Chapter 414
Joy flashed across Chu Bei's face, his heart beat violently, and he couldn't bear it any longer, he hugged her tightly and turned over, lowered his head and kissed her, from the ear to the ear, from heavy to light, all the way down.



The night is alluring, the long night.

In the Empress' bedroom, the lights were flickering, and there was a long and intense gasp echoing inside.

On the large and luxurious dragon bed in the inner hall of the bedroom, the bright yellow palace gauze curtains are swaying and swaying, creating layers of ripples, and the golden bells with dragon patterns are ringing fiercely, as if to indicate that something indescribable is going on inside.



Until midnight, Yue'er shyly hid in the clouds.

"Queen... I can't do it anymore..."

Three hours.

"Queen... I... can't do it anymore..."

It's four o'clock.

"Queen, I... I..."


The next day, the empress stopped court for a day.

In the Golden Luan Hall, all the ministers whispered to each other with many criticisms.

The King of Chu stepped out from behind the golden screen, and looked coldly at the people in the hall, "The emperor's dragon body is unwell today, and everyone will rest for three days from tomorrow, and preside over the king this morning, so let's talk about something."

He was dressed in a purple prince's court attire, and he raised his cold eyes, looking at the world with contempt, and stood on the Golden Luan Hall with a majestic aura, and just started the morning court.

All the ministers looked at each other, a little puzzled, what happened to the Empress?
Someone stepped forward and said, "My lord, I don't know how the emperor's body is, can I ask Master Fu for diagnosis and treatment?"

Suddenly it was said that the emperor's dragon body was ill, and everyone had to rest for three days. If the emperor was really ill, they would naturally have the responsibility to take care of it.

"Yeah, why is the emperor suddenly ill?"

"Shall we go and visit?"


Some ministers were dissatisfied with the King of Chu, a lot of jealousy, and more because of the power of the King of Chu, fearing that he would control the Empress and control the government.

He acted perversely and ruthlessly.

He has been marching and fighting for many years, and he is also the god of war in the kingdom. Wherever he stands, his scalp becomes numb, and those timid legs are shaking, how can they go up with peace of mind.

Moreover, when he presides over the court, no one dares to easily refute his meaning.

Although the emperor is a woman, she is always gentler than the king of Chu.

Therefore, the ministers still hope that the empress will go to court, at least the empress will not be angry casually if she says something wrong.

Hearing that these people were going to disturb Mu Wan, Chu Bei's eyes turned cold, and he immediately said displeased, "No need, this king will take good care of the emperor."

Prince Qi stood up and said, "What is the queen afraid of? The emperor's dragon body is sick, why should we go to visit? Why do you want to stop so much? Yesterday the emperor was fine, why did the dragon body suddenly become sick today? Could it be? What did the queen do to the emperor?"

The series of questions were very sharp.

King Ling said, "That's right, as brother Wang, the emperor's body is sick, we should go and visit him."

Prince Li is not here today, and Zheng Guogong's representative stepped forward, "Why don't the queen let the three of us visit the emperor as representatives, so that everyone can rest assured that the sudden illness of the emperor's dragon body is not a trivial matter. A country cannot live without a king, the queen It is only to assist in handling the government affairs, and many things still need to be decided by the emperor himself."

Starting with the three, the appeal to see the empress grew louder.

Old Prince Chu and the others frowned, not knowing what Chu Bei was doing suddenly, they looked at him and waited for him to explain.

Everyone was clamoring and rested for three days, so he must give a reasonable explanation.

Chu Bei's handsome face was full of gloom, but his eyes flashed in the blink of an eye, and he smiled like a spring breeze and said, "You really want to know?"

Everyone: "..."

"Eunuch Li, you want to testify to the king, and the emperor will blame you later, but you have to make it clear to the emperor that the ministers forced the king to say it."

Eunuch Li was sweating profusely: "..."

He doesn't know anything! !
King Chu, what do you want to say?
Chu Bei glanced at Xiao Lizi, then turned to Qi Wang and others in the Jinluan Hall, slightly raised the corners of his lips, and said, "Speaking of which, this king is not good, and the emperor was exhausted last night, all ministers, can you give me this reason?" Satisfied? Do you three still want to visit the emperor?"

