The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 429 I heard that the Queen has fallen out of favor

Chapter 429 I heard that the Queen has fallen out of favor

The next day, the empress looked up with a pair of blue and black eyes, and she knew that she was in an extremely bad mood.

The ministers were too frightened to speak, for fear of offending Long Yan.

So he withdrew early.


Back in Xuanwu Hall, Mu Wan leaned against the imperial concubine's couch, closed her eyes and said, "Come here."

Fei Lian walked in, "Your Majesty."

"From today onwards, people will be guarded at the door of the Xuanwu Hall and the Imperial Study Room. Without my will, the queen is not allowed to step in."

Flying sickle: "..."

What's wrong with this?
There was no response for a long time.

"Don't understand?"

The empress glanced at her gloomy eyes, Fei Lian's back tightened, and she hurriedly said, "The minister leads the order."


That night, the news that the queen was thrown out of the palace by the empress spread throughout the palace.

Chu Bei was so angry that he vomited blood. Now that his martial arts had advanced further, a few blood shadow guards couldn't stop him at all.

But if she forced her way into the Xuanwu Hall, it would definitely make her unhappy again.

He calmed down for a while, then turned and left.


The news blew through the entire palace like a gust of wind, and the concubines in the harem couldn't help being happy.

The Queen finally fell out of favor.

Guangling Palace, Yufu Palace, Xingman Palace, Yimei Pavilion.

Hearing the report from the palace people, all of them showed joy and excitement, "The emperor really drove the queen out?"

"Back to the master, yes, the Xuanwu Hall, the imperial study room, the queen can't get in. It seems that the queen has really annoyed the emperor. I heard that the emperor is in a bad mood recently. Why don't you try to ask for an audience?"

"Let's see tomorrow."


The next day, after going down to court, King Chu immediately went to the imperial study.

As a result, two blood shadow guards stopped the door, "Empress, please stay, you are not allowed to trespass without the emperor's will."

Chu Bei's face was slightly cold, "Go to Tongchuan, just say that the king has something to see."

At this time, Xiao Lizi came out, "Mother, please go back, the emperor told you to reflect on yourself, and when you have reflected on everything clearly, she will go to the Vermillion Bird Hall to find you."

Chu Bei: "..."

In the imperial study room, Mu Wan sat at the table and reviewed the papers.

Seeing that Xiao Lizi came back after delivering the message, he raised his eyes and asked, "The queen is gone?"

"Go back to the emperor, the empress is gone."

"Is he angry?"

Little Lizi: "..."

Your majesty, you feel sorry for your empress and are angry, why don't you see him again? !

Mu Wan lowered her eyes, pursed her lips and said, "Don't worry about him, let Su Ran enter the palace."

He really pissed her off this time.

If you don't give me a lesson, you always think she is easy to bully.


Su House.

The queen summoned suddenly.

Mrs. Su looked at her son worriedly, "Ran'er, could it be that something happened to Li'er in the palace?"

"Mother, don't worry, nothing will happen. The emperor came to me just to discuss the matter of paying tribute."

The Su family is the number one imperial merchant in the Jun Kingdom. Apart from doing business with the imperial court, they mostly send tribute.

Su Ran comforted her mother and hurried into the palace.


Royal study.

Su Ran came in, as usual, the empress was very warm and polite.

Sit down, serve tea, and treat you with extra courtesy.

"I don't know what the emperor wants me to do?"

Su Ran sat down after bowing and saluting.

Sitting in front of the imperial desk, Mu Wan motioned for Xiao Lizi to hand him the letter from yesterday.

Su Ran's face changed slightly when he glanced at it, and he hurriedly got up, "Your Majesty..."

Mu Wan raised her hand to signal him not to panic, "I know, this is just a trap set by Prince Li and Prince Xiqi to lure you to Heying Lake to kill you."

Prince Li and Prince Xiqi worked hand in hand and were ruthless. She had to guard against it, so she sent him into the palace to remind him to be careful.

Su Ran: "..."

"Don't worry, I won't listen to slander, but when you go back, you have to tell the Su family not to do anything that violates morality and the law, otherwise people will catch you, and it will be difficult for me to protect your Su family."

Mu Wan's face was serious, knowing that the Su family is the number one royal merchant in the kingdom, and there are many families, so some mouse feces will inevitably spoil the pot of soup. If someone from the Su family did something to embezzle tribute, Prince Li and others would catch it , and then threaten Su Ran, that would be dangerous.

If Prince Li threatened him with the lives of hundreds of people from the Su family, Su Ran would be in a difficult situation, and he didn't know what he would do.

She had to stop the tragedy before it brewed.

Su Ran's breathing was heavy, her eyes froze, and she felt ashamed and uneasy, "Your fact, the Su family did...committed an unforgivable crime."

He wanted to tell her so much.

But the empress raised her hand, signaling that he didn't need to say anything, "It's okay, it's just embezzling a few tributes, as long as I know about it, you can clean up the Su family and put an end to this matter."

Su Ran lowered her eyes and couldn't help being moved, "Your Majesty is really a rare wise king in the world, Su Ran doesn't even know how to thank you."

"Okay, don't worry, Su Li has the gold medal for avoiding death. If it is really Su Jiafan's unforgivable crime, and the paper can't cover the fire, when someone stabs him out, you can take out the gold medal for avoiding death. There is a way to save you from death.”

The empress came over and patted him on the shoulder, telling him not to feel any pressure and follow her well. Su Ran is a talent, and she needs his help in her road to riches.

As long as it is not some heinous crime, she can still turn a blind eye to the concubine.

And she believes in her own eyesight, Su Ran is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and would rather die than betray a friend.

Such a friend is worthy of deep friendship.

Su Ran was still ashamed, feeling uneasy and grateful, knelt down and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

With her words, he seemed to see hope, and the heavy pressure in his heart was instantly relieved.

She secretly made up her mind that if she could really let the Su family and Li'er go, he would be willing to treat her like a cow and a horse for the rest of her life.

Seeing Su Ran's moving eyes, Mu Wan felt a little sensational, and said, "Well, get up, as I said, we are friends and partners, and we don't need to kneel down every now and then."


Mu Wan went back to the table and took a sip of tea, looked up at him, and said with a smile, "When can I have this month's account book for my review?"

Su Ran said, "It will be delivered to the emperor in two days."

"How much is your income?"

"Roughly, there should be more than 100 million taels."

Mu Wan's eyes lit up, and a gold coin symbol flashed out of her eyes, covering her mouth in disbelief, "There are really so many... I can't be dreaming."

Su Ran smiled and said, "The convenience store has been very popular since it opened, and the supply has always been in short supply with Nanliang. This number is a conservative estimate. It is estimated that there will be more than 50 more when it is liquidated at the end of the month."

Mu Wan said happily, "I will be satisfied if I can make a profit of 80 taels after excluding the cost."

Because you have to pay taxes, especially customs and city taxes.

But whether or not to hand it in is hers in the end.

"After a while, wait for the transparent cup to be successfully fired, and perhaps the profit will be more optimistic."

At that time, she will ask Fu Si to concoct several perfumes, focusing on popular perfumes.

"What the emperor said is very true."

After chatting for a while, Su Ran decided to leave after nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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