The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 472 Pleading guilty, seeking fulfillment

Chapter 472 Pleading guilty, seeking fulfillment
Pei Han, the fifth son of Xiqi Pei, and Li Jinze, the heir son of Prince Jin of Xiqi, were also hung on the wall of the water prison, facing Prince Xiqi face to face, staring wide-eyed.

Prince Jin's son said sadly, "Brother Prince, stop talking, Empress Junguo is very cunning, Xiao Wu and I accidentally got her way."

They told of their experience of being arrested.

Prince Xiqi laughed unkindly, "Haha... Really not, when you go back, you just wait to be thrown into the snake's den by Mo Li!"

Li Shizi looked at him with black lines all over his head, and said with bared teeth and claws, "Huh, don't forget, you were also arrested, and the national teacher will not let you go. Anyway, this son is not afraid of snakes. Brother Prince, you are most afraid of snakes. When you are chased by the black general, I will not save you!!"

Pei Wu said with a serious expression, "That's right."

The two of them stared at him viciously, they had never seen such an inhuman, unyielding brother like him.

Wasn't it because of him that they got caught?

Tell him to go back to Xiqi obediently, but he doesn't listen, and wants to provoke the war god of the monarchy.

That empress of Chu, is he able to imagine it? ?
Toad wants to eat! !
shameless! !

The fox didn't eat it and caused a commotion, and when it was over, it cost them thousands of miles to save people.

If it weren't for him, they wouldn't have come to Junguo, and they wouldn't have been sent to arrest the Ning family, but they met the Empress of Junguo, were arrested, and are still hanging on the wall.

Prince Xiqi: "..."

Before they came, he hadn't been caught yet.

Why is it said that he came to the kingdom to save him?

Would that old monster Mo Li be so kind as to save him?

Prince Xiqi sneered in his heart, and just about to fight back, he was poked by two cold eyes.

The Great Prince of Beiming and the Regent of Nanliang looked up at the three monkeys coldly, and said in unison, "Shut up!"

But what responded to them was:



A more arrogant and contemptuous "hmph~"

The First Prince of Beiming and the Regent of Nanliang both had dark eyes, and bruised veins on their foreheads. If they hadn't been chained hands and feet, their necks would have been broken.


Suddenly there are two more live treasures in the water prison, which is very noisy.


At this time, Xuanwu Hall.

After Mu Wan came down to court, she went directly to the dining hall.

Chu Bei, Situ Mo, and Xiao Ci were all there.

They have all heard about her treatment of the Su family.

Although I think she is a bit cruel, but there is no way.

The Su family committed a crime, and logically should have been executed long ago.

But she only put the Su family under house arrest, and forced Su Li and Su Ran to return to Beijing to receive punishment.

As the emperor, she has a reason to do so. If the Su family is not punished, she will lose the majesty of the emperor and will not be able to convince the public in the future.

Seeing the three of them kneeling and not getting up, Mu Wan frowned slightly, and said a little annoyed, "Why, do you still want to intercede for the Su family?"

The three said in unison, "I dare not."

Mu Wan sat down at the dining table, took a bite of the bread, raised her eyebrows and said, "Then what are you doing kneeling?"

It's impossible for them to be so ignorant, if it's not to plead for the Su family, then they have something else to ask.

While Mu Wan was eating the bread, the three of them hadn't figured out what to say. It should be said that they didn't know how to speak, and looked up at her even a little dazed.

Situ Mo and Xiao Ci looked at Chu Bei silently, didn't they make it clear to her?

Chu Bei shook his head secretly, probably forgot about this woman.

Situ Mo and Xiao Ci: "..."

After Mu Wan finished eating a piece of bread, Situ Mo plucked up his courage, kowtowed and said, "Your majesty... I and Princess Xuan are in love with each other, I hope the emperor will make it happen."

Xiao Ci followed, "The minister and Princess Xin are in love with each other, and I hope the emperor will make it happen."


After saying that, Mu Wan paused, looked at Situ Mo and Xiao Ci, and then remembered what Chu Bei said that day.

It was because the two of them had long wanted to belong to each other, so they didn't want to enter the palace to be concubines, nor did they want to serve in bed.