All the ministers suddenly felt a burning pain in their old faces.

So the dragon's body is ill, it's just that the empress favors the empress... Tired myself out?


Xiao Wang, the prime minister, and Dingbeihou looked at the old prince Chu silently.

Old Prince Chu's face was full of black lines, and he wanted to go up and beat his son. This kind of thing was brought up in the court more than once, but in fact, he made it out of nothing and fabricated it out of thin air.

Don't think he doesn't know, he is still playing the floor.

Save some face for him by his own son, don't tell the truth if he sees through.

He didn't feel ashamed at all, he dared to say a lie in the Golden Luan Hall, and he would definitely reward him with a meal of braised bamboo shoots later.


Old Prince Chu was almost fuming with anger.

He gave a black face and roared in a cold voice, "Okay, let's go up."


Xuanwu Hall.

On the dragon bed, the empress slowly opened her eyes, and said hoarsely, "Come here..."

Bi Yue hurried over and put away the palace gauze curtain, "Your Majesty, are you awake?"

"Pull the curtains, what time is it?"

Mu Wan felt a tingling pain all over her body when she got up and moved. She once thought that she would die on the dragon bed, but now that she felt this pain, she felt that she was still alive.

She wants to drink water, her throat is dry and hoarse...

"Back to the emperor, it's almost time for lunch."

Bi Yue bowed to offer the teacup, saw the red dots on her neck, her face flushed immediately, last night when she was on duty, she could really hear the master's cries for mercy.

"I want to take a shower and change clothes."

"Tell Fu Si to come over..."

Mu Wan frowned slightly, put on a coat, got out of bed barefoot, endured the discomfort all over her body, and walked towards the bathing hall while speaking lightly.

Bi Yue Yiyi nodded, and asked the two maids to leave to pass on the message, and she followed closely to serve.

When she took off her clothes and saw the marks on Mu Wan's body, Bi Yue blushed and felt very distressed.

Can't help but complain that the King of Chu is too ignorant.

"The servant is going to get the plaster."

With that said, she blessedly exited the bathing hall.

Mu Wan stepped barefoot into the bath surrounded by mist, and slowly soaked in the warm water, only then did she feel a little more comfortable.


Not long after Fu Si came to Xuanwu Hall, he saw the empress stepping out in purple clothes and black hair.

"I have seen the emperor."

Mu Wan glanced at her, motioned him to sit down, took a sip of the tea before asking, "Are there any mild and easy-to-carry contraceptive pills?"

Fu Siwei paused, and his cold eyes flashed with surprise, "Yes, I will send it back to you."

Then he got up and went back to fetch it for her.

Arriving outside the Xuanwu Hall, I met Chu Bei who had just come to court.

Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, and he vaguely guessed something and asked, "What does the emperor want you for?"

Fu Si pursed his lips, "She wants contraceptive pills."

Chu Bei: "..."

Seeing his ugly face, Fu Si coughed lightly, "Actually, the emperor is still young, and it's a very critical time, so it's not suitable to be pregnant."

The queen's idea may be to wait until the imperial power is stabilized, and then plan to have children in two years.

Chu Bei's eyes flashed deeply, "Make a dish that I eat."

Fu Si: "..."

"What? No?"

"No, there is."

It's just that he didn't expect Chu Bei to be able to do this, which shocked him.

"Make her a bowl of mild contraceptive soup this time, and give me the medicine, and I will tell her."

After speaking, Chu Bei stepped into the Xuanwu Hall.

Fu Si frowned slightly, looked back, and then went back to the pharmacy to refill the prescription.

Ning Xinyao came over, "Master, what kind of prescription is this?"

He raised his eyebrows and looked at her, slightly pursed his lips, "Contraceptive soup."

The little girl's face changed slightly, "Cousin wants it?"

 I really want to show it perfectly, but unfortunately my writing is too sloppy (=_=)
(End of this chapter)

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