The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 454 Autumn Hunting Contest—Princess Beiming!

Chapter 454 Autumn Hunting Contest—Princess Beiming!
Mu Wan thought to herself, secretly annoyed, "So I followed Zhao Shisan's way from the beginning."

No wonder he agreed to Tongshang so easily, was this to numb her?

His purpose of sending Nan Sheng and Fu Yu to marry is probably more than that.

A son of a great general of Nanliang and a son of Nanxiang, although they are not favored, but they are the sons of powerful and powerful, and their status is noble in the eyes of others, so there is no room for loss.

Once they die in the monarchy, it will become their reason for sending troops to the monarchy.

On the contrary, they took Fuyu and Nan Sheng as hostages, which was of no use at all.

Because they don't care about the life and death of the two of them at all.

Getting married is a double-edged sword, and Zhao Shisan made good use of it. He is really a terrifying man with deep thoughts.

Chu Bei looked at her and said with a smile, "I said earlier that Zhao Shisan is not a good person, but you don't believe me."

Mu Wan's face turned blue: "..."

Blame her, blame her for wanting to get rich!

Can that blame her?
If it wasn't for him, would she lose the treasury?
If it wasn't for him pressing hard every step of the way, forcing her to pay back the money.

Would she be so anxious, greedy for profit and only want to make money and get rich, and accidentally fall into Zhao Shisan's way?

Seeing that the empress looked unhappy.

Xiao Ci and the others were busy trying to smooth things over, "You can't blame the emperor, if you want to blame, blame Zhao Shisan for being too treacherous."

Mu Wan's eyes turned cold, her fists clenched tightly, and the villain gritted his teeth fiercely and said, "Yes, I'm willing to arrest him if I have the chance, and give him a hard lesson."

Chu Bei's phoenix eyes narrowed, and there was a faint cunning flash in his eyes, he curled his lips, and then slowly cupped his hands and said, "I will definitely capture the Nanliang Regent alive and come back to vent your anger."

After speaking, he led the people out of the camp without looking back.

Situ Mo, Xiao Ci, and Su Ran stayed to protect her.

Fu Si and Xia Houjin followed to help.

Looking at his slender figure, Mu Wan blinked, feeling a little strange, and said, "I didn't say I wanted to capture the Regent of Nanliang alive, did I?"

The eyes of Situ Mo and the others flickered, and they coughed lightly, "The emperor said, didn't you just say you were going to teach him a lesson?"

Mu Wan was at a loss for words, it was angry words.

If the regent of Nanliang is really captured alive, and the prime minister of Nanliang is on the way again, who knows how to clean up the mess by then?

Mu Wan's brows twitched, she always felt that all of this was under the control of Chu Huhu, he probably did it on purpose.


"The emperor will not disturb your rest, please call if you have something to do."

Speaking of which, the three teenagers ran away in a hurry.

This matter will naturally be known when Chu Bei returns.

Seeing them running out one by one with a guilty conscience, Mu Wan secretly rubbed his forehead and felt a headache, so he knew that it was impossible for the Chu fox to sit still and wait for death.

I hope he won't be too angry and cause trouble for her.


After the ministers withdrew, the princes didn't think too much, they were excited and wanted to send people to Qiantuitan to kill Chu Bei.

At this time, the Regent of Nanliang, the Great Prince of Beiming, and Prince Xiqi received the news at the same time.

The Regent of Nanliang and Prince Xiqi had long led people to hide near the Thousand-year-old Lake.

The eldest prince of Beiming hadn't moved yet. He was standing on a peach tree in the peach grove. The breeze blew by, his clothes fluttered and his ink hair fluttered like a god.

With a cold and indifferent demeanor, he stared into the distance with deep eyes, holding a brocade box in his hand, his thoughts drifted a little.

Inside the brocade box is a short jade flute just like him, but unfortunately this one is fake...

But even if it is fake, he still attaches great importance to it.

Because this is the only clue to find An Yu.

The memory goes back to when he was six years old. One day, his mother took him and his little sister to the holy palace to meet the saint, but on the way, he was suddenly assassinated by a man in black. He was caught by the man in black. He chased all the way into the snow-capped mountains, and in the end he was poisoned by the man in black, and his mother was seriously injured. After they were rescued, the little queen disappeared...

