Chapter 388 Little Fox


The next day is the empress' birthday, and the whole country celebrates it.

This banquet is more grand than previous palace banquets.

From the food, to the delicious food, to the drinks, everything is exquisite, carefully selected, and the best things are selected.

The wine alone made everyone amazed and amazed.


After the empress was seated, all the officials knelt down to congratulate her birthday,
Then there is the congratulations.

There are still advantages to being an emperor. If you celebrate your birthday casually, you can receive gifts and be soft-hearted.

Naturally, the minister would not give some defective products to the emperor.

Seeing those gifts, Mu Wan was still very satisfied.

After sending off all the officials, envoys from all over the world will follow.

The Regent of Nanliang sent a large mouthful of gold, silver and jewelry.

Although it was a bit vulgar, it was Mu Wan's favorite. This Zhao Shisan was really good at giving gifts, and he sent them to her heart every time. It was very practical. It was all gold and could be used directly.

Mu Wan smiled and said, "The regent has a heart."

Zhao Shisan cupped his hands slightly, pursed his lips and said, "As long as the emperor likes it."

Then there was Prince Xiqi, who was rather stingy, so he gave Dui Yu Ruyi, although it was a rare warm jade, but she was the emperor, and there was a pile of jade in the warehouse, so there was no shortage of this warm jade.

But it's good to have a gift, and Mu Wan also expressed his gratitude.

The last one is the First Prince Beiming. He is still dressed in dark black robes. I saw him stepping forward holding a ball of white fluff in his hand. At first he thought it was a little rabbit, but when he took a closer look, it turned out to be a little fox.

Mu Wan stood up from the dragon chair in shock, looking at the cute little fox, she really liked it.

"Prince, is this Snow Fox?"

The prince of Beiming raised his red lips slightly, "The emperor still has eyesight. This is our spirit fox on the holy snow mountain of Beiming. The snow fox that you see once in a hundred years is an auspicious thing."

Auspicious things!

Everyone was surprised, watching the little fox whispering to each other.

Mu Wan touched the little fox's cute head, paused slightly, "Since it's auspicious, it might not be good for the eldest prince to give it to me!"

Auspiciousness is generally a mascot provided by one's own country.

It is also a spirit creature on the Beiming Holy Mountain.

Mu Wan glanced at Chu Bei, what if he was a mature one? !

Chu Bei: "..."

The eldest prince Beiming narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Chu Bei, and said to Mu Wan, "Because I think this spiritual object is only worthy of the emperor, and the mother fox is on the snow mountain. This cub was given to the emperor by Beiming. Congratulations, Your Majesty, you're welcome, don't you like cute Xiaobai?"

It could be seen that the empress liked this gift very much.

As long as she is happy and she likes it, that's enough.

"Xiaobai!! Is it called Xiaobai?"

"It's the name I chose. If the emperor doesn't like it, he can choose another one."

"No, just call me Xiaobai. Thank you, First Prince, I will definitely treat Xiaobai well."

The little fox is very small, like a young fox just a few months old.

Mu Wan carefully held it in her palm, returned to the dragon chair, and frowned at Chu Bei, "Isn't I too lucky to be given whatever I want?"

She also said yesterday that she wanted to raise a little fox!

The Great Prince of Beiming is also good at giving gifts, not bad, not bad.

Mu Wan had a better impression of him.

Chu Bei squeezed the wine glass, his face was cold, his long eyelashes were slightly closed, "Does the emperor like little foxes very much?"

A certain emperor touched his nose, knowing that someone might be jealous, his eyes moved, full of desire to survive, he quickly handed the little fox to Xiao Lizi, "No, no, I like a big fox like you the most."

After letting go of the little fox, he said, "Don't think about it, if the poison of love breaks out, I will kill you."


Chu Bei pursed his lips, stared coldly at the eldest prince Beiming at the table, and sneered in his heart, does this king deserve to be jealous of him?

"No, it's just a fox. Another day, the king will hunt ten of them and come back for you to play with."

Mu Wan's scalp was a little numb, and she smiled, "One is enough, and it's not easy for foxes, so don't embarrass them too much."

Chu Bei narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, and said with a deep smile, "Your Majesty doesn't want me to embarrass you, right?"

