The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 463 I Have Always Admired You!

Chapter 463 I Have Always Admired You!
Mu Wan picked up the teacup and took a sip, looking at the strange young man, "What's wrong with you?"

Your face is so red, maybe you are sick?
She had no other intentions, just teasing him out of boredom.

But who knows, the boy took it seriously.

"Young Master... In fact, Changfeng has always admired you."

Ok? !

Mu Wan shook her hand and nearly dropped the teacup. She glanced at the red-faced young man. She had black lines all over her hair. She wiped the tea on the tea table indiscriminately, and said with a sneer, "Chang Feng, what are you talking about!"

No kidding! !

Is this kid a broken sleeve? ?
Have been secretly in love with Fuyu for many years, but I don't know?Oops, that floating jade is too much.

Mu Wan licked her lips, sat up, faced the boy face to face, and looked at him carefully. He was only 16 years old, with delicate features, pink and jade-carved, a very beautiful boy, watery, teary, and even more beautiful than a girl. It's cute, but it's a pity that it was misfortune by that kid Fuyu, alas!

The young man Changfeng gritted his teeth, looked up into his eyes, summoned up his courage, and said, "My lord, Changfeng has always liked you, and has always liked you very, very much. Ever since the day you rescued me in the fireworks hall, I have loved you." I swear that I will follow you all my life, yes, I am jealous, I have always been jealous of the empress, I hate the empress very much, she stole your heart, I hate her."


The air became tense for a moment.

Mu Wan supported her forehead silently, tell him this! !

Changfeng looked at "Young Master", seeing that he was in a difficult situation, his eyes flashed with deep pain, and said in a low voice, "Young Master, don't be embarrassed, Chang Feng knows that you have always liked the empress, I just beg you not to drive me away..."

In the last sentence, I couldn't help crying.

He told the secret that had been hidden in his heart for many years, just to let him know his heart, but he never expected that he would respond to his feelings...

As long as he can stay by his side, he is content and has nothing else to ask for.

Mu Wan's eyes flickered slightly, and she felt her conscience and said, "Well, don't worry, I won't drive you away."

If it was Fuyu, he should have said the same! !
The boy immediately said happily, "Thank you, young master."

Mu Wan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she had a conscience, she didn't intend to take advantage of the young man's pure heart, she just couldn't bear to let him down, I hope Fuyu knows, don't blame her for being troublesome.

She said a little depressed, "Well, well, I'm going out later, you help me cover."

Changfeng nodded obediently and said, "Okay..."

"You don't ask me where I'm going?"

"Young master doesn't say anything, Changfeng won't ask more questions."

Mu Wan was silently moved, what a good boy, such a good boy, is really cheap.

"However, son, do you still want to help the regent? He let you compete for favor, but forbade you to touch the empress, but you..."

Changfeng was a little worried, although Fuyu would never tell him these things, it didn't mean he didn't know anything.

The regent has always coveted the empress and is ambitious to annex the territory of the monarchy and occupy the empress.

While letting Fuyu and Nansheng compete for favor to gain the trust of the empress, and to provoke the relationship between the emperor and empress, another death order was issued, that is, they are not allowed to really sleep with each other.

But now, Fuyu's fake show is real.

The Prince Regent of Nanliang is now being held in a car prison, so everyone must have heard about it.

Looking back and waiting for him to come out, I am afraid that he will be accused of guilt.

Mu Wan's eyes narrowed slightly, "Don't worry, I have my own way to deal with it, at worst I won't do anything for him anymore."

Chang Feng shook his head, "My lord, you have been poisoned by chamaejasma, if there is no antidote, it will attack every full moon night, it is the ninth rank poison pill of Yipin Pavilion in Nanliang, only the Regent has the antidote, Have you forgotten these?"

Mu Wan frowned. She didn't expect Zhao Shisan to be so vicious. Could it be that both Fuyu and Nan Sheng were poisoned, so they were forced to obey him? !
Changfeng didn't pay attention to his expression, and continued, "Young master, why don't you take refuge with the empress! As long as the empress orders the medicine king, Gu Fusi will detoxify you."

He always knew that Fuyu had long wanted to get rid of Nanliang's regent's control.

Apart from the empress, no one can save them now.

Although he doesn't like the empress, if she can save the young master, he is willing to repay her by being a cow or a horse in the next life.

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and chuckled, "Well, I should think about it."

If this is the case, Fuyu can be brought under his command.

In this way, she will not be available to anyone except Chu Bei.

Nansheng and Fuyu Nanliang were born in the Secret Detective Pavilion, with outstanding abilities, they are good talents.

Chang Feng raised his eyes slightly in a daze, "Young Master, you still want to save the Nanliang Regent?"

Since you plan to join the Empress, you shouldn't go out to take risks.

Although she fell out of favor soon after being favored, she is a concubine who has served the bed, and when she returns to Beijing, according to the rules, she will be rewarded with a seal.

Now that Concubine Su Gui has eloped, that position is just right for her to fight for.

As long as he has a stable position in the harem and is favored by the Empress, and finds a way to have a prince with the Empress, then they will no longer have to be afraid of the Nanliang Regent.

Mu Wan didn't know that Changfeng had already helped Fuyu think about the future.

"It's still not too obvious. I have to explain it to Nanliang Regent, otherwise what if he doesn't give me the antidote next month?"

Seems to make sense Oh!

The simple Changfeng boy thought for a while, blushed and said, "Young master is smart and thoughtful, Changfeng will only worry blindly."

Mu Wan's phoenix eyes sparkled, and she said softly, "No, you are also very smart, Changfeng is great!"

Changfeng opened his eyes wide, and couldn't help being excited, Peng Bai said sweetly, "Thank you, my lord..."

The young master praised him today... that's great!
"Floating jade" is tantalizing.

Leaning on the soft bed, she thought that she had gained a lot of news by accident this time, which was pretty good. Next, she had to prepare to leave the main force.


Taking advantage of the rest of the army, Mu Wan slipped out quietly.

With Changfeng as cover, it went smoother than expected.

I didn't expect this young man to have such abilities, his EQ is very high, his eloquence is very good, and he is very familiar with many guards and palace people.

Mu Wan slipped out of the crowd and hid in the woods, where the Blood Shadow Guard was already waiting.

Unavoidably arousing the suspicion of Chu Bei, Fei Lian stayed beside the "Empress" and monitored him by the way.

At this moment, she is "Floating Jade", wearing a white brocade dress, a black cloak, and a gauze hat, grabbing the hemp rope, and handsomely turning on the horse, she raised her eyes and said coldly, "Let's go!" !"

Eight elite Blood Shadow Guards, a team of nine, quietly took a small path and rushed to Qinglong Mountain.


A group of people rode through the woods. At this time, several figures landed on the century-old trees and watched them condescendingly.

The leading man looked cold and arrogant, his eyes flickered, "Who are these people? Where are they going?"

"These people should be the imperial guards of the Queen of the Kingdom, and the place to go is Qinglong Mountain."

The man's eyes flashed faintly, and the corners of his lips curled slightly, "I heard that old man from the Ning family is hiding in Qinglongzhai?"

The secret guard nodded, "According to the spies' report, the remaining Ning family members who are still alive are indeed hiding in Qinglongzhai."

The man stared coldly at the young man in charge, and unconsciously curled his lips, "Send someone to follow him to have a look. If he is not dead, please invite the old man here."

After so many years, it's time to settle the account with the Ning family.

As soon as the words fell, two men in black immediately followed secretly.

Several other people followed the man and left quickly. They had to rush to the capital to save Prince Xiqi.

(End of this chapter)

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