Chapter 503 Stupid!

If Mo Li knew that Wanwan had a birthmark, he would definitely make a comeback.

He was also afraid that Mu Wan would fall into Mo Li's hands.

You have to find a way to get rid of him first.

After thinking for a while, Chu Bei looked coldly and said, "He is looking for a woman with a phoenix flower birthmark, so we will give him one."

Hearing the sound, the teenagers paused and immediately understood what he meant.

"Then you must choose the age match, and it must be the Ning family."

Chu Beidao, "Isn't there another Ning Xintong in the Ning family who hasn't been exposed?"

Everyone thought that there was only one orphan girl left in the Ning family, Ning Xinyao, but they didn't know that the Ning family was hiding in Qinglongzhai.

Even Mo Li didn't know about Ning Xintong's existence.

They could have taken her place personally.

As soon as Chu Bei said it, the brains of the teenagers became active.

Fu Sidao, "Our Medicine King Valley has a Yirong Pill that can make a person completely disguised as the other person."

For Ning Xinyao's safety, he didn't care too much about getting rid of Mo Li, the big devil, so he went all out to take out which pill.

"The candidate is chosen from among the death row prisoners."


After a quick discussion and a decision, they acted immediately.

Situ Mo glanced at the fainted Prince Xiqi and the others, then looked at Chu Beidao, "Then how should we deal with these people?"

Chu Bei said coldly, "Immediately escort them back to Xiqi."

He will never allow these people to stay in the kingdom to be annoying.

When the words fell, someone escorted them into the carriage
Prince Xiqi's injury has stabilized and there is no danger of his life. Just in case, an imperial physician is also accompanying him.

In this way, they were thrown into the carriage overnight and sent out of the capital.

When they woke up, they were far away from the capital, and the people who escorted them were all from the King of Chu.

No matter how they yelled, they ignored them, and when the dark guard became irritable, he just sprinkled a pack of ecstasy incense, his eyes went dark, and he felt dawn again.

In this way, before the envoys of Xiqi returned to the capital of Xiqi, they were well "escorted" back to the Prince's Mansion.

When the people were sent back, a group of dark guards in black rode their horses and whipped them away quickly.


The next day, Mu Wan got up on time and went to bed.

Hearing that Prince Xiqi and others had left, the Golden Luan Hall was surprised.

Mu Wan also couldn't figure it out, why did she leave suddenly?

It's not like hiding nearby again.

But Prince Li was imprisoned in prison, he was injured, where could he hide?

And that Mo Li, although he left obediently, Mu Wan didn't believe that he would be so obedient.

He must be hiding near the capital, waiting for an opportunity to act.

None of them are fuel-efficient lamps, especially those from Xiqi.

Mu Wan was very preoccupied.

At this time, Prince Li's party suddenly played, asking for the pardon of Prince Li.

"Your majesty, Prince Xiqi and others left in such a hurry, they must have acted with a guilty conscience. I think all this is Xiqi's conspiracy. I hope the emperor will investigate clearly."

Someone from Qi Wang's party raised a rhetorical question, "If Prince Li was really plotted, why did he admit to assassinating Prince Xiqi in front of Xiqi's envoys?"


The faces of Zheng Guogong and others were faintly green. Prince Qi wanted to add insult to injury and took this opportunity to get rid of Prince Li.

And the empress would just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

Zheng Guogong and others couldn't produce strong evidence, and they couldn't find a better reason. The bad thing was that Prince Li admitted it himself, and there was no room for redemption.

If he bites him to death and refuses to admit it, with their three-inch tongues, they can still say black and white, and the empress can't do anything about it.

Zheng Guogong and others were secretly annoyed.

Mu Wan looked at these people coldly, and said, "We will discuss this matter in the long run, and wait for Xiqi's reply."


Zheng Guogong and the others paused for a moment, and cried out anxiously, begging the Empress to change her mind.

But the empress ignored it and walked away.

Prince Qi and the others looked at it with a sneer and gloated.

Zheng Guogong glanced, his eyes flashed coldly, and said in a deep voice, "Please don't be too happy, Prince Li. It will be your turn to end up with Prince Li soon."

Did he think the Empress only wanted to get rid of Prince Li?
Don't forget that he, like Prince Li, has ulterior motives and covets the throne. How can the empress tolerate such a person?
And here he is complacent.

I don't know how to die by then.

What a fool!

Hearing this, Prince Qi's face changed slightly. Looking at Zheng Guogong's leaving figure, his eyes flickered sullenly, and he sneered in his heart. He is not an idiot like Lao Qi, so don't compare him with an idiot.


After returning to Xuanwu Hall, Mu Wan went to the Imperial Study Room to review the papers after having breakfast.

On this day, Chu Bei still did not return to the palace, several people ran outside the palace every day, not knowing what they were busy with.

The person sent to follow up was discovered by Chu Bei and sent back.

Fei Lian stood in front of the imperial study and said nervously, "Your Majesty, do you want to let the Blood Shadow Guard go?"

Ordinary dark guards naturally couldn't successfully track the queen and the others.

Mu Wan lowered her eyes, holding the memorial in her hand, her expression was indifferent, but her heart was irritable, and she said angrily, "No need."

She is too accommodating to him, do you think she will coax him as always!

Simply vexatious.

ignore her...

Well, she ignored it, let's see who can persist to have the last laugh.

Fei Lian secretly wiped off his cold sweat, and said, "The subordinate will leave!"

These people who are dazzled by love are scary, he doesn't care.


At this time, Qinglong Mountain.

Several mysteriously dressed men in black cloaks swiftly flew across a maple forest and landed on several hundred-year-old trees.

The leading man raised his eyes and looked at the mountain in front of him, and said with a chuckle, "This place is not bad, but the old man will choose the place."

The hidden guard beside him said respectfully, "Master, this subordinate is leading people to arrest them. You can stay here and rest for a while."

The man's face changed, "Ahem..."

"No, I have to do it myself."

The man's eyes were icy cold, and he clutched his chest, feeling a little uncomfortable. Now is his weak period, and it is unavoidable that there will be extra problems. He must find the Ning family's woman with the blood of the phoenix as soon as possible.


"This seat is fine."

Mo Li clutched his chest and suddenly felt very painful. He slowly closed his eyes, as if he had entered a dream. He dreamed that when he first came to this world, he was like an ignorant young man who didn't understand anything. He somehow became the son of the Mo family. Remember, that day...he became a weak human being, lost all his mana, and was accompanied by two big snakes, with frost-dyed white hair, and a strange childlike face. He was constantly being chased, beaten, and killed by human beings. The majestic demon king of the demon world was like a lost dog. When he was in the most pain and helplessness, he met a girl...


An urgent call woke him from his sleep.

Mo Li opened his eyes, his complexion was as pale as frost, and he asked with a dark look in his eyes, "Is this seat asleep?"

The dark guard tensed up and hurriedly said, "Yes..."

In fact, he passed out.

But the dark guard dared not speak.

The national teacher is weak, and his temper is even more irritable.

The guard at the side handed him a pill, Mo Li took it and he felt better, "Let's go."

Then the group quickly entered the woods and went straight to Qinglongzhai.


On the Qinglongzhai training ground, the two young masters of the Ning family were practicing marksmanship.

At this time, more than a dozen men in black fell from the sky and landed on the training ground of Nuo Da.

"Who dares to trespass on Qinglong Village!!"

Ning Jue and Ning Yue were startled for a moment, holding their spears in vigilance.

(End of this chapter)

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