"Your Highness."

The dark guard called softly under the tree.

Bei Mingzhao regained his senses, leaped down holding the brocade box, and the dark guard whispered a few words in his ear.

His gloomy eyes flashed, and he said with a smile, "Oh, he also wants Chu Bei's life?"

The dark guard nodded coldly, and said, "The man said that as long as His Highness helps him get rid of Chu Bei, he will tell us the whereabouts of the princess."

Bei Mingzhao looked at the brocade box without saying a word, his eyes were gloomy, would An Yu be in his hands?

An Anwei said, "His Royal Highness, we have been looking for the princess for so many years but have not found it. The princess was lost in the snowy mountains back then. How could she end up in Junguo? Could it be that the person who will assassinate you next year will be sent by Junguo?"

At that time, the two countries were handing over stations, and it was indeed possible.

Capture the First Prince and Empress Yuan and they go back as hostages, threatening Beiming to retreat.

A hidden guard asked, "If that's the case, why didn't the kingdom take the princess as a hostage to threaten Beiming?"

The two dark guards opened their eyes wide and small.

Bei Mingzhao glanced coldly, "Shut up!"

In any case, it was never clear what happened back then.

But he will never let go of the person who took the little emperor's sister away, and when he catches him, he will be crushed to ashes...

The bottom of the young man's eyes was faintly ruthless, the whole body was cold, the cloak on his body was blown by the wind, and the petals everywhere were blowing up with the wind.

The two hidden guards tensed up, waiting for his order.

Twelve armored attendants are ready to go, waiting for him to dispatch at any time.

The young man raised his eyes coldly, and said coldly, "Go to Qiantui Lake."


After Chu Bei left, Mu Wan waited for him to wake up in Concubine Sheng's tent to show that he valued him.

In the eyes of Situ Mo and the others, she just took the opportunity to be lazy and didn't want to read the booklet.

Ask Situ Mo and Xiao Ci to help her watch and tidy up.

But Su Ran needed to avoid suspicion and didn't dare to stay longer, so he planned to go to Su Li.

As they were walking, a small eunuch walked by and said in a low voice, "Young Master Su, my master is here to invite you."

Su Ran's face changed slightly, his eyes darkened, he secretly clenched his fists, passed through several camps as if nothing had happened, and then quickly entered the deep forest to a hidden place.

A young man in a black cloak gradually appeared from the depths of the dense forest, his hat was pressed down so low that his face could hardly be seen, he just laughed softly, "Act tonight, I will cover you , you leave with someone."

Su Ran: "..."

"What about the antidote?"

"After leaving the capital, someone will give it to you."

"Will you really let us go?"

"My young master keeps his word and will never break his promise. However, this young master has helped you a lot. Will young master Su repay this young master for the last time?"

Su Ran's eyes darkened, and she clenched her fist, "Say it."

The young man smiled and said, "I hope Young Master Su will use your Su family's influence to help me find someone. This will not affect your leaving the capital. If you find someone, just send me a message."

Su Ran breathed a sigh of relief, "Who are you looking for? Do you have a portrait?"

"I don't know exactly what she looks like. I only know that she has a special identity. She is the princess that Bei Ming lost more than ten years ago."

Princess Beiming?

Su Ran frowned slightly. He had heard about the loss of the princess in Beiming more than ten years ago. However, at that time, the Emperor Beiming ordered to search the entire Beiming Kingdom and found no one. The crowd was vast and there was no portrait. He went to search ?
"What are you doing with Princess Beiming?"

The corners of the black-clothed boy's lips curled slightly, "This is not what you should know, just look for it, and forget it if you can't find it."

He didn't need to find a real princess back.

It's okay to find a fake one.

Anyway, even if Bei Mingzhao ascended the throne in his previous life, he couldn't find his sister.

Empress Bei Mingyuan finally died of hatred.

Hearing that he didn't care too much, Su Ran knew that he didn't really want to find someone, but wanted to deliberately embarrass him.

Either way.

It's just looking for someone, anyway, he and Li'er are going to Beiming, so let's help him find it.


(End of this chapter)

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