The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 401: Teacher of the First Emperor

Chapter 401: Teacher of the First Emperor
Mu Wan raised her eyes to look at him, and suddenly her nose turned sore, "...cough cough, why are you here?"

The man's eyebrows seemed to be stained with frost, and the blue veins on his full forehead were furious, but when he met her reddish eye sockets, his heart was full of anger, and he hugged her tightly, and whispered, "Don't be afraid, I'm here .”

The injured arm was grabbed, and Mu Wan frowned in pain.

Chu Bei's eyes were cold, "How dare he hurt you!!"

After being angry, he showed an expression of extreme self-blame, with waves of fear in his heart, hugging the person in his arms tightly, his hands trembling slightly...

It's his fault... If it's one step later, he really doesn't dare to think about the consequences.

When Chu Bei administered the antidote pill to her, bandaged the wound, and picked her up, a group of about 500 armored cavalry rushed over.

"The last general came late to rescue me, I hope the emperor will forgive me."

Lin Han got off his horse and knelt down, clasping his fists.

Chu Bei's eyes were cold, his expression sullen, and he felt very curious when he saw this group of armored cavalry that he had never seen before.

Could this be the army she created alone?

Mu Wan glanced at her and signaled him to put her down, "Commander Lin, get up, I didn't think well about this matter, so I don't blame you."

She didn't expect that Prince Xiqi would never leave.

Lin Han still knelt and blamed himself, "I fell into the enemy's trick, it is my incompetence."

The emperor entrusted the Iron Armored Guards to him as his commander, which was a sign of his trust in him.

But it was the first time he led a team to secretly protect the emperor, and such a big mistake happened, it really deserves to be damned.

If the King of Chu hadn't led people to arrive in time this time, I'm afraid the emperor would... Lin Han didn't dare to imagine the consequences, so he kowtowed, "I beg the emperor to forgive me."

Mu Wan shook her head secretly, thinking that Lin Han, like Uncle Lin, was indeed a father and son. If he was not punished, he would not be able to get over that hurdle, so he said, "Then punish you to escort me to Xiaoxiangguo Temple, and after you get back, you will receive the army stick for [-] years." .”

"The minister leads the order."

Lin Han got up and led the people ahead. Mu Wan and Chu Bei rode the same horse, and were guarded by armored guards as they walked forward slowly.

The secret guards of the Chu family retreated silently and hid in secret.

Of the eight dark guards she brought this time, only four blood shadow guards remained.

Chu Bei couldn't help but ask, "Is this army formed by the emperor secretly?"

Mu Wan nodded, "Well, this is one of them, and there is another archer."

The two opposing armies had a total of 1000 men.

The armor, weapons, and horses used are all the best equipment.

Armor and weapons are made of refined black iron.

Invulnerable to swords and guns, cutting iron like mud.

It is by no means inferior to the Dragon and Tiger Army.

Hearing what she said, Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, "You made someone make that crossbow?"


"Then these swords and black armor that cut iron like mud, are they made of refined black iron?"

His tone was shocked, looking at those black armors and her sword, he couldn't believe it.

Refined black iron is very rare, where did she find so much refined black iron?
Mu Wan smiled and said, "Ordinary iron ore can also be turned into refined black iron, it depends on whether you can extract its purity."

"Do you know how to refine refined black iron?"

"Hmm... It took a while, these armored guards were secretly trained by Uncle Lin."

Chu Bei held onto the horse rope tightly, "The emperor is hiding so many things from me."

Not only the Iron Armored Guard and the Archer, but also this time, she also secretly went to Xiangguo Temple without telling him.

How many things did she keep from him?
"Don't think too much, I'm keeping these three things from you, nothing else."


"Are you still angry about Zhen taking Concubine Yun? If you don't like it, go back and I will abolish him."

Chu Bei lowered his eyes slightly, looked at her soft side face, and pursed his lips, "This king is not angry, this king is just poisoned by love poison..." He was thinking wildly.

"So I went to Xiaoxiangguo Temple to collect medicine for you this time, and then you will no longer be tortured by love poison."

