Chapter 395 Calculation
Oh, there is a good show to watch.

The Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager were sitting on one side, and when they saw Zhou Yunting, they had different expressions.

The old lady hid it deeply, and the queen mother was a little impatient.

She had a long face. She approached the Zhou family back then, intending to let Zhou Yunting marry the eldest princess, but the Zhou family rejected her.

Now that Zhou Ruolan married King Ling as a concubine, and offended Prince Li's mansion, she thought that the Zhou family had taken refuge in Prince Qi's mansion, but unexpectedly, the Zhou family wanted to join Prince Li's mansion?
Thinking of this, not only the Queen Mother, but also Prince Qi and the others looked very ugly.

Prince Li looked at Prince Qi, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

He was naturally happy about the Zhou family's intention to show their favor.

The empress sits on a chair, eats oranges, watches a good show, and has nothing to do with herself.

The more fierce the fight between the two sides, the better for her.

I have to say that Mrs. Zhou played well in this game of chess.

However, they seem to be wrong.

Zhou Yunting's purpose this time is not to be a son-in-law.

His purpose is to...

While everyone was guessing, the martial arts competition on stage became more and more intense and exciting. Zhou Yunting's martial arts was really good, and he won five matches in a row.

Until a man on the stage came to the stage, and the two fought for a while, he suddenly went berserk for some reason, kicked Zhou Yunting away, jumped off the ring and snatched the guard's knife, killing dozens of guards in a row.

This scene shocked everyone.

"There are assassins, escorts, escorts."

Mu Wan looked at the mad man with a solemn expression, and didn't realize that the man was coming directly towards her until she heard Xiao Lizi's shout.

The Imperial Forest Army appeared and directly stabbed him to death with a long spear.

A stream of blood spewed out, but the man did not die, as if he was a zombie who didn't know pain or feel anything, brutal, violent, and full of lethality.

His martial arts are extremely high, and dozens of people can be blown away with a single shock of his internal strength. Even if his body is pierced by a sword can through his heart, he still doesn't die.

Many guards were panicked and panicked, and the Imperial Forest Army was also a little helpless.

Even if they surrounded and protected the empress, they couldn't stop the man's frenzied assassination.

Seeing the man break through the guard's armor, the cold sharp long sword stabs straight at him.

At this time, a figure rushed over, stood in front of the empress, stabbed him with a sword, pierced his chest with a sword, and then saw him grit his teeth and cut off the assassin's head.

It all ended in complete silence.

The boy fell into her arms, dying.


Then there was a yell from a luxuriously dressed lady, her eyes darkened and she fainted.

Mu Wan looked down, her brows were furrowed, her eyes were deep and cold, she didn't expect it to be Zhou Yunting.

"Tell the doctor."

Her face was livid, and she gritted her teeth secretly.

How dare you plot against her, you Zhou family! !
"Ah...there are bugs..."

The man who died after being beheaded suddenly had a blood-black Gu worm emerge from his body.

But when it got out, it turned into a puddle of pus and blood in an instant.

The man's body also turned into a puddle of blood.

Disgusting and terrifying.

Everyone's ladies fainted from fright after seeing a lot of them.

The elders felt goosebumps all over their bodies when they saw it, and their hair stood on end.

"Someone actually used the technique of Gu poison..."

"That's the southern border Gu's terrible."

Everyone panicked and shouted, panicking.

As we all know, the southern border Gu poison is very evil, it makes people change color, and is extremely repulsive.

The empress looked gloomy and said, "Come here, let me check."

Someone came quickly to clear the place.

The old lady and the others were all terrified.

I am afraid that the martial arts contest to recruit relatives cannot continue.

"Prince Li, Prince Qi, I will leave it to you to preside over this place."

After talking about the empress' hatred, he walked away.

The two princes bowed slightly, looking at the pool of blood, dark eyes flashed across their eyes.

This is something that none of them expected.

I don't know who wants to assassinate the empress.

Maybe this matter has something to do with the Zhou family.


