Chapter 436 Clearing the Portal
Of course, all this is just a calculation.

Everyone looked at Zhou Ruolan, and felt extremely sympathetic.

It turned out that the person who ruined her was the one who kept saying he loved her the most.

She couldn't accept this fact, and collapsed instantly, "Impossible...Impossible...Jun Muhao, you lied to me!!"

She had always hated him in her heart, that it was him who wished to strangle him to death in her dreams.

Jun Muhao!
How dare you do this to me?

Pain flashed across Ling Wang's eyes, and then his eyes were cold and heartless, and he said angrily, "Bitch, shut up!"

Lan'er, if you want to survive, you have to be obedient!
Zhou Ruolan looked at the man in front of her, tears welled up in her eyes, her scarlet eyes wanted to kill him.

Can think of, death.

The fear of death made her lose her courage for an instant.

She collapsed, tears streaming down her cheeks, and gritted her teeth, "That's right, I'm pregnant with King Ling's child, royal blood, you can't kill me."

She wants to live, she cannot die.

King Ling heaved a sigh of relief, looked at the empress, said in a low voice, "Your majesty, I beg you as brother four, please spare Lan'er's life."

If he could kneel down for her in this meeting, he would definitely kneel down and kowtow to her.

Mu Wan's eyes were cold, as if they were stained with ice, and said coldly and majesticly, "Brother Ling, Zhou Ruolan committed a heinous crime, and I'm afraid it will be hard to forgive her. For the sake of the child, I can let her give birth to the child before executing the sentence. But during the period, she has to be locked up in the prison of Dali Temple to wait for delivery, and the environment of the prison can be accommodated."

The faces of the empress dowager and others were distorted, their lips trembled, and they pointed at the nostrils of the empress and cursed, "You are going to kill them all!!"

"To kill them all?"

Mu Wan sneered, and the laughter echoed in the hall, making one's hair stand on end inexplicably.

"Dear dear ministers, please tell me, how should Zhou Ruolan's crime be dealt with according to the king's law?"

The master of Dali Temple bite the bullet and stepped forward and said, "Go back to the emperor, according to the king's law, the crime should be punished, and the emperor's punishment is an extrajudicial favor."

Everyone stood on one side, Qi Qi lowered his head slightly, his breathing was heavy, and it was difficult to catch his breath.

When the emperor was angry, the sky and the earth changed color, and blood flowed into rivers.

No one dared to run to die at this time.

I just heard her say, "If the Empress Dowager thinks that I have handled it improperly, then I will hand it over to Dali Temple to deal with it according to the law. All the stolen goods will be recovered. All the ministers have seen and heard it, and I will not say more."

King Ling gritted his teeth secretly, "The emperor is wise, so I will deal with it according to the emperor's words."

Mu Wan smiled, looked at the old Gu master and Fu Si, "Before that, please ask Yaowanggu to deal with the evildoers first, and then talk about how to deal with me."

Zhou Ruolan is not only King Ling's concubine, but also a disciple of Yaowanggu.

They should be given a chance to deal with household chores.

Everyone wiped their sweat secretly, thinking that the empress is really cruel, but a woman like Zhou Ruolan is not worthy of sympathy.

The main hall was very quiet for a while, everyone looked at the old valley owner.

He was so angry just now, he wished he could kill Zhou Ruolan with a sword and clean up the house.

This time, he calmed down a bit, and sighed secretly, "Teacher and apprentice, abolish your martial arts, save you from the death penalty, and be expelled from the teacher's door. Gu has nothing to do with it."

As he spoke, a few silver lights flew out, directly breaking her bones, destroying all of Zhou Ruolan's martial arts.

Zhou Ruolan let out a scream and passed out.

Then she was carried away and put in the prison of Dali Temple. Her own imperial physician saved her life until she gave birth to a child in October, and then she was executed.

Ling Wang and others left together angrily.

The old valley owner was still very sad, so he returned to Fu's residence without staying in the palace.

Mu Wan followed him, and called Fu Sidao to stop, "A traitor appeared in your Medicine King Valley, did you know?"