Because she was worried that the matter would be exposed, she was always on guard against her and concealed the matter, often like a frightened bird, not daring to look at her sweetheart more, let alone communicate too much.

He even chose a love affair for them personally, to avoid the fate of marrying another woman, and after the event is peaceful, they can feign death, escape from the capital, stay away from right and wrong places, and join hands in the rivers and lakes with their loved ones, regardless of world affairs, and live a happy life. The life of a fairy couple.

The empress didn't speak for a long time, Situ Mo and Xiao Ci felt a little uneasy, they would never have dared to say such things in front of her in the past.

Before she lost her memory, she knew that Chu Bei and Zhou Ruolan had a marriage contract, she thought about giving Zhou Ruolan a random marriage to someone else, and even had the idea of ​​killing her.

For the safety of Chu Xin and Xiao Xuan'er.

In order to prevent the four major families from breaking with the empress.

They chose to bury their feelings in their hearts.

If it wasn't for Su Ran and Su Li's sudden elopement, which became the fuse and aroused the anger of the empress, they would have kept this matter hidden to the end.

Mu Wan looked at them and raised her lips, "Get up, I know, I don't blame you."


Situ Mo and Xiao Ci didn't dare to be happy because they knew she would not forgive them so easily.

Still kneeling and not getting up.

Mu Wan narrowed her eyes slightly, picked up the fresh goat milk on the table and sipped it lightly, said, "I always reward and punish you according to merit, but if you punish you now, it will inevitably make people suspicious, so I decided to take it back." The first emperor granted him a gold medal to avoid death, as a punishment, are you willing?"

Situ Mo and Xiao Ci looked at each other, and without hesitation took out the gold medal for avoiding death, "I am willing."

Mu Wan lowered her eyes, staring at the death-prevention gold medal, and promised, "If you can make great contributions in the future and help me sincerely, I will give you the iron certificate of the pill, and you will be honored for the rest of your life."

It is no longer a gold medal for avoiding death, but an iron certificate of Danshu with unlimited grace.

The gold medal for avoiding death is only useful for "avoiding death".

The Danshu Iron Coupon is the emperor's promise, which can meet more requirements and wishes.

The implication is that what she wants is for the four major families to show the highest loyalty and sincerely submit to her, rather than looking at the face of the late emperor.

She knew that the reason why the four major families supported her was to sell the late emperor for favor.

She wants to use her own ability to control the four major families and the world.

The girl's eyes were cold and her expression was cold and serious, giving people an indescribable sense of oppression.

The eyes of the three teenagers froze, and they said in a tone of reverence, "I swear to be loyal to the emperor to the death and never betray."

"Well, since that's the case, get up and have dinner with me first."

"There is still a long way to go, and I still need Aifei to continue to endure the humiliation, acting on every occasion, and wronging Aifei, but don't worry, I will work hard to become stronger, and then I can set you free. As for Xin'er and Xuan'er If there is any misunderstanding, I will explain it to you."

Mu Wan got up and helped them up one by one, patted the three of them on the shoulders, and said slightly with red lips.

Three people: "..."

In any case, the matter was resolved satisfactorily, San An breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down to have dinner with her.

They are all smart people, knowing what the empress meant by doing this, they want to tell them to do their duty in their positions, and now that they are empresses and concubines, they should fulfill their duties as concubines.

She allows them to have someone in their hearts, and she will fulfill them.

However, as long as they are the concubines of the Empress, they cannot "betray" her, embarrass her, or cause trouble for her.

Now the envoys of the Three Kingdoms are gathering in the monarchy with impure purposes, and if they are not careful, they will start a war. She needs to put up all her energy to deal with it, especially Xiqi Guoshi.

At this time, she didn't want trivial and annoying things to come out to bother her.

They all understood and understood what Mu Wan meant.

It's for their own good too.

If the matter is exposed and someone else catches them, it will only be detrimental to the four major families, it will be detrimental to them, and it will harm Xiao Xuan'er and Chu Xin.

After all, this era is more harsh on women, a little deviant, first of all it is the woman's fault.

If the matter becomes serious, the Empress may be forced to execute them by the civil and military forces of the court and people with bad intentions, which will only make people more painful.


(End of this chapter)

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