The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 391 Domineering and protecting his wife

Chapter 391 Domineering and protecting his wife
Prince Xiqi and Prince Beiming also followed the example of Nanliang Regent.

They all have their own private properties in the monarchy, but they are not publicized, and they are secretly manipulating them.

The four of them all had houses in the capital, but they were afraid of attracting attention, so they never lived in the kingdom once.

Now that the opportunity has come, you can just live in it, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?
Mu Wan sneered in her heart, "Even so, I'm afraid it won't work. The three of you are honorable. If something happens in the Jun Kingdom, I can't bear the responsibility. Needless to say, you three, I won't allow you to buy a house in the Jun Kingdom. Please be sure to leave the kingdom today."

Still want to blatantly set up a home on her territory?
What a ridiculous man.

Three people: "..."

They still didn't give up. At this time, the empress didn't give them a chance, she got up and announced her withdrawal from the court, and didn't want to listen to their nonsense anymore.

After a while, a guard asked them to leave.

When it was over, the three houses were immediately sealed up, the real estate title deeds were confiscated, and the money had not yet been refunded.

The Yulin Army directly "escorted" the envoys of various countries out of the city, and did not turn back until hundreds of miles away.

It was so simple and rude to drive people out.

Everyone is only ashamed.


Suzaku Hall.

Chu Bei was painting in the study.

Hearing the report from the dark guard, the arc of the corners of his lips gradually increased, "The emperor's work is really getting more and more enjoyable."

Chaying smiled and said, "The emperor is domineering, decisive and decisive, and his subordinates admire him so much, especially the emperor's domineering appearance yesterday protecting his wife, that is simply handsome."

I have never seen such a simple and rude handling method as the Empress.

At the palace banquet yesterday, those words were very satisfying.

Both the empress dowager and the ministers were blocked to refute a single word.

Seeing them daring to speak out, chasing shadows with annoyed faces made them happy.

Who told them to bully their lord?

Are their princes so easy to bully?

He didn't even think about who the prince belonged to, so he dared to talk nonsense.

When he heard the words "Domineering and Protecting His Wife", Chu Bei frowned, and turned his eyes coldly, "Did the Emperor say this?"

These strange words can only be uttered from her mouth.

Chasing Shadow's background tightened, and said bravely, "This subordinate learned from the Emperor."

He often served by Chu Bei's side, and it was inevitable that he would hear the conversation between him and the Empress.

He thought it was interesting to memorize the new words the empress said.

When he was happy for a while, he got carried away and said it in front of the master.

At this moment, Chu Bei glanced at him, and suddenly realized that he might have said something wrong and made the master unhappy.

But when he looked up, he saw the corners of Chu Bei's lips twitching into a smile, not angry, but the kind who was holding the quilt and enjoying himself.

Chu Bei smiled lightly, "The emperor is not here, so it's useless for you to flatter me."

Zhuiying heaved a sigh of relief, "This subordinate is stupid and doesn't know how to flatter."

Chu Bei raised his eyebrows and stared at him coldly.

Chasing Shadow: "..."

"Subordinates go down and make medicine for the prince."

Chu Bei frowned, "What kind of medicine is boiled, the king's wind and cold are already cured."

"Back to the prince, Master Fu made it boil for the prince to drink, saying that it was to study the antidote to the poison of love in your body."

Chu Bei: "..."

Was he being used as a guinea pig for his feelings?

However, if it can really cure the poison of love flowers, the mouse will be a mouse.

"Boil the medicine and bring it."

Chasing Shadow nodded, and then ran out like an amnesty.

At this moment, Chasing Feng ran in, "My lord... Your Majesty met Luo Meiren on the way to Suzaku Hall, and the two were playing chess in the lotus pond."

Chaying paused, turned back, and frowned, is this Luo Mei trying to rob someone from the prince?

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Chu Bei's mouth cracked a little bit, and he glanced at the finished painting, where a girl was sitting on a swing with a bright smile...

His eyes were cold, "Did you find out the details of Luo Meiren?"

Zhuifeng shook his head, "He hasn't had any contact with anyone, and Song Zhaoyi, who lives in the same palace as him, has nothing suspicious."

Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, and he said in a cold voice, "Go to the Imperial Garden."


In the gazebo, the Empress and the Romans are playing chess, and the atmosphere is very good.

At this time, two figures quickly jumped onto a nearby big tree.

Chu Bei stared at the people in the gazebo with cold eyes.

"Tell me, what does my concubine want to do with me?"

Mu Wan looked at the young man in front of her, but she didn't expect him to be so bold that he dared to stop her on Yuhuayuan Road.

The young man raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes dodged a little, "Go back to the emperor... I have a way to cure the poison of love flowers on the empress."

Mu Wan's eyes narrowed slightly, "How do you know that the queen has been poisoned by love flowers?"

The news about Chu Bei's poisoning has long been blocked.

Without the means to get news through special channels, it is impossible for ordinary people to know.

Could it be that besides Chu Bei and the others in the harem, even a little beauty has her own influence?
"Chen... I heard it from a little eunuch. No matter how I know, the emperor doesn't want to cure the poison on the empress?"

Luo Meiren secretly clenched her fists, then looked up at her firmly and said.

"Well, then tell me what you can do." Mu Wan picked up the chess piece and landed it on the chessboard, slightly curling her lips.

"If I can save the empress, can the emperor give me a promise."

Mu Wan looked at him and chuckled, "What do you want?"

The young man knelt down, his eyes flashed, and he cupped his hands, "I beg the emperor to take the position of concubine, please favor me."


Mu Wan's eyebrows twitched fiercely. After being an empress for several months, it was the first time someone begged for her favor like this.

She liked it that way before.

But now...

Mu Wan's eyes turned cold, she stepped forward and pinched his jaw, her voice was cold and harsh, "Luo Meiren, how dare you threaten me?"

The young man's eyes showed panic, "I... I dare not... I just want to get a little love from the emperor, and want to be the emperor's favorite concubine."

"My concubine, won't my conscience hurt when I say these words? You have great ambitions to be the favorite concubine of the harem, why did you go so early? Don't lie in front of me."

The empress narrowed her eyes, and her cold fingertips swiped down, grabbing his beautiful neck in an instant.

The teenager was inexplicably panicked and frightened.

As long as the empress uses a little more strength, she can click him.

He knew that the seemingly weak girl was actually strong in martial arts, ruthless, and not as talkative as she seemed.

He understands the reason why companions are like companions to tigers, but now he has no way out and can only gamble.

"Quickly tell me the way to cure the poison of love flowers."

The empress tightened her hand, and the boy suddenly felt difficult to breathe and was in great pain.

The palace maid and eunuch standing outside the gazebo felt tense and trembling.

Standing in the gazebo, it was the first time for Xiao Lizi to see his master showing such cold and cold eyes, as if he was a different person. The hostility emanating from his body was creepy, and this feeling was a bit familiar.

Is this still his master?

Xiao Lizi was really afraid that the emperor would change back after waking up from sleep, and become the original "female tyrant".

Even Chu Bei, who was peeking from the tree, couldn't help being taken aback. He frowned tightly, his eyes faintly worried, Wanwan's appearance made people feel strange, is she okay? !

He was going to go down and stop it.

At this time, Luo Meiren couldn't resist, and hurriedly said, "The emperor has mercy, I say, I say..."

Mu Wan's eyes narrowed slightly, she threw him away and clapped her hands, she immediately felt bored, her legs went limp from fright within a few moments, she really was a coward who was greedy for life and afraid of death, and wanted to be her favorite concubine?
snort!Don't embarrass her!

(End of this chapter)

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