Zhou Yunting was sent to Guangling Palace.

Seven or eight imperial physicians healed inside.

Master Zhou, Mrs. Zhou, and Mrs. Zhou are all outside waiting for news.

"The Emperor is here!"

A purple figure walked in quickly.

The three stood up and saluted.

"Excuse me, how about Mr. Zhou?"

Mrs. Zhou's eyes were red and swollen, and she fainted several times from crying.

Master Zhou and Old Madam Zhou's eyes were slightly red, "Going back to the emperor, the imperial doctor hasn't come out yet, so I don't know how Ting'er is injured."

"The emperor passed on the miracle doctor Fu, otherwise let Lan'er enter the palace, my wife begged the emperor to save my son." Mrs. Zhou cried.

Fu Si is not in the palace, otherwise he would have come here long ago.

As for letting Zhou Ruolan enter the palace.

That's impossible.

She hates seeing her.

Besides, there must be nothing good for her to enter the palace.

"Mrs. Zhou, don't worry. Mr. Zhou has great blessings, and he will surely turn bad luck into good fortune. I have sent people to invite Master Fu to enter the palace, and I will wait."

Master Zhou came over and patted the back of her hand, "Madam, sit down first, with the Emperor here, Ting'er will be fine."

Mrs. Zhou was really worried about losing her son, so she leaned into her husband's arms and wept bitterly.

What is glory and wealth, how can life be important?
She was very sad and regretted not stopping it sooner...

Mu Wan sat down and took a sip of tea, and Imperial Physician Chen came out after a while.

Several people greeted them.

Chen Taiyi said, "Back to the emperor, Mr. Zhou is no longer in danger of life, but he has lost too much blood, his body is weak, and the sword energy hurts his heart, I am afraid..."

"Afraid of what?"

Imperial physician Chen sighed, "Young Master Zhou's body may not be as healthy and long-lived as before... His body will become weaker than ordinary people, and if he takes care of it carefully, he can only live until he is 25 years old at most."

Even the genius doctor Fu is still powerless.

The assassin's inner strength was profound, and when he went mad, he used all his strength to shatter the bones of a person.

Zhou Yunting's life was fatal, the sword missed a bit, and timely medical treatment was able to save his life.

"Ting'er...impossible, no, he's only nineteen, he's still so young...impossible."

Mrs. Zhou could not accept this fact.

If you can only live to 25 years old, wouldn't that mean you only have six years to live?

Mu Wan frowned slightly, and looked at Imperial Physician Chen. His medical skills were the best imperial physician in the palace except Fu Si, and he didn't dare to collude with the Zhou family to lie to her.

Because as long as Fu Si came back and took a look, he would know the truth.

At that time, Zhou Yunting's chest was pierced, and the sword deviated from his heart. It was not easy to save his life.

Mu Wan raised her hand to signal him to step back, and then stepped in.

At this moment, Zhou Yunting was lying on the bed, his face was as pale as paper, and his breath was like gossamer, he hardly even had the strength to open his eyes and speak.

Seeing the Empress, he struggled to get up.

"Don't move, just lie down."

Mu Wan frowned, and asked someone to move a chair to sit on the bed, "Don't worry about recuperating in the palace, don't worry about other things."

Although he was very reluctant to let him stay in the palace, if she was sent out of the palace at this time, I'm afraid it would cause a lot of criticism, and she would say that she was unkind.

In this way, who would dare to escort the Savior in the future? !

What a hassle.

"Thank you, Your Majesty..."

Zhou Yunting said with difficulty while clutching his chest.

He probably didn't expect this to happen.

He originally planned to win a meritorious service in saving his family, but who knew that the madness of the person who had been poisoned by the Gu poison was beyond his control.

"You are good at giving birth, I will visit you again some other day."

Speaking of which, Mu Wan was no longer in the mood to continue fighting with him here.

He dared to plot against her, which was already very repulsive and disgusting.

But she still had to thank him for saving his life, and she had to save his life.

(End of this chapter)

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