Chapter 427 Bei Mingzhao


After leaving the woods, they did not escape smoothly, and the dark guards of Prince Li's Mansion rushed over and blocked all exits.

"Catch me alive!!"

Prince Li supported Prince Xiqi to come out, only to hear his fury, and the birds on the tree scattered in fright.

There were so many of them, the two of them could only run desperately.

As far as the back mountain of Xiangguo Temple, there is no way to escape.

At the edge of a waterfall and cold pool, he had no choice but to fight.

More than [-] men in black besieged them.

I thought it was going to be a massacre.

But suddenly above the cold pool, a figure descended from the sky.

Behind him were twelve armored servants.

A total of 13 people landed in front of them together. The leading man's eyes froze, twelve cold swords were unsheathed at once, and each of them killed one in the blink of an eye.

The dark guards of Prince Li's Mansion couldn't help but change their faces when they saw these 12 people, and their martial arts were far superior to them just by looking at a sword.

The rumored Twelve Knights of the Northern Darkness must drink hot blood when their cold swords are unsheathed.

The cold murderous look is creepy.

Seeing the twelve brothers lying on the ground, the hidden guards of Prince Li's Mansion didn't dare to approach easily, they stalemate for a while, then turned around and ran away decisively.

Seeing this scene, Mu Wan couldn't help becoming vigilant, not knowing whether the other party was an enemy or a friend.

She unknowingly took out a dagger that cut iron like mud, looked at the man who turned his back to her with cold eyes, and said, "I don't know who you are?"

Hearing the sound, the corners of the man's lips raised slightly, he turned his head and smiled, and in an instant, he said, "The emperor didn't stay in the palace, why did he come here?"

Bei Mingzhao!
Mu Wan's brows were knotted, didn't he feel that after touching the popularity mask on his face, he recognized her at a glance?

Seeing that she didn't speak, Bei Mingzhao chuckled lightly, then flashed in front of her in the blink of an eye, put his arms around her waist, rose into the air, and went straight to the waterfall.


Fei Lian's face changed, and he wanted to catch up with the Savior.

But in the next moment, twelve cold swords pointed directly at his eyebrows, and one of them said coldly, "Your Highness will not hurt her, you just wait here, if you dare to resist, die!"

There seemed to be countless ice blades condensed in the air, and Fei Lian was sweating coldly, not daring to act rashly.

He knew the rumors about the Twelve Knights of the Northern Darkness, and now with his martial arts, he might be instantly killed.

Even with the addition of eight Blood Shadow Guards, I'm afraid there is not much chance of winning.

He glanced at the waterfall, secretly worried.


On the waterfall, Bei Mingzhao hugged her and fell under the cherry tree on the edge of the cliff.


The man's deep and magnetic voice rang in his ears.

When she landed, Mu Wan hurriedly broke away from him, and seeing the cherry blossoms falling into the sky, she couldn't help but marvel, "Here...there are cherry blossoms."

The cherries are falling, romantic and beautiful.

She was instantly attracted by the beauty.

The man stood beside him, looked down at her, and said with a smile, "Do you like it?"

Mu Wan frowned slightly, and suddenly realized that now is not the time to appreciate the beautiful scenery. She looked up at the man in front of her, and said in a bad tone, "Why hasn't the eldest prince left yet?"

Unexpectedly, Bei Mingzhao, like Prince Xiqi, did not leave the kingdom, and has been lurking near the capital.

He also spied on and followed her.

Otherwise, how could he see her true identity at a glance?

What is their purpose in staying in the kingdom?
"Little Jiuer..."

Mu Wan looked at the man with a black thread on his forehead, extremely depressed, she didn't remember any friendship with him.

Why did you suddenly show a sad look and call her by her nickname intimately?
She secretly wiped her sweat, tried hard to recall the original work, and also tried hard to search the memory of the original owner.

But there is no special memory about Bei Mingzhao!
In the original book, the empress and the great prince of Beiming did not have any intersection. The only intersection is probably that they met once during this trip to the kingdom, and at most they met by chance.

Could it be because she crossed over and changed the original plot, or that Bei Mingzhao was a romantic debt left by the original owner? ?

It is not groundless to say that the original owner is greedy for beauty.

Seeing how many sons and daughters the late emperor had, one knew how romantic and affectionate he was when he was young.

Thinking of this, Mu Wan's complexion changed slightly, she didn't feel like stepping back, she bowed slightly and said, "Brother Beiming, thank you very much for saving me this time, it's getting late, I have to go back, I will repay the favor of saving my life another day, Farewell!"

"and many more…"

Bei Mingzhao immediately grabbed her wrist to prevent her from leaving, his eyes were cold and somewhat disappointed, "Xiao Jiu, do you really lose your memory and don't remember me? I am your brother Zhao... We met here before , have you forgotten all of them?"

He was 12 years old that year, and he had been suffering from severe poison since he was a child. His mother took him all the way to Junguo to find Master Chen for help without hesitating to abandon his successor.

And when she was nine years old, she studied martial arts with Master Chen in Xiangguo Temple. They were chased by men in black and they were rescued by her.

He will never forget, the little girl sitting under the cherry blossom tree that year...

Seven years later, she actually forgot about him.

Mu Wan's head was full of black lines, and there was something wrong with the secret, it really was a romantic debt left by the original owner! !

"Sorry, Brother Beiming, I... really don't remember this."

"Are you mad at me that you haven't heard from me since you returned to Beiming?"

"Xiao Jiu, I know I'm wrong, but I couldn't help it at the time. My mother and I were put under house arrest by the emperor after we returned to Beiming. I..."

In the icy cold palace, whenever he thinks of her in pain, he feels full of hope. She is the reason for him to live.

Bei Mingzhao was sad while talking. He worked hard to perform in front of his father, and only then did he achieve what he is today. When he planned to come to Junguo to propose marriage, he learned that she had become the queen of Junguo and married the king of Chu. for later.

He regretted not coming to Junguo earlier to meet her.

He didn't expect that she would forget him so easily. He was very angry, but...when he saw her, he couldn't help liking her.

He has been delaying returning to Beiming because he is waiting for her to think of him...

"No, brother Beiming, I really lost my memory, I don't remember this, but since I saved you when I was young, and you save me now, then we're even, let go, I'm going back .”

Mu Wan was a little anxious, afraid that Chu Bei would suddenly appear at this time, and she would be miserable!
Bei Mingzhao's eyes were cold, and he really wanted to knock her out and take her back to hide, so that she would only belong to him.

But in this way, she would definitely hate him.

What he wants is for her to like herself, not to hate herself.

In the end, he slowly let go, his eyes dimmed, and he stuffed a short jade flute for her, "I will secretly protect you, and if there is any danger, I will play the jade flute, and I will rush over."

As she spoke, she picked up the jade flute and put it to her lips, blowing a very rhythmic tune, like a digital code code, for her to remember.

And let her carry it with her.

Mu Wan looked down at the exquisite and expensive jade flute, which was engraved with his own character "Zhao".

How can such a dangerous thing be carried with you?
She shook her hand, and hurriedly stuffed it back, "Brother Beiming...Actually, I don't know how to play xiao, I don't know the rhythm, and I don't have all the pentatonic notes. I'm afraid Xiao is going to ruin your things, so I'd better give it to someone who is destined."

Bei Mingzhao didn't care about her indifference and rejection at all, a bright smile bloomed on the corner of his lips, "Brother Zhao Zhao, and don't lie to me, Xiao Jiutan's Ambush from Ten Sides is an amazing song, I know it."

(End of this chapter)

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