The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 438 The unbearable past at the beginning of the chapter

Chapter 438 Looking Back on the Unbearable Past


Suzaku Hall.

Chu Bei held her hand tightly and didn't want to let go. This feeling was very strange, and he didn't have the anxiety he had before.

Because she chose herself without hesitation...

"The queen is angry with me?"

Mu Wan held his hand tightly and didn't want to let go. This wonderful feeling was indescribable. Those who just wanted to hold his hand would never let go.

I didn't expect him to play tricks to fight for favor...

She didn't feel disgusted, but was very happy, because she knew that he was afraid of being robbed...

Chu Bei turned to face her, his eyes were like the sea of ​​stars, and he said in a low tone, "Does the Emperor have something to explain to me? Hmm!"

Mu Wan raised her eyes in astonishment, the painting style changed suddenly, where did the gentle man just now go?
How did you change your face in the blink of an eye and start the torture mode?
Mu Wan secretly supported her forehead, and said, "What do you explain? Queen, we can't only care about our own happiness, we must also consider other people's feelings. Now I can't abolish the harem. The kind of concubines live in the harem like years. It's very sad. They don't like you. Absolute freedom makes it inevitable to be lonely in the palace, I just feel ashamed of them and try to make up for it, don't think too much about it."

Chu Bei's eyes darkened, and his brows were tightly frowned, "This king is not talking about this..."

How could he not know her thoughts?

Regardless of what happens to the concubines in the harem.

What he wanted to know was when she would confess to him about Bei Mingzhao.

"Ah... I misunderstood..."

Mu Wan's face was full of embarrassment.

He felt a little strange when he thought of mentioning Bei Mingzhao.

He must be still concerned about what happened when she left the palace that day.

Mu Wan sighed secretly, "Sit down first, I can tell you anything you want to know, have to promise me, don't be jealous."

Chu Bei's face was faintly ugly, and he was already showing signs of jealousy. He grabbed her by the shoulder and said coldly, "Did you meet Bei Mingzhao when you left the palace that day? What did he do to you?"

Mu Wan frowned and comforted him, "Calm down, calm down, he didn't do anything to me, I was hunted down by Prince Xiqi and Prince Li, he was the one who saved me, but... Later he took me to see the cherry blossoms , there are a bunch of inexplicable things, saying that I saved him when I was a child... and that I and him were in love with each other, and we made a private decision for life, and promised to go back to Beiming with him..."

Hearing this, Chu Bei's face darkened, and he started to run away, looking for his 60-meter butcher's knife everywhere, ready to kill Bei Mingzhao.

He knew that Bei Mingzhao would tell her this.

That scheming man was indeed insidious and cunning.

Mu Wan looked at him, not knowing what to do, her eyes moved, and she grabbed his sleeve, "Queen..."

Chu Bei was annoyed, gnashing his teeth secretly, but suddenly blocked by his soft lips, he was completely stunned, and his eyes opened wide.

In the next moment, his cold and dark eyes gradually softened and warmed up, he slowly closed his eyes, and clasped her waist tightly.

Irritable and restless, the hostility all over her body dissipated, and her whole heart was filled with her.


I don't know how long it took, but after the two gradually separated, he finally calmed down.

Mu Wan secretly heaved a sigh of relief, her cheeks blushed, "I have forgotten the past."

That's not what she did at all.

With this body, Naihe had no choice but to admit defeat.

Chu Bei looked down at her, his voice was low and hoarse, with a bit of sadness, "Do you know how stupid I was before?"

Mu Wan looked at him in shame, "I know..."

She has heard about all the bastard things the original owner did.

"You do not know!"


The man took a deep breath, and felt that she couldn't be easily fooled this time, and she had to know how much she had done to him in the past 16 years.

He just bullied her a little after getting married.

But she has bullied him for 16 years, and it will be her whole life in the future.

Mu Wan was sweating profusely as she looked at the serious-looking man, knowing that she couldn't be easily fooled this time, so she sat down obediently and waited for her "failure".

Who told her that she used to be a veritable scumbag!

What happened in the past cannot be erased.

"Please tell me if the queen has any grievances. I will listen all the time and I will definitely change it in the future."


The veins on Chu Bei's forehead twitched twice, his fist clenched, and without a word, he pinned her down on the big arhat table. The action was a little violent, and the delicate chessboard was pushed down, and the chess pieces fell all over the ground. "It was like the sound of jade hitting, accompanied by a gasp...

Xiao Lizi and the others hurried out and ordered the door to be closed.

"Listen well, the emperor is discussing with the empress about the autumn hunting competition tomorrow, so please pay close attention and don't allow anyone to disturb you."

The guard stood guard in front of the door, with hot ears, said, "It's... Eunuch Li."

Xiao Lizi stood in front of the gate of Suzaku Hall, looking up at the sky, "The weather is really nice today, the sky is so blue..."

A group of young eunuchs: "..."



After a fierce battle, Mu Wan was too tired to move, so she let the man carry her to the bathing pool, and after taking a bath, she carried her back to the palace.

At this time, it was already evening and dusk, both of them were lying on the bed in bright yellow coats, and Chu Bei began to tell stories.

Mu Wan's head was full of black lines, and she appreciated his kick, but she didn't want to move, so she could only listen to him quietly.

From their childhood.

Said that the first time he was boarded was because of two bunches of candied haws, and he took the blame for her.

From now on, every time she gets into trouble, he will be the one to blame... He has often been reprimanded by the late emperor and the old prince Chu.

Not to mention, he is used to it.

Because of the Chu family's family style, he knew that his daughter-in-law was in pain at a young age.

At that time, I was still young, and my feelings were very simple, and I didn't understand what a relationship between a man and a woman was.

Although he was angry in his heart, every time something happened to her and she was about to be punished, he still stood up and willingly took the blame for her.

Later, he left the palace and went to the military camp with his father to practice.

At that time, Xiao Muwan was crying so hard that he felt distressed for a long time.

He used to get along day and night, but suddenly separated, and he missed her very much when he arrived at the military camp.

At that time, he was still young, and his martial arts were not as good as chasing them. He sneaked out of the barracks, was caught by his father, and was often beaten up.

In order to be able to see her, he secretly worked hard, and his martial arts became better and better. When he could sneak out of the barracks without being discovered, the first thing he did was to withdraw his marriage and then go to her.

But who knows, after only a few years of separation, she changed her mind.

Mu Wan: "..."

If he didn't say anything, he didn't know that he was such a scumbag!
So what caused him to turn a blind eye to the original owner and loathe it was Bei Mingzhao and Xiao Mu Wan's tryst under the cherry blossom tree?
Seeing Chu Huhu staring at her, the sparks crackling, Mu Wan guessed eight out of ten that she was right, this man still remembers this, he holds revenge, so now he always wants to bully him, "revenge".

Mu Wan helplessly supported her forehead and said, "Queen, I was wrong."

Well, admit your mistake obediently, otherwise life will be difficult in the future.

Chu Bei looked at her miniature, his mood improved instantly, and the little anger disappeared, and he said, "This is called Nie Yuan, going around and around, this king is still planted in the hands of the emperor, if you really know it's wrong , shouldn’t you treat me better in the future?”


It wasn't her doing.

He said he didn't believe it.

Mu Wan sighed helplessly, got up, turned over and sat on him, brushed his ear heavily with one hand, narrowed her eyebrows and eyes slightly, "Well, I will definitely love the queen well in the future..."

(End of this chapter)

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