to spoil the queen to death? Can't make him angry, can't make him unhappy?"

Wouldn't that mean that the Chu fox would be enshrined as an ancestor?

Having said that, a certain fox rubbed his chin with a half-smile, feeling inexplicably happy.

He was happy, but Mu Wan felt unhappy, and glanced at Fu Si coldly, "Did this poison come from your Medicine King Valley?"

Fu Si broke into a cold sweat silently, nodded and said, "Return to the emperor, this poison was concocted by my uncle, and he has passed away."

Mu Wan's eyes were sharp, and she sneered, "If you can't find an antidote for this poison, don't blame me for sending people to the Medicine King Valley to flog the corpse."

Fu Si's complexion changed, and he knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, please calm down. There is no antidote for the love flower poison, and the deceased is dead. Please forgive me."

Chu Bei's eyes flickered and he said coldly, "Your can't blame Fu Si for this matter. The key now is to catch the poisoner. This king suspects that there are spies in Xuanwu Palace."

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and looked at him, "Then find it immediately."

In Xuanwu Hall, Chu Bei was given this kind of poison instead of her, which seemed to be aimed at him.

Soon Xuanwu Hall and Suzaku Hall were secretly sealed off, and all palace personnel and guards checked one by one.

For a while, everyone in the palace was in danger, but they didn't know what happened.

Until he caught a little eunuch who was about to escape in Xuanwu Hall.

They were secretly escorted to the Suzaku Palace.

The little eunuch was working in the imperial study, and he was chosen by Chu Bei himself.

Mu Wan glanced at the little eunuch who was kneeling in the main hall, stared at Chu Bei coldly, and said with a smile, "Xiao Anzi, you are so brave to poison and murder the queen, you are guilty!!"

(End of this chapter)

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