Fu Si frowned, "Who is it? How does the emperor know?"

Mu Wan smiled without saying a word, and just gave him a note with the four characters "Liu Ji Pharmacy" written on it. After seeing it, Fu Si's face changed slightly, and he hurried out of the palace holding the note.

At this time, Zhou Yunting shouted, "Master Fu, please stop, can you save my mother?"

Fu Si turned around and threw him a pill, "Take it for her, it can get rid of the Gu worm in her body, if it can't get rid of it, I can only wait until my master is in a better mood."

After speaking, he stepped out of Guangling Palace without looking back.

"Cough cough..."

Zhou Yunting was weak, and after handing the medicine to Wuhen, he looked at the Empress, "Your you set up all this?"

Jiu'er is really smart.

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and looked at him coldly, "So what, you want to blame me?"

"No... Your Majesty did the right thing. Lan'er has to blame herself. She can't blame others. You can't have the heart of harming others, and you can't have the heart of guarding against others. The Emperor is just trying to protect himself, and he has nothing to do with it."

"The emperor didn't offend the Zhou family. I am so grateful. I dare not complain, and neither will the Zhou family."

Mu Wan's eyes were deep and unpredictable, and the corners of her lips curled up beautifully, "You are wrong, Zhou Ruolan's biggest mistake was that she touched my queen, and she should never have poisoned him."

Being stared at by these clean and pure eyes that were as cold as ice, Zhou Yunting's heart felt suffocated for a moment.

She meant to tell herself, is this the end if she dares to hurt Chu Bei?
If he moved Chu Bei, then she would treat him so ruthlessly...

The young man smiled wryly, his slender eyebrows were stained with a touch of sadness, and said with a smile, "The emperor only has the queen in his heart, so what should I do? I also only have the emperor in my heart. If the emperor refuses to give me even a little love, then I will kill him." me."

Seeing their love and happiness every day, his heart is breaking down little by little.

He was afraid that he would go crazy, and then he couldn't help but want to destroy everything and let the tragedy of his previous life repeat itself.


Mu Wan looked at the young man, pinched the center of her eyebrows and felt a headache, "Don't make trouble, my concubine, take a good rest, come to the Royal Garden in the afternoon, I have something good to show you, with it, maybe you won't feel lonely. "


The boy was a little confused.

Why didn't she play her cards according to the routine?
Didn't you express yourself clearly enough?

"Okay, man, be strong, don't talk nonsense, you are so young, how can you talk about life and death lightly? Aifei think about it carefully, I have to leave beforehand."

After speaking, he patted him on the shoulder and ran away.


Zhou Ruolan's martial arts were abolished, and she was thrown into a prison. I'm afraid it will be difficult for her to be a monster in the future.

There was no need to be wary of her putting a spell on Chu Bei, which reassured Mu Wan a lot.


At this time, Prince Li.

After Prince Xiqi was injured, he was taken back to the palace by Prince Li to recuperate.

This guy is also a great man, with excellent physical fitness, and with such a serious injury, he can be alive and kicking after a few days of recuperation.

When he was in good shape, he began to think of coming out to seek revenge from "Eldest Master Su".

"Oh, Prince Li, are you not going?"

Prince Xiqi changed his clothes, put on his mask and planned to find the real Mr. Su first, he must know where the little devil is.

But when I looked back, I found that there seemed to be one piece missing from the leg pendant.

Ever since the two of them rolled over the sheets, Prince Li usually likes to follow him.

Why are you unmoved today?
Prince Xiqi blinked at the displeased boy.

Prince Li's face was dark and ugly, and he said in a bad mood, "I take you in because I want you to help me deal with Xiao Jiu. Now you are eating and drinking for free in the palace..."

sleep him...

It's fine if you don't help him find a way to solve Furuilou's matter, and you still want to find someone else all day long.

I have never seen such a shameless person like him!
Prince Li clenched his fists and glared at him angrily, "You have to go on your own, don't even think about me going to save you if something happens, hum~"

After finishing speaking, he tossed off the royal robe and left Jin Moxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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