Chapter 408 Scumbag? !
Mu Wan looked sad, "It's all because I'm too charming, there's nothing I can do."

Chu Bei: "..."


This time he was angry, and he blurted out subconsciously.

She used to describe what a scumbag was like.

Now he felt that she was some kind of scumbag.

Mu Wan's face froze, her whole body almost petrified, "No... Chu Bei, what do you mean?"

Chu Bei pursed his lips and looked at her coldly, "Hmph, if it were this king, you would be so angry that you would kill me with a 50-meter butcher's knife."

Mu Wan paused and nodded.

That is natural.

The man's eyes showed a fierce look, "Hmph, so now you are not afraid that this king will kill you with a 60-meter butcher's knife?"

The woman was taken aback, and hurriedly posted a flattering post, "I was wrong, I really knew I was wrong, I will reflect on it immediately when I go back, and beg the queen to show mercy."

Seeing her will really realize that I was wrong.

Only then did Chu Bei's expression soften, he nodded in satisfaction, held her little hand, and sighed, "I really can't do anything about you."

Mu Wan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, raised her head and tiptoed to poke him, and said with a smile, "Thank you Queen for your mercy."

The man snorted coldly, "At the end of the day, your martial arts are too weak and your reaction is too slow, so that people can take advantage of it. I will start doing morning exercises with this king tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll listen to you..."

Talking and laughing, the two clasped their fingers together, and slowly disappeared into the moonlight.


The next day, Old Madam Zhou and others went to the palace to visit Concubine Yun.

After hearing the news, the empress had no choice but to go to Guangling Palace.

A bright yellow figure came in.

The Zhou family hurriedly saluted respectfully.

"No need to be polite, just sit down."

she sits down.

Fu Cai, the old lady of Zhou, sat down and said, "Concubine Yun has the audacity to offend the emperor. She deserves death. This old man taught Sun Wufang to hope that the emperor will punish her."

This old man, an old fox, came up to plead guilty, not sue, and was more difficult to deal with than ordinary people.

Fortunately, Elder Zhou is not as shrewd as him, otherwise she would be under a lot of pressure to face such an astute father-in-law.

Mu Wan smiled and said, "It's my fault. I accidentally hurt Concubine Yun. I hope Old Master Zhou will not blame Concubine Yun or me. I didn't mean it."

"I don't dare, no matter what, Ting'er must have acted recklessly first and offended the emperor."

When the empress said this, Mrs. Zhou Fu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt relieved that the empress was indeed a more tolerant, kind, and kind Mingjun.

His own grandson also understands that he has plotted against the emperor repeatedly, but the emperor not only does not care about it, but also protects the Zhou family and Ting'er a lot, and does not convict him. Based on this alone, he does not regret giving up his official position and choosing to join him. she.

Mu Wan glanced at Old Madam Zhou, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was still a sensible person in the Zhou family.

It was different to look at Mr. Zhou, his eyes were full of anger, if Mrs. Zhou hadn't suppressed him, he seemed to be planning to question her angrily.


Mrs. Zhou persuaded her son inside, "Ting'er, you are too anxious. If you do this, you will only offend the empress. Listen to your mother's advice to take care of your body first."

Competing for favor with the queen at this time is undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg, and you are overestimating your capabilities.

The emperor and Chu Bei had long hair together since they were young, they were childhood sweethearts, and they had a deep relationship, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In addition, the emperor liked him very much, so Chu Bei's position in the emperor's heart could be easily shaken by him?
Zhou Yunting felt very bad, and he didn't expect it to be counterproductive. Jiu'er hated his touch, and he was a little dejected, and said, "Mom, I know, I won't do it next time."

Maybe he was too anxious.

After all, this life is different from the previous life.

Seeing that he had listened to the advice, Mrs. Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, and then gave him something, "This is the health pill that Lan'er prepared for you."

Zhou Yunting's eyes flashed coldly, "Mother, why do you dare to take her things?"

If Zhou Ruolan hadn't lied to him and used him, maybe Jiuer wouldn't hate him so much.

Mrs. Zhou sighed, "Ting'er, she is your sister after all. Now that she is married, she needs something to rely on. She knew she was wrong, so she went home and knelt in the ancestral hall for three days. I got a happy pulse... King Ling was furious, your father..."

"King Ling?"

Zhou Yunting sneered in his heart, those princes of the previous generation were really ruthless, they deceived Jiu'er so badly.

The people who killed Jiu'er were their so-called good brothers who loved Jiu'er.

Didn't expect them to stop pretending in this life?

Openly and blatantly forming a party for personal gain.

These people are damned.

Zhou Yunting's eyes drooped sullenly, and the bottom of his eyes was full of murderous aura.

"Well, our Zhou family is not as good as before."

Mrs. Zhou was a little bit embarrassed, because Mr. Zhou was dissatisfied that the old man did not consider his own son and passed on the position of Taifu to others.

His official position was demoted, and now he has no power and power, and he feels unwilling.

So he wanted to rely on Ling Wang, a good son-in-law, for help.

He also wanted to go to the palace to persuade his son to return to Qi Palace and help them keep an eye on the empress.

He kept all these things from the old man, and she also knew about them unintentionally.

Husband and daughter go together...

Mrs. Zhou felt very sad, her palms and backs were full of flesh, and she didn't know what to do.

"Mother, don't worry, I won't listen to Dad."

Zhou Yunting secretly clenched his fists, remembering that his father colluded with several princes in the previous generation, and finally killed Jiu'er, grandfather, mother, and even younger sister, he wished he could strangle this idiot father right now.

Mrs. Zhou shed tears silently, "Mother just wants you to live well... Ting'er promises mother not to do stupid things, not to anger the empress again, and to be with you like a tiger. She is always the emperor of a country, not an ordinary woman."

Hearing the last words, Zhou Yunting showed a smile, "Yes, I know." His Jiu'er is naturally not comparable to those rouge vulgar fans.

She is the first empress of the kingdom, the most honorable woman in the world.

No one can be a better person than her.

Such a woman, he will let her belong to him alone...

Seeing that her son's mood gradually improved, Mrs. Zhou was relieved a lot.

"Then you have a good rest, mother will come to the palace to see you some other day."

After talking, the empress and the old man came in together.

Mrs. Zhou paused for a moment, and hurriedly bowed her knees, "My wife has seen the emperor."

"Mother-in-law, please, there are no outsiders here, so there is no need to be polite, please sit down quickly, if you are not in a hurry to leave the palace, just stay and have a meal with the family."

The empress suddenly treated her with extra courtesy and was very loving.

The Zhou family was flattered.

"Thank you, Your Majesty..."

Then the little eunuch took them down to rest first, and she stayed to chat with Zhou Yunting.

Doing this is nothing more than not wanting to make extra troubles and cause troubles.

Having just seized the power of the Zhou family, it is not easy to treat them too badly.

And her principle, as long as she is not stupid, she will naturally treat them as in-laws.

If she follows her ministers, she will also treat them well and never treat them badly.

What's more, no matter what happened this time, Zhou Yunting was seriously injured, and she was a vulnerable group. She would feel wronged if she had a hundred mouths.

Who let a shameless person like Zhou Yunting stand up?
Mu Wan was very depressed


 Ask for a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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