Chapter 398
She didn't expect that her daughter would be so selfish and cruel that she would use her own elder brother to almost kill him.

"If you don't mention her, you will be your mother and never give birth to a daughter like her."

"It's not all her fault, I'm also at fault."

Zhou Yunting lowered his eyes and gave a wry smile.

Although he didn't know what was going on, but in his memory he knew it was a Gu worm, but he did it anyway, and it was a fact that he almost hurt her.

It can be seen that he did not fall in love with the empress in this life.

The bottom of the young man's eyes flashed darkly, in order not to be noticed by others, he had to pretend to be Zhou Yunting in this life, and wait until the injury healed.

Six years.

Being able to accompany her for six years is enough.



After the court, Mu Wan came to the Suzaku Hall.

No matter what kind of gold, silver and jewelry, I am afraid that it is impossible to win the smile of a beauty.

This man is not like a woman, he likes beautiful jewelry, beautiful clothes and things like that.

So Mu Wan really didn't know what to use to coax people.

In the study room, Chu Bei was reading a military book.

She is dressed in snow-white silk and satin, her black hair is tied with a white ribbon, her waist is tied with a long white silk tassel, and a piece of black jade is tied on top, covered with snow-white soft gauze.

The red lips are pursed tightly, the eyebrows grow into the temples, the slender and coquettish eyes, the high nose bridge, and the fair skin are like a jade man cast from a piece of flawless jade.

It's just that there is a powerful chill hidden under the jade-like appearance.

Leaning casually and lazily on the imperial concubine's couch in front of the window, propping his head in one hand and holding a military book in the other, he is noble and Qinghua, with cold eyes. It can be said that there is a chill of freezing to death all over his body. Can freeze instantly.

As soon as Mu Wan stepped into his domain, she felt as if her whole body was frozen the moment he glanced at her. His gaze was so cold that she felt a tingle on her face.


The two looked at each other for a long time, she opened her mouth, and when the words came to her lips, she saw Chu Bei slowly put down his military book and stood up, combing indifferently, bowed very respectfully and said, "I have seen the emperor, but I don't know that the emperor is here, If you fail to welcome me, I hope the emperor will forgive me."

Mu Wan couldn't stand him like this, so she immediately became irritable, sat down angrily, and stared at him, "You are enough, I don't think you should do this, you can understand me, but you are really making trouble for no reason, and you did my job Since the empress, you should have some awareness. Since ancient times, there are three thousand beauties in the emperor's harem, and you can't bear it if I accept a concubine. Then if I really favor someone else, are you going to kill him? Hmm!!"

Chu Bei's eyes flickered a little, and then there was a dark look in his eyes, wishing to grab her beautiful neck and ask her if she really had a heart.

But before he had an attack, he was tormented by the poison of love.

Mu Wan's complexion changed, and she said nervously, "Come and pass on Fu Si."

"It's my fault, I..."

Mu Wan helped him up in a panic, feeling very strange, isn't it just to accept a concubine, who exists in name only, and it's all for decoration, why is he so fussy?
Wasn't it all right to seal Fuyu and Nansheng as a concubine before?

They don't know that love poison is so terrible.

As long as there is the slightest contradiction, the seeds of doubt can be magnified countless times, and even turned into unwarranted resentment.Turning two people in love into enemies is more sinister than any conspiracy. This is the terrible thing about love poison.


Fu Si rushed over, followed by an old man in gray clothes and white hair.

"Master, let's take a look."

He actually didn't know much about the toxicity of love flower poison.

As soon as I checked the pulse, I found it was very strange, so I had to ask the old valley owner for help.

The old valley owner raised his eyebrows and looked at the young empress, stroked his beard, and said with a smile, "Little girl, we met again, and I want the old man to save him, so you have to do me a favor."

Mu Wan's expression was gloomy, "You help him get rid of the poison of love flowers first."

The old man's face was faintly blue, and he felt that this little girl was really rebellious and could make you very angry at any time.

He stepped forward to take his pulse with a gloomy expression, and then said, "There is no antidote to love flower poison, but the old man has made some achievements after more than ten years of research, but he lacks a medicine. If you can find this medicine, then he will be saved. If he is not poisoned within a month, he will definitely die."

Xia Houjin's complexion changed, "Didn't it mean that as long as there is no lust, there will be no danger of life?"

Why did you suddenly say that you won't live until January? ?
The old Guzhu looked at Mu Wan with a smile, and said, "Then you have to ask her what she did. Since you know you can't be lustful, you must always pay attention. Love poison can erode people's heart vessels and disturb people's mind. From love to hate, it will only get deeper and deeper at the beginning, and the poison will be very poisonous, so it will not hurt life? This is the second attack, it can quickly damage the heart and veins, and it can live for a month. Thanks to his deep inner strength, ordinary people can't survive the sun of tomorrow."

Mu Wan's pupils tightened, her face turned pale, she held Chu Bei's hand tightly, her eyes were red, she didn't expect it to turn out like this... Did she do something wrong...

Fu Si frowned, and said worriedly, "Then what medicine is missing? Tell me quickly!"

The old valley owner gave his apprentice a cold look, thinking that he had really failed at learning, and he was ignoring his master even more, he was afraid that he hadn't beaten him for a long time, and his skin was itchy.

"Dragon Subduing Grass."

"Then let's go pick it up."

Speaking of which, Situ Mo and the others planned to set off to find herbs.

The old man stroked his white beard and looked at them, "Hey, come back."

"You have to pick this Dragon Subduing Grass yourself."

He looked at the Empress coldly with a half-smile.

Mu Wan's eyes were cold, she looked at the old man who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and said calmly, "Where is Jianglongcao?"

The old man curled his lips secretly, and suddenly felt that life was boring, and the little girl didn't beg him.

"Well, I remember that there is a tree on the cliff behind the Xiaoxiangguo Temple."

Mu Wan looked at him, and said lightly, "Aside from picking the herbs myself, what other conditions does the old valley owner have?"

The old man has a weird temper, so asking him to save someone must not be so easy to talk to.

"Hehe, you girl is smart."

The old valley owner sat down and picked up the teacup and took a sip slowly, his eyes were cold, and he said in a deep voice, "The old man still wants to ask the emperor to let someone investigate the Gu bug." After 18 years, there are still people who dare to play Gu under his nose Poison, I'm afraid I'm tired of living.

Mu Wan's eyes flickered slightly, and she said with a smile, "You don't need to tell the old Guzhu about this matter, I will let people investigate."

"Find the person who raises Gu and hand it over to the old man."

"no problem."

Mu Wan frowned, even if he cut her into pieces at that time, she would not have any objection.

"Also, you have to go alone to collect the medicine this time, and they are not allowed to accompany you."

The expressions of Situ Mo and the others changed slightly, and they hurriedly said, "No, it's too dangerous for the emperor to go alone."

Fu Si looked at his master and said helplessly, "Master, stop making trouble. The emperor goes to Xiangguo Temple alone. If something happens, you may become a sinner forever."

The old valley owner's eyes turned black, and he wanted to slap him, "Fu'er, I haven't seen you for a few months, and you turned your elbows all the way out, and you still know that I am your master?"

Why does this stinky boy help the little girl to talk all the time?
Could it be that he fell in love with this girl?
The old man glanced at the empress strangely.

Fu Si's face was cold, "I'm not joking with you, if you feel lonely and bored, let Xiaoyao take you out to have fun elsewhere."

(End of this chapter)

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