505 Drunk

The palace, the imperial study.

Mu Wan was writing furiously.

Only when you are busy, you don't think about it, and suddenly you frown, which makes people feel ominous.

Xiao Lizi watched her pause, in a trance, and his face was not very good, presumably because he hadn't rested well, so he said, "Your Majesty, you can rest for a while and look again."

Mu Wan raised her eyes and felt that her hands were sore. She ignored him and said subconsciously, "Queen, my hands hurt, please give me a massage..."

Saying that her arm was outstretched, but it fell short.

Xiao Lizi reminded anxiously, "Your Majesty, the empress is not here."


Mu Wan turned her head and glanced, um, sure enough, she wasn't there, and the seat next to her was empty, a little silent.

The air became very quiet for a while.

Seeing that the empress's face turned black and white, and Xiao Lizi kept wiping away her sweat, the empress had not been back to the palace for several days, and even if she came back, she had never been to the imperial study and the empress seemed to be strangers.

"Go back."

After a long time, the empress ordered lightly.


Xiao Lizi didn't dare to talk too much, so he hurriedly bowed and retreated.

After Xiao Lizi left, Mu Wan leaned on the rocking chair and closed her eyes to rest, feeling extremely annoyed. It's only been a few days, why did she start to miss him!
"I've already been poisoned by foxes, and I'm probably hopeless. It won't work if I keep going on like this."


It was night, and Mu Wan didn't go to the imperial study to work overtime. She was alone in the bedroom, dismissed all the palace people, and drank alone. She didn't want people to see her lonely appearance. Nuo Da's palace seemed a little deserted.

Mu Wan squeezed the wine glass, unable to read a page of the short story book in her hand, probably due to the effect of alcohol, the shadow of Chu Bei was dangling everywhere in front of her eyes.

"What a hateful man."


At this time, Concubine Sheng came to Xuanwu Hall with her qin to ask for an interview, because Nanxiang had been in Junguo for a few days, but there was still no whereabouts of the Ninth Princess of Nanliang, so she asked him to come to the Empress to ask about the situation. Send someone to find it.

I thought the empress would not see him.

But unexpectedly, the empress saw him.

Eunuch Li hurried out and said, "Concubine Sheng, the emperor let you in."

The young man's eyes shone like the sea of ​​stars, and his lips curled up slightly, "Thank you, Eunuch Li."

As he spoke, he raised his eyes and looked at the three resplendent characters of "Xuanwu Palace".

This is his second time here.

This time, he will not miss the opportunity...

Xiao Lizi was a little worried, looked at the boy, and immediately went to Fei Lian, telling him to go to the barracks.


The earth dragon is used in the hall, and it is very warm as soon as you come in. The hall is bright, resplendent and resplendent, and the flowers are like brocade, as if the flowers are blooming in spring.

The young man walked to the bedroom step by step.

Looking up, I saw the empress in a thin white dress, leaning lazily on the imperial concubine's couch, her eyes and lips were full of charm and domineering, making people reluctant to take their eyes off.

She was shaking the glass cup in her hand, and the bright red liquid was swaying gently in the cup. When she heard the sound of footsteps, she raised her eyes, her red lips were slightly raised, and her black jade-like eyes were as bright as the morning sun. She seemed to have drunk a little. Drunk, with bright red cheeks, holding a wine glass, beckoning to him, saying, "Aifei... Come and sit down, drink with me."

As she spoke, she got up and walked towards the boy.

Seeing her walking unsteadily and standing unsteadily, Nan Sheng hurriedly put down the guzheng and came over to support her, "Your majesty...you are drunk, you can't drink any more."

The young man glanced at the glazed wine jug on the table, she drank it all from such a big jar, she has never been able to drink well, so it is strange that she is not drunk.

Why get drunk alone, because the queen?
The boy's eyes were cold, and there was an indescribable hatred in his heart.

Mu Wan shook her head, suddenly felt heavy and dizzy, and dizzy, she had been lying on the imperial concubine's couch drinking, but she didn't feel anything, when she stood up, she felt dizzy after walking two steps!
"Hmm... I seem to be drunk, I feel dizzy."