Mu Wan: "..." Know it and still say it?
The two were whispering.

At this time, someone stood up and proposed a martial arts contest to add to the fun.

It means that I want to see the God of War of the Kingdom of the Kingdom and the God of War of Nanliang.

Who came up with this bad idea?
Chu Bei has been poisoned by the love flower, and needs to use internal force to stabilize his heart every day, and it is not suitable to use force. At this time, he will definitely lose when he competes with Zhao Shisan.

Mu Wan's eyes were slightly cold, and she glanced at the minister who proposed, he was from Qi Wangfu.

There are also quite a few people who seconded the proposal, they are from Prince Li's residence.

It seemed that they all knew that Chu Bei was poisoned by love.

Everyone wanted to put him to death.

Mu Wan's eyes flickered sullenly, and she sneered in her heart, she would not agree to any martial arts contest for fun.

But before she could speak, Chu Bei stood up first, as if he was about to challenge Zhao Shisan to a duel.

With a leap of lightness, he stood proudly in the main hall.

Dressed in a purple phoenix robe, she is extremely graceful and awe-inspiring.

Mu Wan looked at him with an extremely ugly face, angry at what kind of hero he was playing at this time?Did he die?

Zhao Shisan also got up and went to the front of the main hall.

Before she could make a sound to stop them, the two started fighting.

For a moment, swords, lights and swords were as fast as ghosts, and two purple figures were seen fighting.

Everyone in the hall watched with bated breath.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Mu Wan stared at the two of them, her brows twitched, and her heart beat fast, until there was a "clang" sound, and the two figures stood apart.

The golden crown on the Nanliang Regent's head was split in two, and Chu Bei's shoulder was only scratched without blood.

Seeing the Prince Regent of Nanliang with disheveled hair, the envoys of Nanliang stood up in panic, fearing that their prince might make a mistake.

Everyone in the hall held their breath and dared not speak.

Only Zhao Shisan said coldly, "The empress is very skilled."

Chu Beidao, "The regent accepts the abdication."

The whole hall was full of murderous aura, the air became heavy, making it difficult to breathe.

"Queen, don't be rude."

The empress was the first to react, reprimanded Chu Bei in a timely manner, and comforted the regent of Nanliang and the envoys of Nanliang, and the tense atmosphere was relieved.

Under the gesture of the empress, someone came up with a golden crown to re-tie Zhao Shisan's hair.

When it was over, Zhao Shisan smiled and said, "Is the emperor satisfied with the martial arts competition?"

Mu Wan frowned, and sneered, "Very good, the regent's martial arts are indeed unparalleled in the world, and his swordsmanship is like a god, which opened my eyes."

After hearing this, Nanliang Regent's gloomy expression improved slightly.

However, he still had no good looks towards Chu Bei.

Mu Wan was also speechless to a certain fox.

Fighting contests add to the fun, as soon as you click.

How can he get rid of a man's golden crown of hair?
With so many people, Zhao Shisan lost all face. It's no wonder he didn't hold grudges.

However, this contest shocked many people.

Several princes, the regent of Nanliang, the eldest prince of Beiming, and the prince of Xiqi, they all knew that Chu Bei had been poisoned by love flowers, and they just wanted to take the opportunity to deal with him.

But he can still defeat Zhao Shisan.

This shows what?
His martial arts has improved a step further, and he is not affected by the poison of love flowers at all.

This frightening boy is really frightening.

Chu Bei returned to the empress and sat down beside the empress, pinched the wine glass to his mouth without changing his expression, his eyes glanced over the faces of several princes, the corners of his lips slightly raised, his expression was unpredictable.

Mu Wan poked him, "Are you okay?"

Chu Bei smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's fine."

The love flower poison only hurts when he is lustful.

On the contrary, he was as calm as usual without emotion.

Mu Wan twitched the corners of her mouth, she was worrying about her feelings for nothing.

This guy has deep internal energy, even if he needs internal energy to stabilize his heart, it doesn't seem to affect his usual level.

Then there's nothing to worry about.


At the banquet, King Ling's eyes were gloomy and he thought to himself, what Zhou Ruolan said was true, now that he has been poisoned by love, the biggest weakness is only the Empress, and nothing else can help him.

(End of this chapter)

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