Chapter 456 Beheading

The number of shadows suddenly increased, smelling the smell of meat, the giant snake's mouth widened, and it kept spitting out snake letters. The tongue "hissed" like lightning, and I was a little excited. I caught the weak ones first, and then I went to fill my stomach.

The huge body of "嗖嗖" passed through the woods, hunting at an extremely fast speed.

He opened his mouth and swallowed two people directly.


Seeing this scene, many people were immediately dumbfounded. They really didn't expect this thing to be so cruel.

Following the Xiqi soldiers and Nanliang soldiers who were hiding in the woods, they became the snacks of the giant snake in a moment of stupidity. There were so many snacks suddenly, which successfully pleased the "Nine Thousand Years".

A few mouthfuls of effort have swallowed many people.

At this time, Prince Xiqi, Prince Beiming, and Regent of Nanliang realized the power of the "nine thousand years old". They had heard that Junguo Lingyu Mountain killed big snakes and ate people alive, and the whole Junguo was helpless.

It used to be ridiculed by other countries that the monarchy is a useless coward. It is so incompetent that such a big country can't even handle animals.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I have to admit that it is indeed a monster. It is already a miracle that it can hide in Lingyu Mountain and not come out.

In their country, this kind of thing has to be offered.

How dare you send people to hunt and kill them? ?

"Ah ah ah..."

Hei Fengya let out a scream.

Xiqi soldiers and Nanliang soldiers were almost wiped out.

The only ones who could escape were those hidden guards with high martial arts skills, and a few people who ran fast.

It can be said that the prince of Beiming had the foresight, he did not bring five hundred cavalry, but only a few hidden guards and twelve knights.

They are all strong in martial arts, running fast, standing on the tree condescendingly watching this scene, their faces are cold, and their eyes are cold and ruthless.

Prince Xiqi and the Regent of Nanliang had livid faces and veins throbbing in their foreheads, wishing to strangle Chu Bei to death.

He knew that they were hiding people nearby, so he used the giant snake to deal with them? ?
What a thief! !

This one is accurate.

The five hundred elite soldiers all became the food of the giant snake.

Before he even started playing, he lost a lot.

The two were very angry and distressed. They were all carefully selected elite soldiers, and they were turned into dinner in the blink of an eye, useless.

What's more, he regretted listening to the words of those stupid princes of the Junguo. What kind of bad ideas did they come up with?

They don't understand the ferocity of "nine thousand years old".

Hearing their ideas like this, rushing in rashly... Now it seems that he is really courting death.


Three people from Chubei landed on a century-old tree, and the three held black iron crossbows, and started to tease "Nine Thousand Years Old" again

The next second, there was another deafening roar.

The giant snake was furious, dropped the "snack" and ran towards them.

The three teenagers ran away after flirting.

He also rushed towards Nanliang Regent and others.

Nanliang Prince Regent and others all turned black, and silently vomited blood in anger. In a rage, they decided not to run away at all, and planned to join forces directly to kill Chu Bei and the others.

But at this moment, a black-armored army suddenly appeared and surrounded the entire Qiantui Lake, and all the intersections in all directions were locked, and they could not escape even with their wings.

Regent Nanliang and the others changed their expressions and looked at Chu Bei and the others, only to find that the three of them had no intention of arresting them at all.

Instead, he commanded an army to hunt down giant snakes.

A series of black iron chains flew out and tightly wrapped around the angry giant snake.

Each piece of black iron was held tightly by a hundred powerful soldiers.

"Nine thousand years old" was furious, twisted his huge body crazily, flicked his tail fiercely, and rows of century-old trees fell down instantly.

The black iron chain was pulled up by people, and they went on a rampage. Many people flew out and hit the trees. The scene was so intense that some people couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Just like the hunting method a few years ago.

They were all tortured to pieces by the giant snake, resulting in countless deaths and injuries.

However, this time is different. These black irons are carefully crafted and are very strong, and the giant snake can no longer break the black iron chains.

Dozens of thick black iron chains wrapped around its body tightly, which seriously hindered its agility and speed. When it opened its mouth to spit out messages, it was only violent and ferocious, but its lethality was greatly reduced.

This made it very angry, roaring crazily, and opened its long fangs, extremely fierce.

And at this moment, another group of [-] elite soldiers in black armor came up and surrounded the giant snake. Each of them had an exquisite black iron bow and crossbow in their hands.

With one order, a hundred arrows were fired at once, extremely sharp, piercing its body like a copper wall.

The giant snake roared in pain, the blood on its body gushed out like running water, and finally fell weakly on the ground...

Seeing this scene, the Regent of Nanliang, Prince Xiqi, and the First Prince of Beiming were all stunned. What shocked them was the elite soldiers of the monarchy and the elite weapons in their hands.

The power of the mecha crossbow is shocking. How did the monarchy train such a team in just a few years?
There are also armor and weapons, all of which are made of refined black iron.

If such a well-equipped army grows to a million lions... the world may change.

The faces of the three were faintly green, especially Prince Xiqi. He knew that the monarchy had secretly trained such an elite army, but he did not expect that the number would grow from 500 to 3000 in just a few days.

If things go on like this, it will be just around the corner to create such a million-strong army. Their monarchy is powerful, so what fear is there for the three kingdoms to join forces? !
And Chu Bei showed this army to them, it seems that he didn't intend to hide his strength, but wanted to announce to the world the strength of the monarchy.


Standing on a century-old tree, Chu Bei looked at them, his eyes froze, and he said coldly, "Cut the snake for courage!"

When the words fell, a sturdy soldier came out, with a swallow jaw and a tiger beard, a leopard head and tiger eyes, his voice was like a bell, and his momentum was like a galloping horse. He held an eight-point snake sword in his hand, which looked like a dragon and a tiger.

Walking in front of the dying giant snake, he stared with tiger eyes, like an executioner, swung his sword, and the snake's head fell to the ground with a "click".

Immediately afterwards, the strong man plunged his knife into the giant snake's body again, and dug out the hot snake gallbladder.

This series of operations is creepy to watch.

Prince Xiqi and the others rubbed their necks secretly, the cold air rushed from the soles of their feet to their backs, as if they instantly understood that the giant snake was their fate.

All three looked at the young man standing on the tree like a god, and couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat.

The secret path is not good, and with a flash in his eyes, he thought of running away.

But when he turned around, he saw rows of armored cavalry encircling the entire forest like an iron wall.

There was an ambush in front, a corpse of a giant snake blocked the way in the back, and five hundred magic arrows, mobile armor and crossbows pointed directly at them.

As long as they dared to resist, with Chu Bei's order, they could all be shot into a hornet's nest.

Thinking of this, the three of them had to look at how ugly they were, knowing that they had fallen into Chu Bei's trick, but in such a scene, the three of them did not panic. A prince, a prince, and a prince are not ordinary people.

Prince Xiqi sat on a big tree.

The Great Prince Beiming and the Regent of Nanliang stood on a branch of a century-old tree and confronted Chu Bei respectively.

The Prince Regent of Nanliang looked calm and said with a sneer, "King Chu, what are you going to do? Do you want to kill us here?"

Prince Xiqi's face was pale, his momentum was a little weaker, and he said, "We are just passing by. If we have any good or bad in Junguo, Xiqi, Beiming, and Nanliang will not give up easily. I advise you to withdraw your troops and let us go. Walk."

The Great Prince Beiming's eyes flickered, and he said calmly, "Wars are raging everywhere, and the people's lives are devastated. I'm afraid the Queen of the Kingdom doesn't want to see it."

(End of this chapter)

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