The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 410 The nature of this dandy seems to have never changed.

Chapter 410 The nature of this dandy seems to have never changed.


"Concubine Shu'ai, just help me this time. You help me stay in the imperial study. I plan to leave the palace. Don't tell Chu Bei about it."

Situ Mo: "..."

"It's better for me to accompany you out of the palace to find the queen and the others. Zhezi will come back at night, and everyone will help deal with it together."

Let her go out of the palace alone, if something happens, Chu Bei will definitely cut him.

Mu Wan expressed gratitude, "Concubine Shu Ai, you are really a good person."

He was so eloquent, she was so moved that she was about to cry.

Her expression was a bit exaggerated, Situ Mo was ashamed, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, go and change, I'll wait for you behind the palace wall."

"Okay, see you at the old place."

Mu Wan happily went back and changed her clothes, then quietly went out over the wall.

Situ Mo waited for her under the pine tree outside the palace wall.

The two met smoothly, and they took the carriage to the hot pot restaurant together.

"Instead of going to the hot pot restaurant, let's go to Yunxiang Pavilion."

Situ Mo frowned slightly, "Why are you going to Yunxiang Pavilion?"

She wants to drink flower wine again?
No, let Chu Bei know about this, he must have cut him.

Mu Wan suddenly found that he was a very boring person, "If you don't go, I will go alone."

As he spoke, he jumped off the carriage.

Situ Mo's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly jumped down, "Oh, wait for me."

"Call the young master."

Mu Wan wore a silver mask, a jade-colored brocade robe, and a jade fan in his hand. The young master was full of style, and he looked back at him with raised eyebrows and said something cold.

It looks like a lively and playful young man from a rich family who has never traveled far, sometimes it is a headache.

Situ Mo: "..."

He sighed helplessly, and was about to cling to her, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure not far away, walking towards them.

"Let's go first."

Situ Mo touched the mask on his face, grabbed her arm and quickly dodged into the alley.

Mu Wan felt strange, "Did you see someone you know?"

Situ Mo was a little absent-minded, looking out from time to time, and after seeing Xiao Xuan'er got into the car and left, he turned around and said, "Well, acquaintances, if they see it, I'm afraid it's not good."

Mu Wan didn't doubt that he was there, she just regarded him as an acquaintance in the prime minister's mansion, patted his shoulder with a fan, and said, "Well, then are you still going to Yunxiang Pavilion?"

Situ Mo looked back at her, narrowing his eyes slightly, "If Chu Bei asks, will you say that the young master insisted on taking me?"

Mu Wan's eyes darkened, "Why are you so dishonest? Thanks to my kindness, I took you to drink."

Take him to drink flower wine, kindly -_-||
The nature of this dandy seems to have never changed.

Situ Mo was ashamed, lowered his head and coughed lightly, "My lord, you have to tell me, what are you doing in Yunxiang Pavilion!"

If you have to hide from Chu Bei, there must be something wrong.

Mu Wan licked her lips, slapped her fan fiercely, and said, "I went to Yunxiang Pavilion to do business. Check to see if Prince Xiqi is inside. As far as I know, there are Xiqi's spies in Yunxiang Pavilion."

I'm afraid the Yunxiang Pavilion was opened by Li Jinyan, Prince of Xiqi.

Under her nose, there are spies from the enemy country, isn't that a slap in the face?

So it is necessary to find out what happened, and then eradicate him.

Situ Mo's eyes moved slightly, "Didn't Chu Bei not let you intervene in this matter?"

Chu Bei was worried that Prince Xiqi was not good for her, and he still had lingering fears about what happened last time, so he was very reluctant for her to take any more risks.

Prince Xiqi and the others have always been responsible for the secret investigation.

He is not in Yunxiang Pavilion, but is hiding in Prince Li's mansion to recuperate.

If what she said is true, this news is really powerful... Yunxiang Pavilion was checked inside and out by them personally a few months ago, and there was nothing suspicious.

And seeing what she said was reasonable and well-founded, could it be that Xiqi's spies were really in Yunxiang Pavilion?

Hard to say, have to check.

Situ Mo looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes, and saw her fanning her fan, frowning, and said with a smile, "So, I want to hide it from him."

Otherwise, she would specifically designate him to stay in the imperial study as a companion?
It's because he's easy to talk to!
"Also, I won't confront you head-on. If you want to bump into me, I will make arrangements in the dark. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

In the end, Situ Mo couldn't hold her back, so he had no choice but to follow her to protect her.

Then the two of them disguised themselves as guests and stepped into the Yunxiang Pavilion.

Yunxiang Pavilion is the largest brothel in the capital, so it is very popular no matter it is day or night.

There are people drinking and listening to music, it is very lively.

The two entered the Yunxiang Pavilion, asked for a private room first, and invited a few girls over, dismissed the bustard, got the girls drunk, and then planned to go to the backyard for further investigation.

Seeing his cool and dignified appearance as a young master who doesn't get close to strangers, Mu Wan twitched her eyebrows and said, "I said Brother Mo, do you want me to do the work alone?"

She was in charge of drinking all the girls, and he was just a vase, he didn't touch the wine glass, and he didn't let the girls touch it. She was very pleased that he was so obedient.

But why don't you help her carry her away now?
Addicted to vases? ?
Situ Mo's ears were slightly red, he got up apologetically and coughed lightly, then two guards came and threw him on the bed.

Mu Wan: "..."

If someone doesn't use it, she is also stupid! !
A dark guard said cleverly to resolve the embarrassment, "Master is alone now, so you can sneak into the oiran's room."

Mu Wan glanced at him, "Well, let's go!"

With the secret help of the hidden guards lurking in Yunxiang Pavilion, the two slipped into the oiran's room smoothly.

I was also very lucky to bump into the oiran taking a bath.

Situ Mo's face became hot, and he hurriedly dragged her under the bed.

The two of them just lay down under the oiran's bed and peeked.

Of course, she was the only one watching with relish, without blinking.

Situ Mo is a good boy, he has been staring at the oiran's embroidered shoes for a long time.

After a while, I heard the sound of water, and the oiran called for someone to come in and wait for her to get dressed.

She was dressed very coolly, and was happily putting on makeup in front of the dressing table. There was a deep affection between her eyebrows. It seemed that she wanted to meet her sweetheart, and she couldn't control her joy.

The girl said, "Girl, you are so beautiful, no wonder Mr. Li is so obsessed with you, he stays with you every day."

Hua Kui snorted coquettishly, "Speak too much, that master is not an ordinary person, so you are not allowed to talk behind your back."


The girl's back tightened, and she nodded hurriedly. She also knew Miss Yunji's rules. The first time she received a guest, it was Mr. Li. From now on, she would only receive him alone.

Miss Yunji likes that grandpa...

"Okay, go down, prepare the food and drink, and don't allow anyone to disturb you."


The girl will go out soon.

Yun Ji lowered her eyes secretly, smiled wryly, and continued to draw her eyebrows with the eyebrow pencil.

At this time, the window was opened with a creak, and a spotless black boot fell down.

Immediately afterwards, Yunji's joyful voice sounded, "Prince..."

Prince Xiqi glanced coldly, and gave a cold and indifferent "hmm".

Yunji tensed all over, saluted respectfully, and stood upright, not daring to stick to him.

She knows the prince's rules.

He came on business, but never touched her.

(End of this chapter)

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