The wine glass slid down and shattered on the ground, the bright red liquid stained the carpet red.

The boy supported her in time so that she didn't fall down.

Nan Sheng looked down at her, her breath was filled with the smell of wine, mixed with a faint scent of roses.

With nephrite jade in his arms, his heart was beating so hard that he couldn't keep calm at this moment.

His eyes flickered slightly, he stretched out his hand to hug her horizontally, and walked towards the bedroom, "I help the emperor to go to rest..."


The woman in her arms was a little unconscious, and she could only see a figure in front of her eyes, nodding in a daze.


When he arrived at the sleeping hall, he went directly to the dragon couch and put him down gently.

Glancing at the drunken girl, her flushed cheeks were like delicate flowers, her long eyelashes trembled slightly like fluttering butterfly feathers, her lips were slightly parted, and her blurred eyes exuded soft light as she looked at her. He, "Chu Bei..."

Looking at the handsome young man, the empress raised her hand and yanked him.

The young man threw himself into his arms unpreparedly, and pressed his lips tightly. As soon as he touched the soft lips... At this moment, he was stunned for a moment, his pupils dilated, his breathing became heavy, and he could no longer bear it... Hugged tightly, and became active. Response...

At this moment, two palace maids suddenly broke in.

Seeing this scene, his face turned pale, and he immediately stepped forward and dragged the person off the empress without hesitation.

The boy's eyes were darkened, and there was a murderous look in his eyes, and he said angrily, "Presumptuous!"

Dare to ruin his good deeds, I really wish I could strangle them to death.

Qingge Qingxue's back tightened, and she hurriedly knelt down and said, "Concubine Sheng, please calm down. The emperor is drunk, and the servant has boiled sober soup. The emperor is unconscious and needs to rest. I also ask the concubine Sheng to leave first. Both slaves and maidservants Just serve."

The young man looked at them coldly with dark eyes, "Give me the hangover soup, you stand down."

This momentum, this murderous aura, is shocking.

Qingge and Qingxue got up, but did not leave. The prince asked them to protect the empress, and gave a death order, not allowing any concubine to touch a hair of the empress. If she left, the empress would be drunk and unconscious. Staying to serve...then they are not enough to apologize with death.

Now the prince is not in the palace, not even in the capital...

Nan Sheng narrowed his eyes, "What's the matter? Can't understand what I'm saying? Or do you mean you're going to commit the crime?"

He knew that these two people were not ordinary court ladies.

It was Chu Bei's secret guard who stayed by the empress's side.

Heh... He is watching closely.

People are not in the capital, but people are still watching.

Qingge Qingxue didn't know what to do, she only knew that she couldn't leave even if she died.

Seeing that the two refused to leave, Nan Sheng's face was gloomy, his eyes flickered darkly, and a flickering zither string suddenly appeared in his palm, "You think I dare not do anything?"

The two court ladies sensed the murderous intent, and couldn't help but feel vigilant. They looked at the boy in surprise, not thinking that he knew martial arts and was also a professional killer.

"If you don't leave, then don't blame me for being rude."

As soon as he said that, he planned to do it.

And at this moment, Eunuch Li ran in with cold sweat all over his head, "Concubine Sheng, please calm down..."

Xiao Lizi waited outside for a long time, but when he saw no movement, he knew that Qing Ge and the others were not sure what to do with Concubine Sheng, so he rushed in in panic.

Seeing the murderous look in the young man's eyes, Xiao Lizi was terrified, quickly kept calm, turned his black eyes around, and said with a smile, "Concubine Sheng, please calm down, the emperor is drunk now, and he didn't say that he would summon the empress to sleep with him. I don't know what the emperor is thinking, why not let our family serve the emperor to drink sober soup first, and when the emperor is sober, if the emperor asks the empress to stay and serve, the slaves and others will never dare not disturb."

If the Empress really wanted to pamper Concubine Sheng, even if she gave him ten heads, he wouldn't dare to come in and disturb her.

(End of this chapter)

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