Chapter 440 Conspiracy Part 2
He had long wanted to do it.

Today, if he didn't speak clearly, and if he didn't do anything, he might as well strangle him to death.

"Bengong said, Bengong said, you let go first."

The crown prince disarmed and surrendered immediately, because he was afraid of him.


Only then did Prince Li let go, and sat down beside him.

Prince Xiqi touched his chilly neck and swallowed sharply, "You really are a family..."

Prince Li glanced coldly, "Stop talking nonsense, talk quickly."

Prince Xiqi felt quite a headache, "Is there any other plan, I don't think the plan you mentioned will work at all."

The young man's eyes dimmed, "Do you know about this king's plan? Are you eavesdropping in the study?"

"Stop it, don't think of me so wretchedly. I am a gentleman and don't bother to do eavesdropping."


Prince Li's eyes went dark, and his fists creaked.

Prince Xiqi gave a "tsk", "I found that you are quite irritable, so can't you be patient and listen to what I have to say?"


"Your little trick, needless to say, I can guess it, assassinate it!"

"Tell me, how many times have you sent people to assassinate the Empress? Have you succeeded?"

"It's not that I said you, whether it's King Qi or you, always use those old-fashioned methods, so it's doomed to fail."

Prince Xiqi held the jug and raised his head to drink, "The empress is protected by four concubines, the empress, the concubine Shu, the concubine De, the concubine Xian, and Fu Si, the genius doctor of Medicine King Valley. It is impossible to easily succeed in poisoning."


"And how much do you know about your emperor's sister?"

Prince Xiqi looked at him and knew that he didn't know that the Empress secretly trained and trained an army that could rival the Dragon and Tiger Army of the Monarch.

Not only that, but that girl also has weapons that can cut iron like mud.

That thing is extremely rare, and I don't know what it is made of. Xiqi, Nanliang, and Beiming don't have such weapons, but all the hidden guards under her have swords that cut iron like mud.

If he guessed correctly, the army she trained in private is equipped with the best weapons, invulnerable to swords and guns, and can cut iron like mud.

If it wasn't for the last time he hunted her down, discovered the secret, and saw it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that there are such elite soldiers in the kingdom.

Although the team is not big, it will be a matter of time before it grows bigger. At that time, I am afraid that the monarch will become the strongest overlord of the four major countries, and no one can match it.

Apart from arresting Chubei and returning to Xiqi, his purpose is to investigate the origin of this team and destroy it if necessary.

Prince Li's eyes darkened, he thought for a while, and said, "In the past, Xiao Jiu was a straw bag that could not be supported by mud. Didn't you know her reputation? It's not a rumor, it's true. If it's a disguise, This king can only say that she is really powerful, she has been pretending for more than ten years, and deceived everyone, her change is as if she was completely reborn after she recovered from a serious illness and suddenly lost her memory."

Prince Xiqi narrowed his eyes, his eyes flickered, "Oh, after amnesia?"

"Yes, look at the strange things she came up with, can anyone in this world come up with them? Smart as a prince, can you think of them?"

"This king sometimes feels that she is not Xiao Jiu at all."

Prince Xiqi touched his chin, his eyes flickered, thoughtful, "It's really strange, wait for me to write a letter to ask the national teacher, maybe he knows."

Prince Li was slightly surprised, "National teacher? Is your Xiqi Emperor Mo's teacher, Mo Li?"

"Well, it's Mo Li. You know, he is like a thousand-year-old monster. He still looks the same after more than ten years. He seems to have taken some panacea. He is youthful forever. He is mysterious in himself, but for those of the Mo family Only Emperor Xiqi knows about the origin, and I have to wait a few years to find out, and my father will tell me about it after I inherit the throne."

He would not say that Mo Li is also a great beauty, astonishing as a heavenly man, like a fairy, he has been thinking about it for a long time.

It's a pity that he was more difficult to deal with than Chu Bei, and he was still older than him, so he couldn't accept it psychologically, so he didn't tease him.

Prince Li: "..."

Junguo has Master Chen, Xiqi has Moli Guoshi, Beiming has Saintess, and Nanliang has Grandmaster.

These four are all masters of the world, and they can be said to be the biggest trump cards of the four countries.

Therefore, for hundreds of years, Junguo, Nanliang, Xiqi, and Beiming have all been evenly matched in strength in all aspects, and they have fought continuously, and no one has lost to anyone.

After thinking for a while, Prince Xiqi's eyes flickered slightly, "Okay, let's put this aside for now. Right now, I think you should not act rashly, shoot the first bird, and let the idiot King Qi do the assassination of the empress. You first Find a way to help Bengong lure Chu Bei into the deep mountains alone. When Bengong handles him, he will be captured and imprisoned in Xiqi. At that time, the empress will have no one to protect him. Isn't it easy to deal with it? At worst, wait a few years, Ben After the palace inherits the throne, send troops to the monarchy, you and I should cooperate internally and externally, this palace promises to lend you troops, and can also guarantee that you will not let you cede land and pay compensation, how about it?"

These conditions are very attractive.

Looking at his enchanting and handsome face, Prince Li suddenly felt irritated for some reason, "Well, can't go back on your word if you promise this king."

Prince Xiqi's phoenix eyes flashed with a smile, seeing the young man gnashing his teeth, he thought it was really cute, and when his heart moved, he grabbed his royal robe, pressed it under him, and said with a raised lip, "Why don't you go back to Xiqi with me... What's the point of being an emperor? It's better to follow Ben Gong, who pampers you..."

"Go away~"

The boy's eyes darkened, and he immediately resisted furiously.


In the Suzaku Hall, the Empress fell asleep early with her head covered.

A few teenagers in the study hadn't rested yet, they were discussing how to deploy their defenses against a map.

Seven days.

It's not long, it's not short.

Camping at Lingyu Mountain requires thorough preparations.

Situ Mo said, "This time, not only the princes, but people from Nanliang, Beiming, and Xiqi will also take action."

There was ice in Chu Bei's eyes, and he sneered, "Those people came here with premeditation, and they have been lurking near Lingyu Mountain, but it doesn't matter, let them enter the mountain, close the door, catch turtles in the urn, this king will tell them to come and go. .”

His tone was cold and murderous.

Zhao Shisan, Bei Mingzhao, and Li Jinyan, the three of them, broke ground on Tai Sui's head again and again, and he had endured it for a long time.

Xia Houjin said with a solemn expression, "But if they all die in the Junguo, I'm afraid that the three kingdoms will join forces to send troops to the Junguo."

The monarchy still doesn't have the strength to fight three against one! !
The corners of Chu Bei's lips curled up, and he said to himself, "It's okay."

Then tell them about the empress's secret training to train armored guards and sharp archers.

By the way, give each of them a sword that cuts iron like mud as a self-defense weapon.

A few people tried it, and their eyes showed surprise, " this also the emperor's idea?"

Chu Bei nodded, "Well, we have fully mastered the method of refining refined black iron, and building these weapons is only a matter of time and money."

Now the Empress is trying to find a way to do business with the peace country and collect a lot of money, money is not a problem.

He will speed up people to refine refined black iron and mine iron ore.

For at most one year, all the troops will wear invulnerable black armor. At that time, a dragon and tiger army will be enough to make people frightened. What is there to fear when the three countries join forces?

(End of this chapter)

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