Chu Bei lowered his eyes, wanting to tell her that he would rather be tortured by the poison of love for a lifetime than see her in danger.

"Next time, don't do such a dangerous thing without telling me."

Thinking of the scene where she was being bullied by Prince Xiqi, Chu Bei's eyes instantly turned dark and cold. If he hadn't forced Situ Mo to ask Situ Mo and they knew her whereabouts and came in time, she would have been bullied.

Prince Xiqi has been staying in the monarchy for a long time, and it really is a woman who covets him, and he will never let him go.

Mu Wan nodded coldly, she will definitely settle the debt with him in the future.

"Are you alright."

Thinking that he still has the poison in his body, the love flower poison has already reached the second attack, and the appearance of him fainting in pain seems to be in front of her eyes. Only then did she know that she could not lose him...


It's just that the pain at the moment of attack is unbearable.

Now that he has survived, he has deep inner strength, so there is no serious problem.

"If you're tired, just sleep on me. I'll go to Xiaoxiangguo Temple before dawn."

This place is not good to camp on the spot, they have to go to Xiangguo Temple as soon as possible to finish their work and return to the palace as soon as possible.

Mu Wan nodded and snuggled into his warm and generous arms, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

At dawn, she opened her eyes, and she really arrived at Xiaoxiangguo Temple.

Mu Wan looked up at the cliff, "Go to the back mountain."

Chu Bei held her back, "Let the dark guards pick it."

Mu Wan frowned slightly, "But I don't want the old Valley Master to criticize me."

"He's just helping to send a message for you to come to Xiangguo Temple to meet someone."

"See who?"

Saying that, the gate of Xiangguo Temple opened wide, and a young monk came out, twirling the beads, and said solemnly, "Amitabha, two benefactors, my master has been waiting for a long time, please come in with me."


Xiangguo Temple is a royal Buddhist temple, but this is not the main courtyard. It was built with the money of the royal family, so it is called Xiaoxiangguo Temple.

It is said that there is only one eminent monk who does not care about world affairs and retires to the mountains and forests.

He is the teacher of the first emperor, Master Liaochen.

Following the little monk through several corridors, he arrived at the inner courtyard. After looking at the surrounding environment, he found that it was very quiet and simple, which was far different from the Xiangguo Temple in the capital.

There is a faint Zen fragrance everywhere.

There was only one young monk, and no one else.

It is estimated that Chen will travel in the clouds, and the little monk will follow.

The yard looked spotless, but there was a lot of moss on the walls, and no one lived there. They just came back and only had time to clean the yard, and the moss on the walls hadn't had time to clean it yet.

Mu Wan looked around, looked at Chu Bei and asked, "Didn't you say that Master Chen went to Yunyou, when did he come back?"

"A few days ago, I went back to Beijing with the old valley owner."

"Is the old Gu owner very familiar with Master Liaochen?"

"They are brothers."

watt! !
The girl's eyes couldn't help but widen, she really didn't expect them to be brothers.

It's not even written in the original book.

"The benefactor has arrived."

The little monk in front stopped.

The two nodded slightly, and stepped in as soon as they lifted the corners of their robes.

There is a big Buddha statue inside, and an old monk in white beard and gray clothes stands in front of the Buddha statue.

See how many years older than the old valley owner.

It should be the old man's brother.

No wonder the old man would send him a message.

Even ordinary people can't control him.

"Hello, Master!"

"You should call me Master."

Mu Wan looked at Chu Bei and blinked.

I saw Chu Bei bowing slightly, "I have met Master."

He yelled, and Mu Wan yelled, "I've seen Master."

The first emperor was Chubei's mentor, and Liaochen was his teacher, so they naturally called him Shigong.

 Thank you very much, @满天星火拍世界, reward, the highest reward I have ever received, thank you!Thanks!Thanks!

  ps: Recently, I have received a lot of comments attacking the book. I want to know, are the majority of book lovers complaining about this novel to experience the experience of being an empress through a book?Raise your hand in agreement! (^_^メ)
  Agree to complain, but please be merciful, I will feel bad when I see it,,^,,
(End of this chapter)

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